Chapter 953
But Xi Fengshuang blushed when his father said it, and said angrily: "Dad, what nonsense are you talking about? All souls have been taken away, and you say I am a goblin!"

"Okay, don't talk, don't talk." Seeing the baby girl's pretty face blushing and showing the cuteness of a little girl, Xi Ling smiled happily, stretched out her hand to pet her daughter's head, but said with a straight expression: " Ah Xing is indeed a good kid, but he is still an errand runner in the Qingcheng Gang, and he is easy to be bullied because of his low status, and he is not qualified enough to marry my old Xi's daughter."

Seeing her daughter's beautiful eyes blinking at her, Xi Ling quickly hummed and said, "Besides, no one can marry my daughter. I'm just such a precious girl, and I can't bear it."

"Hmph, it's not too bad. I thought you, an old fellow, disliked me and wanted to marry me off quickly." Xi Feng snorted coquettishly with a blushing face.

"Where there is, I'm not willing to part with it." Xi Ling shook her head quickly, trying to please her daughter.

"I know that Dad is just thanking him for this matter, but other people don't think so. I think you should make preparations in advance." Xi Fengshuang calmed down and said, stopping to speak.

Hearing this, Xi Ling also nodded, her daughter is extremely smart and has been sitting on her own military, her reminder also made Xi Ling worry.

"Well, then I'll go out for a while. If you have nothing to do, don't go out. Fuzhou is in chaos recently. Next time, I can't guarantee that the young man will be a hero to save the beauty in time." Xi Ling got up and said.

"Go, go, hurry up, you are disrespectful!"

"Ha ha……"


Ling Yun and Ah Xing hurried back to the water market after seeing the instructor last night.

Ling Yun was lying leisurely in a certain private room at this moment, with his head resting on a pair of snow-white legs. Zhou Yaman was picked up by him a few days ago. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. He spent these few days The most leisurely time.

The Blood Wolf League had previously united with several gangs in Fuzhou, discussing to attack and carve up the territory of the Qingcheng Gang, but they did not expect that the Blood Wolf League headed by them would be wiped out before they could unite.At that time, these gangs were also clamoring to work together to drive the Qingcheng Gang out of FZ City, because they were afraid that the Qingcheng Gang's investigation would reveal information and attack them.The Blood Wolf Alliance has been wiped out, let alone their small gangs.

Two days after the boss left, these small powers in Fuzhou were ready to move, but they didn't know that their information had already been investigated by Qian Feng. Ling Yun, A Xing and other experts from more than 60 bases all stayed here. The leader of the faction was bloodbathed.

After the incident broke out, it shocked the entire FZ city. Although the Dark Night Gang and the Hong Gang were very angry at the actions of the Qingcheng Gang, their masters were too powerful.They don't want to be having fun with their lovers, and then someone wipes their necks with a knife. They are the leaders of a gang with many bodyguards.But if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about it, and what's more, they are a group of desperadoes who kill people without blinking an eye, so they can only dare not speak out.

The more Ling Yun thought about it, the happier he became. He stood up and pushed Zhou Yaman down on the sofa, groping up and down dishonestly with his paws.He also admired the boss in his heart, although the boss thought about everything and didn't understand anything, but a suggestion he made casually made him admire him all over.

Because as the boss expected, those gangs did not dare to snatch the territory of the Blood Wolf League, but because there were too many younger brothers from the Blood Wolf League, there was already an imbalance. It has grown up and is very chaotic, but the idea is very clear, that is to grab the territory.And the territory is the life-blood of every gang, so Ling Yun and others just made an excuse, and the matter quickly became a big mess, and the fighting was very enjoyable.

However, those are just small gangs. Big gangs such as the Hong Gang would disdain to do anything to these small scumbags. Instead, they happened to take this opportunity and set their sights on the top ten gangs. These ten gangs are medium-sized gangs with a large territory. , this is the object of their invasion.

And under their deliberate inducement, the contradictions are getting bigger and bigger, and the most obvious one is Xi Ling's Qingyu Gang.Xi Ling is an upright person, and Qian Feng just took advantage of his character to stir up dissatisfaction with him from other gangs.

This is a society where people cannibalize people, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. No one will feel a little psychological burden because of this.

"Bang..." Seeing that Zhou Yaman, who was pressed on the sofa, had turned into a puddle of soft water, Ling Yun became very excited. Just as he was about to come, the door of the private room was pushed open, scaring him to hurry up He straightened up, seeing that it was Ah Xing, he couldn't help being furious: "A Xing, you bastard, don't you know how to knock when you enter?"

"Hey, I'm sorry to disturb Brother Xing'er's elegance." A Xing grinned, but walked over without any apologetic expression.

Zhou Yaman's pretty face was so blushing that she didn't dare to look into Ah Xing's eyes. She stared angrily at the anxious Ling Yun, and quickly stood up and said, "I'll go out first."

"Well, okay." Ling Yun turned his head and glanced at Ah Xing, seeing that he seemed to have something on his mind, he nodded and said.

"What's the matter? Didn't you go to pick up your twin sisters? Why do you have time to come to my place?" Uncle Ling Yun joked with a cigarette in his mouth, squinting at him.

"Hey, isn't it over?" Ah Xing smiled awkwardly, grabbed a glass of cocktail and took a sip.

"Did you get married? How is it? I think that girl Xi Fengshuang is comparable to my Yaman, she is petite and exquisite, but that pair of nipples is not small, how does it feel?" Ling Yun raised his eyebrows, his eyes gleaming silver , asked lewdly in his mouth.

"Fuck, what a mess, I just said a few words to him, which one is the same as you." A Xing blushed when he was told, and stared at him angrily.

"Quack..." Seeing Ah Xing's distress, Ling Yun laughed triumphantly.

Ah Xing had been a mercenary under him for a year before, and he also knew that this guy was still a virgin, and had never had a girlfriend, but he had watched a lot of movies, and he knew how to use his hands... for this matter, Ling Yun couldn't help it. Laughed at him a lot.

"Then do you want to embrace the beauty?" Ling Yun said with a mysterious smile.

"Of course I thought about it, otherwise I'm going to make a fuss." A Xing snorted coldly, then frowned and said, "I met Xiao Li just now, and he said he was going to perform the task. How did you discuss it with Qian Feng?" ? How can the Dark Night Gang beat the Qingyu Gang?"

Hearing Ah Xing's questioning tone, Ling Yun frowned: "What? Distressed?"

Although the matters here are mainly decided by Qian Feng, Ling Yun, Li Ba and A Xing, but it is Qian Feng and Ling Yun who are good at bad ideas and tricks, so A Xing doesn't care about many things, and mainly responds to Qian Feng's He ordered to establish a good relationship with Xi Ling, but he didn't expect that he would be used.

"It's not distressing, but..." Ah Xing quickly denied it, but was at a loss for words for a while.

"Don't forget our purpose. Besides, although the boss has confessed that this matter is not in a hurry, the masters of our base are all staying here. So many people can't win a small Fuzhou for so many days? You I still feel ashamed if it’s not shameful." Ling Yun taught him a lesson, and then changed the subject: "If we want Xi Ling to completely join us, we must resort to some means."

"Take refuge? What do you mean?" A Xing was taken aback.

"Well, this matter was discussed with Qian Feng and Li Ba just now. We plan to actually station in Fuzhou. The site must be sold, but we also need to station a large force, and Qingyu The gang has been entrenched in FZ City for many years, and Xi Ling is really a good person, so Qian Feng wants to drag him into our camp." Ling Yun smiled and said proudly.

"This is good." Ah Xing's eyes lit up when he heard it. Almost everyone already knew about his pursuit of Xi Fengshuang, but the two sides have different opinions. Love is important, but the base and gang are his life's beliefs. Those who can't be unified, he can only choose the base and the gang, and now hearing Ling Yun's thoughts, how can he be unhappy.

But when he was happy, he couldn't help frowning again: "Then you mean to let the Dark Night Gang beat the Qingyu Gang to the ground first, and then we can help?"

"The overall situation is indeed like this, but of course there are still many small details that need to be paid attention to. Moreover, the 'disabled' you mentioned, hiss... a bit too euphemistic..." Ling Yun deliberately teased Chao with a worried face Ah Xing blinked.

"Euphemistic? What do you mean?" A Xing was taken aback.

"Hehe, it's meaningless. It's as simple as not beating the disabled. You have to beat them hard. There will be no scum left in the Qingyu Gang!" Ling Yun stretched out his hand and patted the table, saying domineeringly.

"What?" Ah Xing shuddered, stood up with a bang, and looked at him in shock.

"Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, let me tell you slowly, don't worry, those girls of yours are definitely yours, and they can't run away." Ling Yun said proudly, the old god's presence was full of a godlike attitude.

"Then tell me quickly, if you don't say be careful, I'll go talk to the boss." Ah Xing said anxiously, obviously driven crazy by Ling Yun's tricks.

"Being disabled is definitely not an option. Xi Ling has such an upright character, even if his gang is disabled, he will not accept our assistance, don't you think so?" Ling Yun said leisurely.

Hearing Ling Yun's analysis, Ah Xing was taken aback, and slowly calmed down. In the past few days, he also met Xi Ling several times, and had a few phone calls, and he also had a better understanding of his character. What Ling Yun said was very correct.


"But the ones who were beaten didn't even have scum left, so there's no such thing as a union, right?" Ling Yun smiled, seeing Ah Xing nodded, but he said: "If you care about it, you will be chaotic. You seem to have forgotten that we stayed behind. What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing?" Ah Xing was dizzy, and his brain was not working well.

"Selling land, we are engaged in real estate, regular businessmen." Ling Yun patted his chest and said boldly.

(End of this chapter)

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