How bad guys are made

Chapter 955 Good news for Lena?

Chapter 955 Good news for Lena?

"Before, she was always assigned to Niki Country to assist us in the position of confidante. Now that the basic situation in Nikki Country has been settled, she is now looking for you..."

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Wen Dong shuddered and said angrily.

"I knew you would be angry." Hearing Wen Dong's angry question, Lina flattened her sexy mouth and said aggrievedly.

Wen Dong glanced at Li Ningyan who was on the side, and slowly calmed down: "And then?"

"Then there is good news, hehe." Lena said happily.

"Hmm." Wen Dong felt a little headache for this woman, and he grabbed his phone and didn't speak.

Lina was very bored, and said with a humming voice: "The good news is that she doesn't know your name and information. All your information has been suppressed to prevent her from looking for you. But I don't know where she got it from." A photo of you, but you don’t have to worry, because the organization has reminded that she is not allowed to enter the inland of Tianxia, ​​and the organization is still very afraid of Tianxia Palace in your Tianxia Kingdom. The only thing to do is to be killed, but I can't guarantee that she will secretly find you to assassinate you, after all, you are too famous."

"Is there a picture of me? Isn't that the same as having my information?" Wen Dong said angrily.

"'s really like this..." Lina said awkwardly.

"You..." Wen Dong almost vomited blood from anger, and became worried in his heart. Back then, neither Devil May Cry nor that ghost could be resisted by him. If it wasn't for Mo Lishang's death blow, he would have died on the boat long ago. This ghost is even more powerful than them, and the only prayer is that Tianxia Palace can really do something so that the ghost will never return.

But if this woman is playing assassination...

The corner of Wendong's mouth twitched, he couldn't resist it obviously, let alone it came secretly...

"You don't have to worry too much..."

"Can I not worry?" Wen Dong directly interrupted her pretense of comfort, and said angrily.

"Then I can't help it. I put the ghost image information in the safe of our favorite massage room. I hope it can help you. There is only so much I can do." Lena whispered , the tone was a little aggrieved.

"Thank you." Wen Dong said with a sigh.

"Which one of us is with whom, don't be polite to me." Lina said with a smile: "I'm not scaremongering, but you don't have to worry too much, the organization and supervision of a master like Ghost is also very strict, and she has every day There is a task."

Wen Dong didn't have the time to joke with her, frowning and thinking about countermeasures.

"Have you thought about the beauty?" Lina asked suddenly.

Hearing this, Wen Dong turned his head and glanced at Li Ningyan who was on the side, nodded and said: "I will help her, but I need a little time."

Lina seemed to understand what Wendong meant, and said with a smile: "Actually, there is no need to worry about this. Although Hongyan's girl has a tendency to turn against her organization, she is not stupid. Although she has become the queen of Niki Kingdom now, but Nikki Ji Guozhong still has a lot of opposition forces, and she will never turn against the organization until she has completely cleaned up these opposition groups. As for her pregnancy, I will try my best to delay it for some time. "

"Lina, who are you? Why are you helping me?" Wen Dong couldn't help asking again, it was absolutely right that Hongyan wanted to betray the organization and that ghost wanted to kill herself. The organization is unfavorable, and from these it can be seen that she is not with that organization.

"I'm just someone who loves you." Lena said seriously.

"I don't believe it." Wen Dong said coldly.

"Haha, I don't believe it either. Maybe, you will know in the future. In short, I really don't mean to harm you. I will send the password of the safe to your mobile phone later. After that, my account will no longer be used. But there is a special device I left behind in the safe, if you use that to contact me, if there is no accident, I will definitely call you back within two days, goodbye, I will wait for you in Niki Country..."

"Is that person a ghost?" After hanging up the phone, Li Ningyan said coldly from the side, his tone full of murderous intent.

"Well, but don't worry too much, she won't be here for a while, and even if she does, I will have the strength to fight." Wen Dong comforted her.

"En." Li Ningyan nodded and did not speak again.

"Let's go, it's almost time. Let's get dressed and go down to eat. Anyway, there's nothing left and right, so we'll just stay here for a few days." Wen Dong got up with a smile and said.

"it is good."


But in the middle of the meal, Wendong received a call from Su Yuemeng. He thought Yuemeng was missing him, but he didn't expect that the woman's first sentence was asking for money. Qingcheng Group will open soon and cooperate with Lanyun The major projects have been put on the agenda, but there is a big vacancy in the auto trade.

Moreover, just a few days ago, because Lina returned many of Lanyun's fixed assets in his name, Lanyun's funds were short again, and several major projects had no working capital at all.

Thinking of this, Wendong hated Tianzi in Hong Kong even more. If Tianzi hadn't suppressed Lanyun in the stock market and caused Lanyun Group to consume most of its funds, I am afraid that even if Lanyun could not restore its previous prosperity, it would still be able to rank in the water market. top three.

After being reminded by Su Yuemeng, Wendong remembered what he had promised her in Lanyun's meeting before, and he still owed her more than [-] million yuan.

Wen Dong fully promised that the funds would be delivered in a few days. After hanging up the phone, he couldn't help but want to urge Fuzhou to take up so much land. Could it be that none of the land has been sold?
Just as Wen Dong wanted to call Ling Yun to inquire about the situation, he received a call from Qian Feng.

"Hello?" Wen Dong answered the phone, a little curious.

"Master, where are you?" Qian Feng asked directly, with a anxious tone.

"What's wrong?" Hearing his anxious tone, Wen Dong frowned. Could there be another problem over there?

"I have something to discuss with you. I'm on my way now, and I'll arrive at Shuishi at about nine o'clock in the evening. You must wait for me at Qingcheng Nightclub." Qian Feng said with a serious tone.

"Did something important happen?" Wen Dong couldn't help frowning.

"It's true that something important happened, but it doesn't have much to do with us. Let's discuss this matter when I get back to the water market." Qian Feng said, and then his mobile phone had a beeping tone, as if the line was busy.

Wendong was a little helpless, even a little ashamed. The head of the family was very busy, but he, the head of the gang, had nothing to do all day long, but he looked up at Li Ningyan, who was eating silently, and suddenly he didn't think so. This woman Lazier than myself.

"Master, I won't tell you for now, we'll talk about it when we meet." Just as Wen Dong was waiting helplessly, Qian Feng had already hung up the phone and said to Wen Dong.

"Well, okay, just call me if there is anything you can't solve." Seeing that Qian Feng was so busy, Wen Dong didn't ask any more questions, and said.

"Well, okay, I understand."


After hanging up the phone, Li Ningyan just finished eating. She reached out and took a tissue to wipe her mouth and looked up at him. She made two phone calls in a row, especially that bastard Qian Feng who spoke without thinking. Dong's interest in eating is greatly reduced.

"If you have something to do, go and do it first, I want to stay by myself." Li Ningyan said.

Hearing this, Wen Dong glanced at her and pondered for a moment, the reason why Li Ningyan came here was to relax because of her parents, so it would be good for her to calm down.
The sky is high and the air is crisp. It is getting dark at five o'clock in the evening, and the autumn wind is slightly cool. After two o'clock, the sky will be completely dark and the lights will be brilliant.

At 35:[-], the Dark Night Gang and some of its subordinate gangs launched a general attack on the Qingyu Gang.

The Qingyu Gang seemed to be prepared and resisted desperately, but they only lasted for less than half an hour.

At eight o'clock in the evening.

In Fuzhou Qingyu Gang, 50 meters away from the entrance of a certain hall, in an uninhabited alleyway full of rubbish.

The stench of garbage thrown everywhere, mixed with the pervasive smell of blood is disgusting. There are about 50 people scattered in the alley, lying or leaning on each other, under the dim light. The blood smeared on it made it look colder and more frightening.

"My-fuck-his-mother's Dark Night Gang, boss, let's go kill him in the Dark Night Kingdom, skin that forced-bred Hei Aotian, and fuck him to death with a bunch of mistresses!" The bloody man shook the blade in his hand, his eyes staring with murderous intent.

"That's right, Boss, there are quite a few brothers who have escaped from our halls. As long as you give an order to kill, we will turn the Dark Night Gang upside down even if we die!"

"Yes, leader, let us kill the kingdom of the night, brothers can't swallow this breath!"

The Dark Country is the headquarters of the Night Gang.

The crowd was furious, wielding their knives, echoing again and again, and focused their eyes on Xi Ling, who was also covered in blood and injured in many places.

Xi Ling looked up at the brothers who were loyal to him, his heart was moved, his lips trembled, but he couldn't speak.

With his daughter's reminder this afternoon, he made special arrangements and even took precautions against the Dark Night Gang and some other small gangs in the surrounding area. But when the Dark Night Gang launched a general attack, he realized the gap between the two sides.As one of the top ten gangs in Fuzhou, the Sapphire Gang is like a fierce tiger. Although some small forces have been surrounded by wolves, they still look down on them. But when they were severely injured by the Dark Night Gang, their tiger was injured. The pack of wolves pounced on them, biting them tightly, but after more than 20 minutes of dragging, this seemingly mighty tiger was devoured and turned into a huge carve-up feast.

Fortunately, he was not overwhelmed by hatred, and when he saw something he couldn't do anything about, he quickly called his defending brothers and asked them to give up the territory and retreat. Although the brothers kept the territory, the territory was gone.

Just now, the last entrance of the Qingyu Gang was breached, and he almost pulled out his defending brother with tears in his eyes.

"Take the kingdom of the night..." Xi Ling murmured, but there was a powerless glint in his disdainful eyes.

Impossible, impossible at all, although there are many brothers from the Qingyu Gang who have escaped, and it is a big trend to gather together, but the Dark Night Gang must be prepared.Besides, he couldn't bear to let these loyal brothers die!

"Everyone stop talking, let the leader think about it." Seeing that Xi Ling was silent, the big man who had just started to speak waved the machete in his hand and said in a low voice.He is one of the hall masters of the Qingyu Gang.

"If you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of lack of firewood. Brothers, I can't repay you for your love to me, Xi Ling, but I will never watch any damage to my brothers. But the land is lost, I, Xi Ling, I am sorry brothers , It’s Xi Ling who’s sorry for you.” Let’s go, Xi Ling stuck the blade in his hand to the ground, and knelt down in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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