Chapter 957

"Dinglingling..." Wendong sat on the sofa and was thinking about the sound of water rushing in the bathroom when his phone rang.

It's Qian Feng's number.

It's 45:[-], so it's probably here.

"Hello, Qian Feng." Wen Dong answered the phone.

"Well, boss, are you in Qingcheng?" Qian Feng asked.

"Well, I'm here." Wen Dong nodded.

"Well, I'll be there in five minutes. I'm running out of time. I have to hurry back tonight. You'd better find a place to wait for me. I'll leave after I finish speaking." Qian Feng said anxiously.

Hearing this, Wen Dong couldn't help frowning, wondering what was so urgent?But he nodded and agreed: "Okay, the old place, private room No. 207, I'll go down and wait for you."

"OK, all right."

After hanging up the phone, Wen Dong frowned slightly, turned his head and looked at Su Yuemeng who hid in the bathroom for nearly half an hour but did not dare to come out, and greeted Su Yuemeng, "Yuemeng, I'm going out first, I have something to do."

"Oh, then, then you can go to work first, I, I..." Su Yuemeng replied quickly, but she hesitated at the end.

Wendong smiled wryly, knowing what this silly woman meant, but he was helpless: "I don't know when I'll be back. If you can't wait, go to bed first."

"Well, okay, I see." Su Yuemeng replied with a hint of disappointment in her tone.

Wendong smiled helplessly, and instinctively told him that there must be something important about Qian Feng's visit this time. He was not willing to let Yuemeng wait for her, so he stopped procrastinating, turned around and left the room, and locked the door by the way.


Wendong waited in the private room for a while, Qian Feng came to the private room in a hurry, without saying hello to Wendong, grabbed a bottle of beer by the coffee table and drank it, probably made many phone calls along the way , My mouth is dry.

Wen Dong frowned slightly, and waited for him with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Master, I'm here to borrow someone from you." After a bottle of beer was drained, Qian Feng felt much better and sat down next to Wen Dong, opening his mouth.

"What's the matter? The forces over there are going to attack us?" Wen Dong was taken aback, frowning.

"That's not true, but they fought among themselves." Qian Feng shook his head, speaking with a somewhat smug tone. The melee of many forces in Fuzhou was at least his general contribution.Of course, he did not forget to look at the gang leader with admiration, because the real reason for the melee among these forces was what Wen Dong said, that the personnel and the territory were not equal.

"Then?" Wen Dong nodded silently, and gave him another strange look. It was expected that those forces would fight, but Qian Feng's coming so far this time must not be that simple.

"Then the situation is much more complicated than we imagined. This time, the Dark Night Gang united with several small gangs to fight against the Qingyu Gang, and then the Hong Gang, unwilling to be lonely, made a move against Zhengfengtang. The only two remaining gangs in Fuzhou The gangs have started fighting. This is like a fuse. Fuzhou is now in a mess. Originally, this is of great benefit to us. The more they consume each other, the better for us, but some forces in Jiangsu and Zhejiang have mixed in. We It's not easy to hold onto the territory of the Blood Wolf Alliance." Qian Feng opened another bottle of beer and said while drinking.

Hearing this, Wen Dong nodded slowly. There has been no change in Fuzhou for the past few days, and Qingcheng Group is about to open. In order to avoid some troubles, Zhang Yifeng transferred back some of the brothers who were stationed in the blood wolf alliance site. The guards over there There weren't many people in the gang, but the territory obtained by robbing the Blood Wolf Alliance was very large. Now that this big melee has spread to their side, I'm afraid they can't hold it with a small number of people.

But Wen Dong couldn't help being puzzled again, he felt that Qian Feng's remarks were a bit strange.

Because such a big melee is also beneficial to them, what is the reason for the melee?It was for the sake of the land, and as long as they released the news of selling the land at this time, and the forces in Jiangsu and Zhejiang were extremely coveted, the strength in Jiangsu and Zhejiang was originally outsiders, so naturally there was no consistent statement to the public.They would definitely spend a lot of money to buy it. As long as they bought the site and sent personnel to guard it, they would be able to step into the power of Fuzhou as a matter of course. Qian Feng is such a shrewd person, wouldn't he think of it?
"You mean... you don't want to sell anymore?" Wen Dong asked with a frown.

"Sell, of course we have to sell, but I think we don't want to sell all of them, that's why I went there myself." Seeing Wen Dong expressing his thoughts on the discussion with others, Qian Feng couldn't help but admire the helper's power.

"Then tell me first." Wen Dong asked casually, raising his eyebrows.

"Well, time is running out, so I'll make a long story short." Qian Feng nodded quickly, and said, he opened a map in his bag, spread it on the table and pointed out: "This place is magnificent, and it can be regarded as one of the most prosperous areas in Fuzhou. .”

"Yeah." Wen Dong nodded. They had studied these before when they attacked the Blood Wolf Alliance, so they were naturally very clear.

"I want to keep this site, about the strength of stationing two halls. Our site doesn't need to be too big, there are only so many, and the rest are all sold." Qian Feng swipe his fingers around Jinbihuihuang, circled a prosperous area Let's talk.

"Go ahead." Wen Dong nodded without interrupting.

"There are two advantages. One: If we completely withdraw from the power struggle in Fuzhou and only guard the water city, maybe after the melee in Fuzhou is over, there will be a second blood wolf alliance. Trouble It is very annoying. And we are stationed at the two halls. No matter what, these two halls will bear the brunt. This is like a barrier. Trends. And we have some forces over there, and it would be much more convenient for us to take some measures to restrain the various forces; Second: Qingxiao reminded me that the development of our Qingcheng Group, many cooperation projects of Qingcheng Group, etc. When it comes to companies in the south, it will be much more convenient if we have a garrison in Fuzhou, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. After all, as long as we establish a foothold in Fuzhou and settle down with peace of mind, then we can be regarded as local snakes." Qian Feng said in a breath After finishing, he looked up at Wendong, asking for advice with dewy eyes.

"Well, according to what you said, you are here this time not so much as borrowing someone, but as taking advantage of the situation?" Wen Dong raised his brows and said with a smile: "We don't need to beat people at all, just go At that stop, it is estimated that no force will dare to touch us, and it will also create a good environment for the two garrisoned halls, and behind these two halls are the Qingcheng Gang of Shuishi."

"That's right." Qian Feng took a sip of beer, his eyes sparkled, and he nodded quickly.

"Besides, in this case, the goal of selling the land has to be considered. It is best to sell part of the land to the forces in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. We are all foreign forces. It should be helpful to each other. Earn enough favorability."

Wen Dong smiled slightly, and then said: "In this way, the forces in Jiangsu and Zhejiang will stop there, and we will not be alone like before, and we will no longer be like a thorn in the side, making them feel ashamed in Fuzhou. In this way, we will not be so hated, this is a psychological problem."

Hearing this, Qian Feng's eyes lit up, that's it!

"And there are forces in Jiangsu and Zhejiang to share the damage for us, and act as another stick to stir up shit, telling us that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages." Wen Dong thought for a moment, then smiled.

"That's right, that's the reason." Qian Feng nodded again and again, and looked at the gang leader with admiration. In such a short time, the gang leader actually figured out the whole situation.

"Of course, the east side of our splendid area is a good land. I want to sell this land to the Qingyu Gang." Qian Feng suppressed the excitement in his heart, and stretched out his hand to draw on the map.

"Oh? The Sapphire Gang? That's the gang A Xing mentioned before? Didn't you just say that the Sapphire Gang was beaten by the Dark Night Gang? Could it be guarded?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly remembered, wondering what the Sapphire Gang had. something special.

"Yes, it's this gang. The gang leader is Xi Ling, and now the Qingyu Gang has been taken over by the Dark Night Gang, but..." Qian Feng nodded, and began to talk quickly again.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that boy A Xing is still a lover." After listening to Qian Feng's narration, Wen Dong couldn't help laughing.

"Well, Xi Ling is a good person. Although the strengths in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are outsiders like us, they are unreliable after all. Since we want to gain a firm foothold in Fuzhou, it is best to have a loyal ally, and this Xi Ling is the most suitable As long as we sell him this good piece of land, he will be grateful, and as long as Ah Xing puts his daughter on the bed, the two sides will form an alliance. In this way, our land will be doubled, but he Our solid allies." Qian Feng said confidently, and then there was a hint of sinister in his eyes: "Although this land is good, but there are two sides close to the Hong Gang and another top ten gang in Fuzhou, let Xi Ling's Qingyu Gang help us Guard the periphery, let's sit in the center."

"As for other sites, we can sell them to other forces at our discretion." Qian Feng said proudly.

Wen Dong clicked on a cigarette, looked at him with narrowed eyes, grinned and said: "Li Ba is really right, you are really a scum, haha."

"It's not for our Qingcheng Gang." Qian Feng smiled shyly, but he didn't show the slightest bit of shame, then he looked at Wen Dong ambiguously, and said with a smile: "And there is another benefit that I didn't mention, After you left, Ms. Tang has not left in Jinbihuanghuang. If we move and leave, Ms. Tang is not easy to arrange, and we are stationed at two halls in Fuzhou. Boss, you have nothing to go there to rest. A warm bed? It is said that you also gave her a big house. This is the meaning of Jinwu Zangjiao. We understand what you mean, we understand, hehe..." While talking, Qian Feng raised his eyebrows and looked The sensuality.

"Ahem..." Hearing Qian Feng's explanation, Wen Dong's eyes widened, and he almost swallowed the smoke in his mouth. Then he coughed violently, pointed at the scum with a red face and trembling, and said I can't speak.

"Don't talk nonsense to me, you bastard. It's just a coincidence that Tangyuan and I understand it." Wen Dong threw away the cigarette butt fiercely, and pointed at the bastard angrily.He has enough women and enough troubles now, and he doesn't want to be singled out by these bastards again and again.

"Uh..." Seeing that the boss seemed to be really angry, Qian Feng broke out in a cold sweat. Could he be too smart? Isn't that what the boss thinks?

"Then... will our plan be implemented?" Seeing Wen Dong's gloomy face, Qian Feng couldn't help asking cautiously.

"Implemented, of course it has been implemented, I will go to Yifeng to transfer people now!" Wen Dong stood up, said righteous words, and after finishing speaking, he turned around and left the private room, leaving behind Qian whose eyes nearly popped out. Feng--fuck it, the boss is the boss, he is so righteous when he is shameless.

(End of this chapter)

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