How bad guys are made

Chapter 956 Xi Ling's decision

Chapter 956 Xi Ling's decision

"Boss, what are you doing?"

"Get up quickly..."

"Master, get the leader to get up quickly..." Seeing Xi Ling kneel down, everyone turned pale with shock.

"Master, this is not your fault at all, the Dark Night Gang has long disliked us, hasn't it?" The big man quickly pulled Xi Ling up.

Seeing that Xi Ling's face was ashen, he said anxiously: "The boss is right. If you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about no firewood. Didn't our Qingyu gang fight like this back then? It doesn't matter if the land is lost, as long as we If there is someone, you can call back. At the beginning, didn't we all agree that we will share the blessings and share the difficulties, and everyone will follow you if you are blessed or difficult, so you must not fall down."

"No, Dark Night Gang, I, Xi Ling, will remember it now!" Shaking his head, Xi Ling gritted his teeth fiercely.

"Many of the brothers are now scattered outside, and they can be summoned with just one phone call. I was in a daze when I said that I wanted to call the Dark Night Gang. The current plan is to let the brothers find a shelter first, and report later!"

Xi Ling nodded when he heard that what he said was reasonable, but then thought of the current situation in Fuzhou, the Dark Night Gang is so powerful, and this all-out war is already in a situation where there will be no end to death, they must want to kill themselves.

"By the way, miss, he must not be in any danger, or he will be in trouble!" The big man suddenly thought of it, and shouted.

Hearing this, Xi Ling's head buzzed, Fuzhou is so big, finding someone is like finding a needle in a haystack, it is not easy for the Dark Night Gang to kill themselves now, but if they catch Feng Shuang and use her as a threat , then I have to submit obediently.

"Hurry up and ask on the phone." In great grief, Xi Ling also forgot his daughter for a while, seeing him standing there stupidly, the big man urged again anxiously.

"Okay, I'll make a call right away." Xi Ling came back to his senses, and took out his mobile phone with trembling hands covered in blood, because in his opinion, something bad happened to his daughter.The Dark Night Gang launched an all-out attack on the Qingyu Gang. How could it be the end of the nest? Although the daughter was always guarded by bodyguards, she was no match for the masters of the Dark Night Gang!
"Dinglingling..." Xi Ling picked up the phone with trembling hands, when the phone rang first.

It's my daughter's number!

Xi Ling's eyes were fixed, and the hands holding the phone trembled even more, not daring to answer it.

"It's Miss's call. Boss, what are you thinking, answer it quickly." The hall master didn't think so much now, seeing Xi Ling stunned, he immediately urged anxiously.

"Father, where are you?" As soon as Xi Ling answered the phone, Feng Shuang's worried voice sounded.

Xi Ling trembled all over, almost cried with joy, reached out to wipe away the tears, and said in a hoarse voice: "Xiao Shuang, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's... Brother Zhou saved my mother and I, and my mother and I were very worried about you. Where are you?" Xi Fengshuang explained, with a hint of crying in his voice because he was worried about his father's comfort.

"So that's the way it is. Thank you Zhou Xing for me. You must thank him well." Xi Ling said three words of 'good' in a row, her tone too excited.

"My daughter knows, but where are you? Where are you? How are you? Are you injured?" Xi Fengshuang asked anxiously again.

"Hehe, Dad is in a very safe place, you..."

"Oh, Brother Zhou guessed that many people would trouble us, so he discussed that I should go to the Qingcheng Gang to take refuge first, and I agreed after thinking about it." Xi Fengshuang explained.

"Well, okay, I want to thank you, Brother Zhou, and I must thank you well." Xi Ling said happily.

"Dad, why should I thank him well, what about you? What do you mean?" Xi Fengshuang was shrewd, and immediately recognized the wording in his father's words, and asked anxiously.

"Me?" Xi Ling looked up at the crowd and smiled bitterly.

"Uncle Xi, I'm A Xing." There was a burst of chatter on the phone, and A Xing's voice rang out immediately.

"It's Young Master Zhou, I, Xi Ling, really don't know how to thank you, I..."

"Uncle Xi, you are too serious. You can call me A Xing, or you can call me Zhou Xing." Hearing Xi Ling's respectful title, A Xing said in panic.

"Well, thank you for your kindness." Xi Ling held the handle of the knife tightly with both hands, with a solemn expression.Then he asked curiously, "I don't know how you knew that my daughter would be in danger?"

"I, how would I know that Miss Xi would be in danger." Zhou Xing smiled wryly, and faltered, "I'm not afraid of Uncle Xi's jokes, Ah Xing... Ah Xing has admired Miss Xi for a long time. After leaving this afternoon, I didn't I left, but wandered around your house, hoping to meet Miss Xi, so I happened to meet, I, I..."

"Brother Zhou, you, what are you talking about..." Hearing A Xing's faltering, Xi Fengshuang who was on the side suddenly blushed and interrupted him with a heartbeat.

"Miss Xi, I, I..." Seeing Xi Feng's beautiful shy eyes, even angry and angry, Ah Xing seemed to have drunk ten catties of white wine, and he hesitated and couldn't speak.

"Haha, you boy, I have already seen that you are plotting against my daughter." Hearing the conversation between her daughter and Zhou Xing, Xi Ling immediately let go of a bad laugh. The daughter and wife are fine, and the grief and indignation in her heart are also released for a while. Lost half.

"Uncle Xi, I..."

"Needless to say, love between a man and a woman is human nature. No matter what, I, Xi Ling, accept your love." Xi Ling said seriously.

Hearing that Xi Ling wasn't angry, Ah Xing was overjoyed, thought for a while and said, "I've heard what happened to Uncle Xi's Qingyu Gang, I wonder what Uncle Xi's plan is?"

"What else is there to do? I can only hide for a while. At worst, I will run away with my brothers. My brothers trust me so much, I will definitely give them a good life." Xi Ling gritted her teeth and said, her eyes darkened. But there was a trace of sadness in his eyes, Fuzhou was his home, if it wasn't something he couldn't do, no one would be willing to run away from home.And no matter where he went, he was an outsider, and it was so easy to win a territory. Moreover, once the Dark Night Gang knew about it, he would definitely not be able to resist it.And it's fine for him to endure hardships, and his brothers also suffer hardships, but as a man, let his wife and children suffer hardships, this is the most intolerable thing.As he spoke, tears welled up in his brows.

"Help Master."

"Boss." When everyone heard Xi Ling's words, they were immediately moved beyond measure.

Xi Ling looked at the crowd, stretched out his hand, and said to A Xing solemnly: "Zhou Xing, I will leave my daughter and wife to you first, I hope you can treat them kindly, as long as Feng Shuang likes it, I agree with you to be together But no matter what, I will not thank you for my great kindness, and when I am in my prime, I will arrange all my brothers to be your cows and horses, and there will be no complaints." Xi Ling said loudly.

"Dad, what are you doing? This is, you... woo..." Xi Fengshuang on the phone also heard Xi Ling's words, and couldn't help crying.

"Miss Xi, don't worry, I'll think of a way." Ah Xing comforted on the phone.

"Uncle Xi is serious." Ah Xing's tone also became serious, and he pondered for a moment and said: "Ah Xing has a way, I don't know if Uncle Xi wants to hear it."

"You just say it."

"If this is the case, our Qingcheng Gang is willing to provide a shelter for Uncle Xi's Qingyu Gang members. No matter how powerful the Dark Night Gang is, they will not dare to attack our Qingcheng Gang." A Xing said confidently in a contemptuous tone. .Then he felt too hasty, and quickly explained: "Don't worry, Uncle Xi, I, Xing, have no covetous intentions for the Gui Gang. I can also say this on behalf of the Qingcheng Gang." A Xing seemed a little excited.

"Coveted? Is there anything else we can covet for the Qingyu Gang?" Hearing A Xing's explanation, Xi Ling couldn't help laughing miserably, then changed the subject, and said bitterly: "I accept your love, you save my wife The girl is already grateful, and I will never drag you down, the Dark Night Gang can no longer tolerate us."

"Father, where are you going? Quickly promise Brother Zhou..." Hearing his words, Xi Fengshuang became anxious immediately, and tried to dissuade him with tears in his eyes.

"Feng Shuang, don't mess around. I, Xi Ling, can send my blood and tears to others, but I must not be shameless. We have troubled you Brother Zhou enough, and we can't drag him down anymore." Xi Ling smiled wryly.

"But, Dad, I..."

"Uncle Xi, it's nothing. You seem to have forgotten the status of our Qingcheng Gang. Now the most unacceptable thing in Fuzhou is our Qingcheng Gang. Are you afraid of having another Dark Night Gang?" A Xing smiled wryly.

Hearing this, Xi Ling was dumbfounded.

"Ah Cheng, what's wrong with you, Ah Cheng? Why don't you scare me? Wake up, don't sleep..." Just as Xi Ling was hesitating, he suddenly heard the shouts of a gang member.

Xi Ling turned his head to look, and all the brothers quickly surrounded him, and found that Ah Cheng had more than ten stab wounds. The wound was only casually bandaged with coarse cloth, but he passed out due to excessive blood loss.

And for such a long time, Xi Ling has been on the phone, which brother has been silently enduring it secretly, and the Qingyu Gang has encountered such difficulties, and many brothers have been injured. If I follow my own thinking, I am afraid that the brothers will sleep in the open tonight On the streets, or traveling long distances to flee the provinces, these injured brothers could not get in the car at all.The more Xi Ling thought about it, the more sorrowful she became, and she almost gritted her teeth.

"Okay, I agreed to take refuge with the Qingyu Gang, Xi Ling thanked you again." Xi Ling gritted her teeth and said solemnly.

"That's great..." Hearing that the stubborn father finally agreed, Xi Fengshuang wept with joy.


Wendong was driving the car with a smile on his lips, and Su Yuemeng was sitting beside him, talking about Qingcheng Group's planning projects and plans for the future, describing a big and grand blueprint full of longing She came out with a very excited expression. Obviously, Wen Dong personally went to the company to pick her up from get off work, which made her very happy.

Wendong doesn't know anything about these things. Director Lanyun and the fashion style he worked on before are all some ideas he made up while watching TV when he was on earth. Su Yuemeng said so much is tantamount to playing the piano to a cow. Wendong can't understand , but nodded again and again, and he couldn't spoil his interest in hard work as a cheap wife.But he understood the last few sentences, and said with a wry smile: "The plan has been completed, but the money is short, right?"

Hearing this, Su Yuemeng was taken aback for a moment, stretched out her small snow-white hand to give him a thumbs up, and said with a sweet smile: "Smart."

Wen Dong: "..."

Wen Dong smiled wryly, thinking in his heart that fortunately he had defeated the Blood Wolf League before, otherwise it would be impossible to withdraw nearly one billion in cash so quickly.I don't know what important matter Qian Feng came to the water city suddenly to discuss, anyway, I don't care, I don't bring money to me, hehe... Don't blame labor and management for being ruthless!
"What's the matter? What are you looking at?" Wen Dong bent over to put on his slippers when he came home, only to see Su Yuemeng who suddenly became taciturn when he came to Qingcheng Nightclub standing in the bedroom and looking around, Wen Dong couldn't help asking curiously .

"Where's Sister Li?" Su Yuemeng asked in a low voice, while asking, her beautiful eyes turned to the bathroom.

Hearing her words, Wen Dong suddenly understood that the girl suddenly stopped talking just now, so it was because of this.

"She went out, and she probably won't come back until two days later." Wen Dong said with a smile, his eyes naturally fell on Su Yuemeng. She was wearing a professional skirt, her braids were tied up high, and she had the capable style of an urban beauty.However, because of her petite stature, her calves wrapped in black silk made her look slimmer and slender, and she seemed to be able to imagine the snowy skin on her legs wrapped in black silk in her mind.

Sensing Wen Dong's strange gaze, Su Yuemeng turned her head to look, and saw her rascal husband's half-smile expression, and those rogue eyes swept her legs unscrupulously.Su Yuemeng's head suddenly buzzed, recalling the scene last night, his eyes looked like a pair of big hands touching his legs.

"Oh, I'm going to take a shower." Su Yuemeng felt her whole body was soft, she nodded quickly, her face blushed and her heart beat so scared that she went to the bathroom.

"Well, make it whiter." Wen Dong laughed.

Hearing his words, Su Yuemeng groaned immediately, and fled into the bathroom as if flying.

(End of this chapter)

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