How bad guys are made

Chapter 946 How do you feel?

Chapter 946 How do you feel?
Watching Wendong leave with Li Ningyan in his arms, Lina's beautiful expression slowly returned to indifference and seriousness, she got up, wiped her body, found a dress and put it on, and walked out.

All the way to a luxuriously decorated suite on the top floor, Lina put the crystal box on the coffee table.Turning her head, she saw a cloud of black mist in front of her eyes, and in the blink of an eye, a hunchbacked man appeared. This man was wearing a black cloak, his body was filled with a layer of black air, and his face and age could not be seen clearly.

But he bowed to Lina and said, "Miss." The man's tone was extremely old-fashioned, and he knew he must be quite old just by his voice.

"Well, Elder Yi doesn't need to be polite, have you seen anything?" Lina said in a serious tone.

"Wendong is not from our Ziwei Star." Yi Lao said hoarsely, with a very firm tone.

Hearing this, Lina nodded slightly. Although she had expected it, her eyes showed a hint of disappointment when she heard Yi Lao's affirmation. She had tried it just now, saying that she was from Ziwei Xing, but Wen Dong's expression was confused and he had nothing to say. known.

"However, there is a very familiar fluctuation in his body." Elder Yi said in a deep voice.

"Huh? Are you saying that he may be the spokesperson of our Yuanzu? Or that there is a possibility that a Yuanzu is hidden on him?" Lina said in surprise.

"No. This fluctuation is like the fluctuation of those masters of the Tanlang Star Department, but Wen Dong himself is a little strange, he has not yet stepped into the extraordinary warrior..." Yi Lao's tone was full of doubts, and he said: " Maybe it's just what Miss said."

"But if Yuanzu is on him, why didn't Yuanzu come out when I said Ziweixing just now? We have been looking for Yuanzu and want to get in touch with them..." Lina's tone was full of doubts.

"I don't know either, let's observe again..." Elder Yi gave a bitter smile, and then sighed: "It's really hard for Miss."

Yi Lao's meaning is obvious, he is talking about Lina's devotion to Wendong's temptation.

Elder Yi hesitated for a while and persuaded worriedly: "Also, the fact that you bailed out Li Ningyan has already attracted Zero's attention, and you must never do this again in the future, it's too dangerous."

Zero is Dr. Z.

"It's okay, I will pay attention, everything is for Ziwei Xing!" Lina shook her head with a serious expression...


Li Ningyan lay quietly on the car with a peaceful look on her face. Although Lina said it was okay now, Wendong was not in a hurry to wake her up.

After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Yifeng.

"Hello, Brother Wendong?" The phone was connected quickly, and Zhang Yifeng's doubtful voice rang out. He only heard that Brother Wendong answered the phone call and left in a hurry this afternoon, but he also found that Brother Wendong seemed a little unusual. I was a little out of my mind and didn't know what happened.

"Well, tidy up the side sleeper in my house." Wen Dong said.

"Huh? Are there any guests?" Zhang Yifeng asked curiously.

"En." Wen Dong nodded, turned to look at Li Ningyan who was beside him, with a loving and relaxed expression, and said with a light smile, "I brought your instructor back."

"Teacher... Instructor? Miss is back?" Zhang Yifeng was taken aback for a moment, and then exclaimed.

"Well, she is in a coma, everything is fine." Wen Dong replied with a smile.

"Okay, I'll arrange someone right now, no, I'll go there in person." Zhang Yifeng said excitedly, his tone full of excitement.

Zhang Yifeng has a calm personality. Except for the last time he learned that Zhang Xiuxiu was still alive, this was the second time Wendong saw him so excited. He couldn't help but smiled and said, "Then go quickly. Besides, don't make any noise."

"I know, okay, okay, I'm going..." Zhang Yifeng said "yes" three times in a row, and hung up the phone hastily.


Wendong drove into the back door of Qingcheng Nightclub, and took the elevator through a special passage to the top floor.

Although it was already evening, Su Yuemeng was busy with Qingcheng Group's affairs and hadn't come back yet. According to Yifeng, this little girl usually came back after nine o'clock these days with a tired body.

"Instructor, what's wrong with her?" Zhang Yifeng looked at the comatose instructor when Brother Wendong put Li Ningyan on the bed and walked out, with a worried expression on his face.

Protecting the young lady is the only last wish of the godfather, and Qingcheng was built for the young lady, how could he not be excited.

"It's okay, she's just in a coma, and she'll wake up in a while." Wen Dong gently closed the door, waved his hand with a smile, didn't say much, thought for a while and said: "I'll discuss it with Ning Yan later, Meet everyone."

"Well, I'll go get ready now." Hearing Brother Wendong say that the lady is fine, Zhang Yifeng immediately felt relieved and didn't ask any further questions, and left after saying hello, leaving time for Brother Wendong and the instructor.

"Well, go get busy." Wen Dong smiled, and his expression was indescribably relaxed.

Waiting for Zhang Yifeng to leave, Wen Dong turned and opened the door, but unexpectedly, a black shadow flashed in front of him, a cold light flashed in the corner of his eyes, and a strong sense of crisis suddenly hit his heart.

Wen Dong didn't even think about it, he reached out and grabbed the opponent's wrist like a conditioned reflex, and then staggered the opponent's figure with force.The next move came out incidentally, and he slammed his fist at the opponent's door. The fierce wind of the fist blew a strand of black hair, and a pretty face full of water and a lot of killing intent came into view, and Wen Dong stopped it immediately. Fisting, surprised and said: "Ningyan, you, you woke up!?"

"Huh?" Hearing the familiar voice, Li Ningyan was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head in surprise, and the familiar face that she remembered countless times in her sleep appeared in front of her eyes, which only made her delicate body tremble, and she was stupid on the spot.

"What's the matter? You don't know me anymore?" Wen Dong glanced sideways at the fruit knife that was only a few centimeters away from his neck, and felt the hairs all over his body stand on end. He said angrily after being excited: "Stinky bitch, you You want to murder your husband!"

"Dangling..." The fruit knife slid down, Li Ningyan fixed her eyes on his face, as if she hadn't spoken for a long time, she said in a hoarse voice: "Wendong?"

"Stupid woman, you scared Laozi to death." Wen Dong smiled and hugged her into his arms.

Li Ningyan's whole body was still stiff, as if she hadn't recovered yet, but when she embraced her familiar embrace and breathed the familiar breath between her nostrils, she was finally sure that he was her Wendong.

"This...what the hell is going on here?" Li Ningyan murmured, still a little in disbelief in this reality, and from this, it can be known that she has been in a coma for an unknown amount of time.

"You Lina sent you back." Wen Dong stroked her soft long hair with one hand, and smiled lightly, hugging the silly woman in his arms, he was so relaxed.

"Her?" Li Ningyan was taken aback, her eyes were puzzled, as if she still couldn't figure out the twists and turns.

"I returned the crystal box to her." Wen Dong explained, and said in a caring tone: "Let's not talk about this for now, what do you think?" While talking, he let go of the woman in his arms and supported her with both hands shoulders, eyes fell on her alluring face.

"Fortunately, it's just that my head hurts a little, and I don't have much strength in my whole body." Li Ningyan said with a slight frown.

"Yeah." Wen Dong nodded, thinking that this was the aftereffect of that kind of medicine, he didn't think much about it, and even if there was any ailment, it could be cured completely with his own medical skills, and he leaned over and put the half in his arms The woman raised her arms, walked to the bed and put her down: "Drink water?"

"Well, I'm a little thirsty." Perhaps because she had been in a coma for too long, Li Ningyan stretched out her soft tongue and licked the corner of her lips, then nodded her head.

"Well, wait here, I'll pour you some water." Wen Dong nodded, turned around and walked out, went to the door and leaned over to pick up the fruit knife, feeling a little angry in his heart, this room has never been occupied by anyone But, then you can still have a fruit knife.

Thinking of the scene just now, he was still a little scared. If it wasn't for his sharp eyesight and quick hands, Li Ningyan probably killed him by mistake, and Nat Niang's death would be wronged.

However, how did Wendong know that this room was actually occupied by someone, that is, the day he was drunk, Zhang Xiuxiu secretly lived here once to wait for him for the night...

"Why did you get up?" Wen Dong poured a glass of warm water and came back, only to find that Li Ningyan was standing by the bed, frowning slightly, as if recalling the memory fragments of his last coma.

"I'm not that weak." Li Ningyan shook her head and said, then reached out to touch her flat belly and said, "I'm a little hungry."

"Mix the water first, and don't rush to eat." Wen Dong shook his head and said.According to Lina, Li Ningyan has kept his breath weak. Breath is dispensable. It should be a kind of medicine that makes people enter a state of suspended animation after taking it.And in this way, the cells in her body are also in a state of dormancy. It is best not to eat at this time. You should drink some water to activate the nourishing cells, so that the machines in her body can slowly start to adapt. Eat again.

"I've taken this pill too." Wen Dong swung one hand, and a snow-white pill appeared in his palm.The elixir is called Ningshen Pill, which is undoubtedly very tasteless to them, but it is just right for Li Ningyan now, it can calm the mind and relieve the headache.

"En." Li Ningyan nodded, stretched out her hand to pinch the pill and opened her mouth to eat it.

"Take a break first, and eat later." Wen Dong said while supporting her.

"Wendong, I'm really not as weak as you see." Seeing Wendong's careful look, Li Ningyan said again helplessly, a little ironic, did he treat himself like a child.

"Take a rest if I tell you to rest." Wen Dong said with a bluff.

"Okay." Li Ningyan was no longer stubborn, she pursed her lips and sat on the bed obediently, watching Wendong put the cup on the bedside table, she said again: "Actually, I want to pour water, but I'm still thirsty."

"Then you wait here, I'll pour water..."

Li Ningyan: "..."

When the water came, Wen Dong only allowed her to drink half a glass, explaining that he should let his body get used to it and not drink too quickly.Li Ningyan looked at him with a strange expression, isn't she a newborn baby?But seeing Wendong being so careful, she could only wait slowly with ninja hunger and thirst.

Wen Dong put down the water glass and turned around, Li Ningyan had already moved her buttocks in a tacit understanding to get out of the large area on the edge of the bed. Wen Dong smiled, knowing what she meant, leaning sideways on the head of the bed, reaching out to embrace the wistful woman beside her into her arms middle.

Gently stroking her soft face with big hands, Wen Dong looked down at her, with the corners of his mouth raised, it was the first time he saw Li Ningyan so... a little bird?
He couldn't help but think of the first time he saw Li Ningyan more than half a year ago, she was dressed in black leather, her face was bubbling, but her demeanor was so cold and frightening that he was so scared that he didn't dare to approach her.But it's also thanks to my cheap nature that I chose Li Ningyan's opponent.

The beautiful landlady is a cold killer.This is the nickname Wen Dong later gave her.It is indeed cold enough, and he has always spoken two words. If sometimes he can utter three words when talking to himself, it will make him cry with joy. It's joyful, happier than picking up 100 million.Thinking about it, I am cheap enough, but if I am not cheap, how can I have anything to do with her later?
After taking a short rest, Li Ningyan already had a lot of strength. After taking the elixir, she felt that her headaches were relieved a lot, and her body felt a lot better.Looking up a little, I saw Wendong looking at him in a daze, with a faint smile on his mouth, as if he was lost in memory.As if her heart was connected, she slowly stretched out her small snow-white hands to hold his face.

"How do you feel?" Sensing Li Ningyan's movements, Wen Dong came back to his senses and asked.

"I want it." Li Ningyan opened her small mouth slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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