How bad guys are made

Chapter 954 Lina's Bad News—Ghost Shadow Finds It

Chapter 954 Lina's Bad News—Ghost Shadow Finds It

"Selling land, we are engaged in real estate, regular businessmen." Ling Yun patted his chest and said boldly.

Hearing this, Ah Xing suddenly understood, his eyes lit up and he said, "You mean to ask Xi Ling to help us guard these territories of the Blood Wolf Alliance?"

"That's right, but it's not helping us, but selling it to him." Ling Yun chuckled, and said proudly: "There is a saying that is good, if you keep the green hills, you are not afraid that there will be no firewood. Xi Ling's Qingyu gang was beaten repeatedly It doesn't matter if there is no scum left, we can sell some of it to him. He has no land, he is forced to a desperate situation, and only when he is in a desperate situation will he let go of his so-called integrity and find a way out for his brothers , and only when we help him, he will be more grateful. Otherwise, once his Qingyu Gang is beaten, if we go to help, what will others say? They will definitely say that his Qingyu Gang has already followed Our Qingcheng gang colluded, and on the other hand, it would be trapping him in an unjust place, as if we were forcing him to cooperate with us, so that he would not only be unappreciative, but even more resentful." Ling Yun explained in a loud voice, Of course, he also learned these words from Qian Feng, and he didn't have the knowledge to speak out these analyzes logically.

"Well, it is indeed like this." Ah Xing also felt that Ling Yun was right, but frowned, he was very worried about what would happen to Xi Fengshuang and Xi Ling if they were injured.

"When the land is gone, what will his loyal brothers do if they have no food to eat? So don't worry, he will definitely be willing. But, although we tricked him, don't even think about giving it away. His family My daughter wants to hug our Xing to bed, how can I do it without spending some money as a dowry, are you right, hehehe..."

"Brother Ling, you, you..." Ah Xing shuddered when he heard it, and suddenly his face was flushed and he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Haha, this plan is mainly carried out by us. Don't blame brother for not helping you. Your task is to protect Xi Fengshuang. This is not a task for you at all. As for Xi Ling, there are us, and his territory will We were beaten down, but we will try our best to keep the brothers in the Qingyu Gang. This is an introduction. Once the Dark Night Gang takes action against the Qingyu Gang, other gangs will definitely be unable to hold back, and we still have many plans to make this situation more chaotic. , it will be very chaotic, and multiple gangs will fight in chaos." Ling Yun said complacently, and then his expression became a little unhappy: "Of course, the chaos will only last for a day or two, and when we do a little trick, Xi Ling will buy us and we will release the news of the sale of the land. At that time, the so-called alliance of those gangs will be completely destroyed in the previous melee, and they will no longer be so hostile to us, so these lands will not be sold. " Ling Yun said angrily, after all, according to his thinking, he didn't want to sell any of these lands!

"You said we would leave some territory? Where?" Ah Xing nodded half-understood, then asked doubtfully.

"Well, it was temporarily decided to be the most prosperous side. As for the site sold to Xi Ling, it should be the North Outer Ring Road on the north side of Liutiao Street. When the time comes, the two of us will look at each other from a distance, and the girl Feng Shuang will go away. It's not convenient for her mother's house, hehe..." Ling Yun said jokingly.

Hearing Brother Ling's teasing, Ah Xing blushed and said, "Then what should I say if I rashly protect Xi Fengshuang? He is so smart, what should I say?"

"You're stupid." Ling Yun knocked him on the head angrily, seeing him looking at him suspiciously, Ling Yun said angrily: "You don't need to say anything at all, just blushing and protecting her, she will understand gone."

Ah Xing: "Uh..."

"It's not easy. If she insists on asking, you can just say that you have admired her for a long time, and you usually just hide downstairs in her house and spy on her." Ling Yun said angrily.

"Ah? This, this..." Ah Xing scratched his head, and couldn't help but look at Ling Yun enviously. Ling Yun has a thick skin, and he can talk and laugh in front of the girl he likes, but himself...he feels that he is in front of Xi Fengshuang. Can't tell at all.

"Of course that's the case. With your blushing and speechless appearance standing in front of others, you will never be able to catch up with them in eight lifetimes. If you don't go, right? If you don't go, I will go. I am just trying to find someone for my Yaman As for my younger sister, she is too lonely by herself, and the two sisters are really nice, and their voices are so tender, hehe..." Ling Yun said with a smile on his face, his face full of sensuality.

"Get out, I'll go, I have to go by myself." Ah Xing suddenly became impatient, as if he was about to fight Ling Yun.

"Well... the plan has been implemented. If it is as expected, the Dark Night Gang will take action against the Qingyu Gang around [-] o'clock tonight. The first action will be a full-scale attack. If Sister Feng Shuang has no personal protection in that battle, if she falls It's a pity that the hands of thieves are the best time for the hero to save the beauty and capture the heart. It is estimated that Feng Shuang will be grateful when the time comes, and she will slip into my bed after taking off her pants. Oh, good time, good time, Feng Shuang is a good girl, okay? Good girl..." Ling Yun talked to himself, and hummed a song.

Hearing this, Ah Xing was taken aback for a moment, looked down at the time, it was half past six in the afternoon, stood up abruptly, and glared at Ling Yun angrily: "Grass, why didn't you say it earlier!" rushed out.

"Hey, wait for me, I figured it out, we have to compete fairly." Ling Yun rushed out anxiously.

"Fuck you!" Ah Xing yelled angrily, and the door of the box slammed down with a bang.


Jinxiu Villa is definitely a good place for leisure and vacation, and it is also quite good for honeymoon. .

In a spacious villa halfway up the mountain, Li Ningyan was wearing a bathrobe and sitting on a rattan chair behind the floor-to-ceiling windows looking at the sea view of the distant mountains. Although her expression was still cold, it was much better than before.

Seeing Wendong walking over with a glass of water, Li Ningyan turned and looked at him: "What do you think about the confidante?"

"Me?" Wen Dong was taken aback when he heard that, and looked at her curiously, not knowing that she suddenly mentioned Hongyan.

"You have an unusual relationship with that girl." Li Ningyan looked at him and said, she didn't care about these things, but it didn't mean she couldn't see that Wen Dong was her man, and Hong Yan was the one who grew up watching her. How could she not see it when she was on the boat.

Li Ningyan looked at herself with serious and determined eyes. When she said it out loud, Wendong scratched his head in embarrassment. Hongyan is her apprentice, master and apprentice eat together?

"It's not normal." Wen Dong saw that Li Ningyan didn't seem angry, so he didn't intend to hide it, so he told the story of going to Xiangyun Villa to rescue Lan Yan but met Hong Yan on the way.

"Lina..." Li Ningyan murmured, and couldn't help frowning slightly: "What does she mean?"

"How would I know, this woman is very shrewd, I can't see through her at all." Wen Dong said with a bitter smile.

She doesn't have many friends. Although the secret training base she lived in since she was a child is a pain she has never wanted to mention, but sisters Hongyan and Lanyan walked out of that base, and they are the only two people she can still contact. He killed Xu Zihan's sister, so he has special feelings for these two sisters, like a kind of sustenance.

"Hongyan's character is a bit stubborn, she will turn against the organization." Li Ningyan nodded, with a heavy expression on her face.

"Do you want to help them?" Wen Dong looked up at her and asked calmly.

"I mentioned to them about leaving the organization before." Li Ningyan lowered her eyes slightly, but did not answer.

But what she meant was obvious, and if the two sisters really broke away from the organization, it was partly her fault.

And they are only the Dark Dawn's minion Seven Killers. At the beginning, she didn't know how strong the Dark Dawn was, although now she only knows the tip of the iceberg, but even so, thinking of that organization, she still has a deep sense of powerlessness. Feeling, not to mention the girls who have been controlled by the organization in the palm of their hands.

"To tell you the truth, I want to help them." Wen Dong said directly.No matter what, the reward for that mission was too generous. As for the punishment for mission failure, he couldn't even think about it. He had to assist Hongyan to secure the position of queen.

"Hongyan is not an easy person to get along with." Li Ningyan looked up at him: "I don't know how you two have feelings."

"No emotion." Wen Dong lowered his head and gave a wry smile, noticing Li Ningyan's puzzled gaze, he thought for a while and said, "You haven't asked, but you should be very puzzled by my sudden increase in force? I can only say that as long as I Help Hongyan secure the throne, and I will be able to improve my own strength."

"Then help her." Li Ningyan said without thinking.

Wen Dong was taken aback when he heard that, and looked up at her in surprise.Her expression was flat, as if she was describing a very ordinary fact, but Li Ningyan knew how terrifying the existence of darkness and dawn was. Just like that, she agreed without hesitation?
Wen Dong reached out to hug her, Li Ningyan sat on his lap, Wen Dong kissed her lightly on the cheek, looked up at the dark sky far away, his eyes changed.

Hongyan couldn't be in a hurry because he didn't have the strength to fight against the dark dawn. Originally, this mission took a year, and it was about the same, but Lina told him that Hongyan was pregnant.So in this way, the time is shortened by at least half, or even only three or four months.Hongyan had been struggling and hesitating for a while after she learned that she was pregnant, and at this time, she had to stand in front of her and not let her abort the child.

"Dinglingling..." At this moment, the phone rang suddenly. Wen Dong picked it up sideways and looked at it. He was stunned for a moment, looked up at Li Ningyan and said, "It's Lina."

"Yeah." Li Ningyan nodded and was about to stand up, but Wen Dong grabbed her and answered the phone, "What's wrong?"

"Dear husband, I'm leaving." Lina said, her tone was very lonely and sad.

"Why, do you still want to send you off?" Wen Dong secretly glanced at Li Ningyan, rolled his eyes and said.

"Hee hee, that's not necessary, but before I leave, I have some bad news to tell you. The reason why I didn't tell you at the time was that I was afraid that you would be angry and spank his ass." Lina said with a teasing tone.

"What bad news?"

"Remember the sword in the sea?" Lina said.

Hearing this, Wen Dong's expression sank: "Say."

"Her name is Ghost, and she is the younger sister of Devil May Cry that you killed back then. She is also an extraordinary king, but even more powerful than Devil May Cry." Lina said, her tone becoming a little dignified.

"Before, she was always assigned to Niki Country to assist us in the position of confidante. Now that the basic situation in Nikki Country has been settled, she is now looking for you..."

(End of this chapter)

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