How bad guys are made

Chapter 947 Panicked Su Yuemeng

Chapter 947 Panicked Su Yuemeng
"I want."

Wen Dong's eyes widened immediately, and after a short rest, he...

Wen Dong stared blankly at her serious expression, and couldn't express that feeling in his heart. After all, it was still Li Ningyan, who always spoke directly, and said what he wanted.It's obviously that kind of embarrassing thing, but people still say it so seriously and directly.They are also glamorous and charming women, why isn't Zhang Hanhan like this?
"Let's go to bed at night. You need to rest now, and we will talk about it after dinner." Wen Dong felt a little embarrassed. Was he being too hypocritical?But seeing that Li Ningyan's face was still weak and pale, she really couldn't bear to torment her, it was physical labor.Although I have already felt it, but I still hold back...

Li Ningyan gave him a serious look, as if thinking about it, then nodded after thinking about it: "Okay."

"Drink water." Wen Dong took half a glass of water and handed it to her.

Li Ningyan looked up at him, but she didn't answer, her eyes were cold, as if she was unwilling to Wendong's rejection.

"Why, do you want me to feed you?" Wen Dong noticed her reluctance and said angrily.

"it is good."

Wen Dong smiled wryly, raised his head to drink the water and lowered his head to kiss her pursed lips. The four lips met, and Li Ningyan's white throat rolled. Just as Wen Dong was about to turn around and put down the cup, it was a soft, fragrant tongue sticking into her mouth. .Wen Dong narrowed his eyes, looked at the woman who was already emotional in his arms, stuffed the cup on the bedside, and kissed back.

Li Ningyan should have taken a nap after taking the pill, but she slept too much and couldn't fall asleep at all
Looking at Li Ningyan whose face was still a little pale, Wen Dong finally restrained himself, but he couldn't help the lust, he just stroked and kissed, tasted it.

And although Wen Dong had tossed with Lina twice before, but the side effects of Beast King Dan Lion, it is really unbearable, especially the kiss time is too long...

After a while of stroking and kissing, Wen Dong looked at Li Ningyan, who had a pretty pink face in his arms, and was already emotional, but at this moment he received a call from Zhang Yifeng.

"Brother Wendong, everyone will be here in about 10 minutes. Is the instructor awake?" Zhang Yifeng said excitedly, his tone full of concern.

Wen Dong looked down at the woman who had already been stripped into a big white sheep in her arms, and said with a wry smile: "She is awake, we will be there in a while."


"You know you're hungry now?" Wen Dong said helplessly when he saw Li Ningyan kept rubbing her hands on her stomach after washing her face.

"Yeah." Li Ningyan nodded, then looked down at the dress on her body, frowned and said, "I don't feel well."

She has always liked to wear tight-fitting black leather clothing, not only will it not affect her movements, but it can also cover her skin and body inside, and can hide the dagger, but at this time, the skirt on her body is leaking everywhere- It made her very insecure and uncomfortable.

"It's pretty, just wear this one. If it's not necessary in the future, don't wear those leather clothes, even though it's very sexy." Wen Dong chuckled, his eyes swept over Li Ningyan's sexy body, and nodded again: "But it's more beautiful this way. "

"Really?" Li Ningyan asked doubtfully.

"Of course, very beautiful." Wen Dong nodded, speaking seriously.

"Well, then I won't change it." Li Ningyan nodded.


A large private room on the top floor of the Qingcheng Group is already full of people and full of vigor, because except for a few old hall masters, all others are young masters who have come out of the base.

Su Yuemeng was called back by Zhener's call half an hour ago. At first she was a little reluctant because she was too busy with work, but when she heard that the person she wanted to meet was Li Ningyan, she looked for him again. For no reason.

Miss, instructor, she had heard words like this when she was in the Qingcheng Gang, and she also knew that this lady was actually the real leader of the Qingcheng Gang, and so was the Qingcheng Group, and Wendong was just doing it for him.But apart from this, she is still Wendong's wife, who is older than herself, and her status is almost equal to that of Zhang Hanhan of Lanyun Group.

Su Yuemeng immediately asked Zhen'er for help, wanting to know more about this instructor who has been famous for a long time.And when it comes to this instructor, even Zhen'er, who is usually carefree, looks serious, and even Ling Yun hurried to meet the instructor by plane from Fuzhou, and the words of Ling Yun and others made Su Yue Meng's heart was beating uncontrollably.

Perfection, goddess, worship.Several words like this popped out of these people's mouths.Su Yuemeng is not very familiar with these young masters, but Ling Yun and Zhang Yifeng are the ones he is familiar with, and their rhetoric is completely consistent with others.This made Su Yuemeng even more worried, and grabbed Zhen'er's arm with her little hand and asked the lady about some more detailed things.

And following Zhener and Zhang Yifeng's narration, she realized that this young lady is a master among the masters, she used to be the instructor of these young masters, many of them have at least half of their abilities from Li Ningyan, and also because of Li Ningyan's teaching The ability given to them has saved their lives many times.Therefore, everyone here worships this instructor almost blindly, even more than Wendong, as if that lady is the god in their hearts and their belief.

And Ling Yun even called that lady a goddess, she must be very beautiful.

Su Yuemeng changed into a brown formal dress, the more she heard it, the more frightened she became, her little hands couldn't help rubbing the hem of the skirt nervously, her little face was full of worry, her mind was always thinking wildly, what if that lady didn't like her?
The door of the private room opened, and Wen Dong walked in first, Su Yuemeng stood up almost like a conditioned reflex, her worried eyes fell on the woman in a light gauze white dress who was following him.

Her beautiful eyes widened suddenly, and she was thinking, how could there be another such perfect woman in the world.Yes, Zhang Hanhan is the only woman she has ever seen who is extremely perfect in terms of temperament, face, and figure, and the same is true for Li Ningyan in front of her.Qingcheng's face is not inferior to Zhang Hanhan's temperament at all, making any woman feel ashamed standing in front of her. No wonder Ling Yun always called Goddess when he talked about the instructor just now.

Her slender and perfect waist and plump curves are ready to come out, there is no pendant on her slender neck, and there is no light makeup on her beautiful face, and her face is completely plain, but it is more elegant and beautiful, with natural beauty.

A head of black hair was randomly tied up by a purple belt, leaving two strands of hair hanging by the ears. Although it was just a casual dress, it was matched with the snow-white dress on her body, which gave a perfect sense of nature, as if every The casual attire is specially designed for her.

It's just that her face was a little cold, and her expression was almost indifferent.She is like a high-ranking goddess, holding Wendong's arm in Su's hand without a trace of domineering but with a cold temperament that rejects people thousands of miles away, forming a special aura that makes people dare not approach easily.

"Help Master."


"Miss." The moment the two appeared at the door, everyone who was chatting and laughing almost stood up at the same time. Even Li Ba and the other old hall masters were no exception. It was a bit noisy, but their expressions were so consistent, especially Ling Yun and other young masters, who respected, revered, believed, and even admired and loved.

That's right, most of them here are young men in their twenties who are about the same age as him. It would be strange if he didn't have admiration for such a perfect woman.

Li Ningyan glanced sideways at Wen Dong, and frowned indistinctly. If she hadn't been missing for a long time, she really didn't want to come to see everyone, and it wasn't that she didn't want to see them, but she didn't like such occasions.

"Well, hello everyone." Sensing that Wen Dong's finger hooked her palm, Li Ningyan could only nod slightly to everyone, with the corner of her mouth slightly raised.

Oh, my God... In the crowd, Ling Yun let out a sudden exclamation, his uncontrollable hands covered his heart and he was about to faint. What did he see?He actually saw the instructor smile...

God, I actually saw the instructor smile in my lifetime...

When Li Ningyan was an instructor for these people, even Ling Yun, the oldest, was only 19 years old at the time, while Zhang Yifeng and others were seventeen, eighteen or even younger. At that time, the training was hard, but the instructor was everyone's bedtime friend.

Many times, when everyone went to the bathroom with basins to wash their underwear in the middle of the night, they all looked at each other and smiled, and they all greeted the instructor.Sometimes Ling Yun is more straightforward, just saying that he had a heart-to-heart talk with the instructor tonight...

And Ling Yunyi, the goddess who had been sexually obsessed countless times, even sketched hundreds of ways the instructor would laugh in his mind, but at this moment it was completely subverted.

So beautiful……

Ling Yun covered his heart with his hands, and his body trembled uncontrollably, but he was just one of the crowd, even if he was foaming at the mouth and lying on the ground, everyone would trample on him mercilessly.Now, only the instructor is so enthusiastic in their eyes, and only the leader can be worthy of such a perfect woman as the instructor.

That figure is just a shadow deeply imprinted in their hearts when they were young, it will never be erased, it will always be the goddess in their hearts, and it will always be the instructor they admire.

"Okay, everyone, stop standing and sit down." Wen Dong smiled and waved his hands.

"Sit down." Li Ningyan followed suit like a husband and wife.

Hearing this, everyone suddenly sat down.

Seeing this sight, the corner of Wen Dong's mouth twitched, and he turned his head to look at Li Ningyan who was beside him, he was really a gang leader...

Sensing Wen Dong's tangled expression of wanting to hit the wall, Li Ningyan smiled slightly, seeming a little proud.

While she was smiling, several people fell down in the private room again...

Seeing this perfect young lady walking towards her with Wen Dong under everyone's earnest eyes, Su Yuemeng's fingers went deep into her flesh but she didn't know it. She felt that Wen Dong and Li Ningyan were truly a match made in heaven. It was so natural and appropriate, but it seemed more redundant to me at this time.

Thinking of this, the corner of Su Yuemeng's mouth showed a trace of bitterness, obviously her expression remained unchanged, but she was slowly approaching and giving herself such a heavy pressure, as if she was so pressured that she couldn't breathe, which made her at a loss for a while. In reality, the wording of greetings when meeting each other is also completely forgotten in an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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