How bad guys are made

Chapter 952 Stop Talking

Chapter 952 Stop Talking

Li Ningyan sat on a chair, quietly browsing the news about the beauty's superiority over and over again.

This kind of news must have been harmonized, and some secret things were not reported, but Li Ningyan knew the most about Hongyan and the Seven Killing Group, and immediately guessed that it was the work of Dark Dawn.

Seeing that Li Ningyan was frowning and did not speak, Wen Dong did not urge her, but quietly waited aside.

After a long time, Li Ningyan withdrew her gaze and turned to look at Wen Dong who was beside her, not knowing what he meant by telling her to read this.

"Tell me what you think after reading it first." Wen Dong said.

"No idea." Li Ningyan frowned and said: "The organization killed their mother and pushed her to this position. That little girl is very smart, she can think of it."

While talking, Li Ningyan's eyes were lowered, her brows were slightly wrinkled, and her expression was a little gloomy.

"That's right. In fact, they were not orphans in the first place, and they were forcibly taken away by the organization's design, planning this plan." Wen Dong nodded.

"Yes." Li Ningyan nodded, then she was stunned, and suddenly looked up at Wendong, her cold eyes were changing complex colors, and when she noticed that Wendong raised her head, she turned her head to avoid it.

Wen Dong stretched out his hand and hugged her up. Li Ningyan felt a little uncomfortable and didn't want to, but Wen Dong forcibly pressed her on her lap to prevent her from moving. She looked cold and looked at Wen Dong with a little dodge.

"Actually, you are not an orphan..."

"I don't want to hear it." Li Ningyan's delicate body froze, a trace of panic appeared in her eyes, and she struggled to stand up.

"Ning Yan." Wen Dong yelled, forcing her not to move.

"Wendong, I'm very satisfied with my current life." Li Ningyan turned her head to stare at him with a cold expression and a tough tone, she didn't want him to say any more, and she didn't want to see her so-called parents.

Li Ningyan didn't talk much, but she directly expressed her thoughts. She didn't want to be disrupted by her current living conditions.

"Can you listen to me tell you a story?" Wen Dong said softly, regardless of whether she agreed or not, he said: "More than 20 years ago, he was a soldier, guarding the frontier for the sake of the motherland. He has been When his wife gave him a daughter, he wept with joy and returned home to accompany his wife and daughter, but because of heavy responsibilities, he had to go back after staying at home for more than ten days. Later, his daughter disappeared , the wife was in great pain, and even scolded him and wanted to divorce him. She even handed in her resignation letter. While comforting her wife, she mobilized all her connections to find her missing daughter, but she had no news, so he had to give up. But thinking of the grief of his daughter's disappearance, he didn't dare to ask his wife for another child. Until now, he is almost 50 years old and has no children, so he has been looking for his daughter again."

Wen Dong paused and said again: "And all these years, he has been secretly looking for his daughter, but there is still no news, but his career has been on the rise and he became the boss of the blood spur team, managing the most powerful and most powerful daughter in Tianxia Kingdom. A mysterious secret service organization. Until a month ago, before Queen Isa was assassinated, someone found him and took out a photo of his daughter, who was still alive when his daughter was taken away. He was still a baby, but he recognized the girl in the photo as his daughter at first glance. He cried to that person for the whereabouts of his daughter, but this person asked him to do one thing... Later, Queen Isa I was assassinated, but that person also disappeared, he has been looking for his daughter in Shuishi during this time, a few days ago, he found me and took out your photo."

In her arms, Li Ningyan's body trembled, and she grabbed his shoulder with great force and it hurt, beckoning him not to continue talking.Wen Dong looked up at her, and saw that her expression was still indifferent, but there was a trace of inexplicable sadness in her.

Knowing that her heart had been touched, Wendong held back her little hand enduring the pain, and said softly, "He said, you are his daughter, the daughter he has been looking for for 24 years. He cried that day, tears He said that his wife had been in grief these years and had been sick in bed for several years. He said that as long as he could see his daughter, let alone let him give up everything now, even if he He is willing to let the old couple die now."

"Stop it, stop it, Wen Dong, please, stop it!" Li Ningyan was trembling all over, but tears could not stop flowing from her cold eyes.

"No parent wants to abandon their children. It's only because those villains are too vicious. Fortunately, God has the virtue of being good..." Wen Dong only mentioned one sentence and didn't go on. He knew that Li Ningyan needed a process of acceptance, but at least , it should be successful.

Li Ningyan turned her head abruptly, and kissed Wendong's mouth all at once. Now she just felt blocked and needed to vent.

Wen Dong kissed her lips and tongue, and responded fiercely, dragging the skirt she just put on. Not long after, Wen Dong walked into the bedroom with the naked woman in his arms. Panting, no, this time Li Ningyan did not suppress it, she let go of her voice and twisted her waist for the first time to respond to Wendong's collision so fiercely.


After dinner, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon. Li Ningyan said that she wanted to go out for a walk. Wendong also knew that it would be bad for her to be bored here, so the two drove to Jinxiu Villa.

Hearing Wen Dong say they are beautiful, Li Ningyan has been wearing this dress that is not suitable for her. Although it is cold now, their physique is very good and they will not catch cold easily.

She stood quietly on the beach, looking at the clear waves of the sea, in a daze.

Since seeing the news about Hongyan, Wendong has never mentioned Li Shan's matter since then. Li Ningyan must have a grudge, and Wendong didn't think much about it. If she can recognize Li Shan as a relative, then naturally It is best, but at least, Li Ningyan will never return to loneliness. Although she will be accompanied by herself, the loneliness of love and the loneliness of family affection are completely different things. She hopes that Li Ningyan can recognize Li Shan as a relative, but if she is unwilling, then Wen Dong would never force her to be wronged.

He reached out and hugged her slender waist from behind, Li Ningyan's body trembled, she hugged his head with her backhand, and looked at the sea quietly.


FZ City, Qingyu Gang Xi Ling's home.

Ah Xing was dressed in black leather, his eyes were wide open, and he made his already vigorous figure even more elegant and handsome. Sitting opposite him was Xi Ling, the leader of the Qingyu Gang, and his daughter Xi Fengshuang sat beside him, lying down quietly. tea.

"Master Xi is serious. Rescuing Ms. Feng Shuang is just a matter of effort. Besides, whoever saw this kind of thing at that time would severely punish Shen Zichen." A Xing said with the air of a man in the world, saying Forget it, stood up and said, "I've been bothering Chief Xi for so long, it's getting late, Zhou Xing should go."

"Well, okay." Xi Ling laughed loudly, with a mellow and powerful voice, and stood up, saying loudly, "Come often when you have time, the door of our house is always open for your benefactor."

"Master Xi, you've said too much." Ah Xing knew the reason of the matter, and he always felt a little embarrassed to be thanked in this way, and waved his hands hurriedly.

"Brother Zhou, I'll see you off." Xi Fengshuang also stood up, walked to his side and said.

"No, no... no need, I remember the way back, take a rest, I'm leaving, haha..." Ah Xing Junyi blushed, he didn't dare to look at Xi Fengshuang's face, and slapped haha , turned around and left, and ran away without a trace in the blink of an eye, as if a tigress was following behind, running faster than a rabbit.

Xi Feng frowned slightly, covered his mouth and smiled, then closed the door, turned to look at his father, his expression gradually became serious.

"Father, we've gotten closer to the Qingcheng gang these two days, and I'm afraid that other forces won't stand it anymore." Back at the tea table, Xi Fengshuang poured tea for his father and said leisurely.

"So what if you can't stand it anymore?" Xi Ling snorted coldly with disdain: "Anyway, they saved my daughter, so I naturally want to thank them. Those people can just do it if they can't stand it. Xi Ling was able to sit up straight, and he could hit him whenever he wanted, and he didn't have to find those high-sounding excuses."

Hearing his father's words, Xi Fengshuang nodded, but couldn't help frowning slightly. Dad has such a character, and because of this character, the brothers in the gang admire him a lot, but also because of this coincidence, they are the same. Offended some people.Now the general situation in Fuzhou has basically joined forces to suppress the Qingcheng Gang, and my father is close to the Qingcheng Gang, and it is very likely that people will find such an excuse to work together to suppress them.

And father's Qingyu Gang doesn't have the power of Qingcheng Gang, and the Qingyu Gang can't resist the Hong Gang and the Dark Night Gang just picking one at random.

Moreover, the Hong Gang and the Dark Night Gang have now taken back many captives from the Blood Wolf Alliance, and the personnel have expanded, but the territory has not been able to expand. This problem has become more prominent as time goes by.And they didn't dare to rob the Qingcheng Gang of their territory for a while, and in the end, their own Qingyu Gang would most likely become the target of their robbing.

The father did the right thing, he just thanked Ah Xing, but Ah Xing is currently one of the people who are involved in the Qingcheng Gang's occupation of Fuzhou, what would others think?
"I just thank Ah Xing for saving my daughter." Xi Ling said in a low voice, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

"The main reason is that we can't stop everyone's talking. Fortunately, our gang is very united." Xi Fengshuang nodded slightly.

"Well, but speaking of it, that boy A Xing is really nice. He seems to have taken a fancy to my daughter." Xi Ling nodded, looking at his precious daughter with a somewhat ambiguous look.

"Being old and disrespectful." Xi Fengshuang couldn't help but glared at his father angrily, making Xi Ling laugh out loud.

"What do you mean by father?" Xi Feng snorted, and couldn't help but blushed slightly. Women have somewhat special fantasies about the man who saved her. Besides, according to her father, Ah Xing even looked at her body.

"Hey, my daughter is so smart, can't she not see it?" Xi Ling said with a smile.

"I really didn't see it." Xi Fengshuang couldn't help frowning slightly. Looking back, being asked such a question by his father seemed a little...

"You are a fan of the authorities. Dad is someone who has been here. According to my investigation, Ah Xing is not sloppy in doing things, and his hands are extremely high, decisive, and ruthless, but in front of you..." Xi Ling stopped talking here, deliberately selling Closed.

"What? What happened in front of me?" Xi Fengshuang asked curiously.

"Youdao said it well. Witty words are the prey, and he hesitated because he liked it. Look at his expression when you said you were going to send him off just now, that face was shy, and he ran away before he finished speaking, isn't that What do you like? It seems that the daughter that my old Xi gave birth to is amazing, and she has taken away the souls of other young people, hehe..." Xi Ling praised herself brazenly while analyzing In a word, the expression is extremely ambiguous.

But Xi Fengshuang blushed when his father said it, and said angrily: "Dad, what nonsense are you talking about? All souls have been taken away, and you say I am a goblin!"

(End of this chapter)

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