How bad guys are made

Chapter 960 Xi Fengshuang's Choice

Chapter 960 Xi Fengshuang's Choice
Everyone watched with dull expressions as Wen Dong flicked his hands, trying to sell himself the second best position in the Blood Wolf League besides the golden and splendid site. The hall masters beside Xi Ling were dumbfounded in shock.

Xi Fengshuang even stretched out her hand to cover her small mouth, her beautiful eyes flickered at Wen Dong who was spitting, her expression was even more exaggerated—is this true?
"Master Wen, this joke is not funny at all." Xi Ling was also shocked, but after all, he was the leader of the gang who had seen the big scene, so he couldn't help but looked at Wen Dongdao with a wry smile.


Wen Dong was talking vigorously, and was blatantly promoting how good his territory was, but when he heard Xi Ling say this, he immediately raised his head and stared at him coldly, labor and capital wasted so much spit, you actually said I was joking?

"Master Xi, what do you mean? My sites are worthless?" Wen Dong said angrily, with veins pulsating in the back of his hands, as if he was about to overturn the table.

Xi Ling smiled wryly, and explained: "No, no, what I mean is that money can't buy these lands. I don't believe that I have such good luck, and how could the Guibang..."

"So that's the case." Wen Dong waved his hand, interrupted Xi Ling's speech, and said seriously: "I really want to sell this piece of land to you."

"Then Master Wen, can you tell me the reason?" Seeing that he was serious, Xi Ling still couldn't believe it, so she couldn't help asking.

"To be honest, the reason is very simple. I've told you before that the tree attracts the wind." Wen Dong said seriously.Jiang Han had already reminded him before that the country had already set his sights on him for the turmoil caused by the Killing Blood Wolf Alliance, so it was best to stop.But Fuzhou is in such a mess, if the benefits proposed by Qian Feng are really useful, he would have sold these hot potatoes at a random price.

"Yeah." Xi Ling was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood, and couldn't help but glance at Wendong with admiration. Wendong is so young and has such a big gang. The confidence of ordinary young people must be inflated. They are all in the bag, but Wendong is not. He stops at the right time and knows how to advance and retreat.But he still doesn't believe it.

"Actually, we didn't want to get involved in the muddy waters of Fuzhou. However, the Blood Wolf League deceived people too much. My Qingcheng Gang had no choice but to do it. So we wanted to take down these sites and sell them. Coincidentally, this There was turmoil again, and even the forces in Jiangsu and Zhejiang were involved, so if you want to sell it, they are naturally the best choice."

Wen Dong said, but did not explain the last sentence, but Xi Ling understood what he meant, nodded slightly, and secretly praised Wen Dong for his scheming.

"However, no matter what, after the turmoil in Fuzhou, it will eventually stabilize. After it stabilizes, we are also worried that there will be a second blood wolf alliance, so we want to set up two halls here. Although our Qingcheng is powerful, But there is still some distance between here and the headquarters of Shuishi City, so I will not be tricky, and I would like to invite you to join us." Speaking of business, Wen Dong's expression also became serious. It would be better to say it directly.

"Alliance?" Xi Ling was taken aback when he heard that, and looked at him with surprise on his face, suddenly realized in his heart,

Seeing Wen Dong nodding his head, Xi Ling couldn't help but said, "Then I don't know what the meaning of this alliance between Gang Leader Wen is?"

"Then I don't know what Gang Leader Xi thinks of our Qingcheng Gang?" Wen Dong asked without answering.

"The momentum is too strong." Xi Ling said directly: "After the emergence of the Wen Gang, the north and south Qingcheng merged into one, and more than a week later, the Lanyun Gang merged under the Qingcheng Gang, and the Qingcheng Gang almost unified the underworld in the water city. For more than ten days, the Qingcheng Gang violently killed the Blood Wolf League and occupied all the territory of the Blood Wolf League. It seemed that the Blood Wolf League provoked first, but from another angle, it can be seen that the Qingcheng Gang’s rapid expansion attitude."

"The Qingcheng gang has a deep foundation and a large number of gangs, and it has become a big trend. After killing the blood wolf alliance, the morale has been greatly improved. The gangs in Fuzhou want to move but dare not move you." Xi Ling said.

"What is the meaning of Gang Leader Xi's establishment of the Qingyu Gang?" Wen Dong asked again.

"Protect my wife and children, and let my brothers live a good life. But once entering the rivers and lakes is as deep as the sea, I can't retreat even if I want to, so I can only grit my teeth and persist, and protect my brothers, my wife and children." Xi Ling said with deep eyes.

"Then this is the purpose of the alliance. The Blood Wolf Alliance is a pack of wolves who cannot retreat at all. If they want to keep my brothers from worrying, they can only kill them forcefully. Now it is not so easy to retreat. If you want to gain a foothold in Fuzhou, Also protect my brother." Wen Dong said, raising his glass first.

Xi Ling looked at him in surprise, and couldn't help turning his head slightly to look at the hall masters who still hadn't recovered from the shock. He knew that as long as he toasted, the alliance would be formed!

Wen Dong really didn't have the time and scheming to play these things, and he was a bit abrupt. He held up the cup and didn't urge him, but just looked at him calmly.

"What do you guys think?" Xi Ling turned to look at the hall masters and asked. This is a major issue related to the future development of the Qingyu Gang, and he dare not make a decision.

"Leader Ruowen's words are serious, it is really a great favor to our Qingyu Gang." Hallmaster Dahan said excitedly.

Xi Ling was holding the cup in one hand, and his hand was trembling a little. What the hall master said was true, because the land that the Qingcheng gang wanted to sell to him was really good, even better than their original land. Not only that, but his own land They can also support each other with Jinbihuanghuang, watching and supporting each other.If the Qingcheng Gang really formed an alliance with sincerity, it would be a blessing in disguise.

"Bangzhu Wen's great kindness makes me feel like..." Xi Ling pinched the cup with a dreamy expression.

"It's like a dream." Xi Fengshuang on the side continued his father's words.

Xi Ling turned her head to look at her daughter, nodded with a wry smile, that's exactly what happened.

"Hehe, it's not that exaggerated. My words are absolutely true. Of course, you also have to give me real money." Wen Dong reminded that this land is a free gift, but it costs money.

Xi Ling glanced at him, and felt that what he said was true, weighing the pros and cons, the pros outweighed the cons, so without procrastinating, she raised her wine glass and bowed to Wen Dong, and drank it in one gulp, doing it first as a respect!

Wen Dong also drank the wine in one gulp, Ah Xing observed his words and quickly filled him with wine.Wen Dong nodded, raised his head to look at the leader of the Qingyu Gang, and then glanced at Li Ba at the side: "I announce that the Qingcheng Gang and the Qingyu Gang have formally formed an alliance and will advance and retreat together. From now on, everyone will be a family. For our sake Brothers and those who care, let's raise our glasses together." After finishing speaking, he stood up first.

Xi Ling also hurriedly picked up the wine his daughter had just filled for him, and the next hall master stood up quickly, with an excited expression, and drank it down in one gulp.

After taking his seat, Wen Dong glanced sideways at A Xing, seeing that his expression was a bit strange, he couldn't help saying: "What? I'm not right?"

"Ah? Yes, of course." Ah Xing nodded quickly, laughed dryly, and flattered: "The leader is right, we are all one family, hehe."

Seeing this, Wen Dong frowned slightly: "Don't be like Ling Yun, some girls don't like the glib guy."

"Yes, that's what the lord taught me." A Xing nodded quickly.

Ling Yun, who was sitting on the opposite side and was not in a good mood, rolled his eyes when he heard the boss's words. He was in a bad mood at first, and he was shot while lying down?
"Hehe, what I said is indeed lacking. Should I add another sentence, there is me in you, and you in me?" Wen Dong said with a smile at A Xing, his eyes were ambiguous, and he picked Xi Fengshuang who was on the side.

"Uh huh, whatever the leader says is right." Ah Xing blushed, noticing Xi Feng's eyes, he didn't even dare to look up.

Xi Fengshuang had a ghost in his heart, and he was a little embarrassed by what Wen Dong had pointed out, but seeing that Brother Zhou was even more shy than himself, he couldn't help being annoyed. Why was this guy so bold when he confessed his love this afternoon?
But it's not too bold, he hesitated for a long time, and after he finished speaking, he didn't dare to look at himself again, as if he was a tigress.She couldn't help but think of the sentence her father said before: witty words are prey, and hesitating is liking.

She was smart, and after being mentioned by her father, she found that brother Zhou really had that kind of affection for her.And since I was a child, there are many young talents who like me, but when I face Brother Zhou, my heart beats.At first, I thought it was because my body was also seen by him at that time, and I felt embarrassed and embarrassed, but now that I think about it, it seems that it is not entirely because of this...

Of course, it’s a little exaggerated when it comes to love, but in the end I still like it a little bit. After all, Brother Zhou saved himself from danger twice. Beauty, and I will abandon everything and go with him...

Thinking of this, Xi Fengshuang quickly shook his head, what was he thinking in a mess, secretly glanced at Brother Zhou who lowered his head and dared not look at him, blushing and heart beating.

"Master Wen, in fact, I still feel a little unreal. I don't know why the leader of Wen chose me as an ally of the Qingyu Gang?" At this moment, when the situation became quiet, Xi Ling couldn't help asking again.

"The first point is that I have heard that Xi Ling's leader values ​​love and righteousness, and he is most at ease in forming an alliance with your gang," Wen Dong said.

"Boss Wen praised the award, it's just a compliment from brothers on the road." Xi Ling smiled and shook his head.

"Second thing..." Wen Dong glanced sideways at A Xing: "It's really a fate, who made you give birth to such a beautiful daughter, who took away the soul of our hall master, how can I?" It's easy to cultivate such a hall master, if I run away with your daughter, the land can't be sold, people are gone, and people and money are empty, wouldn't I lose a lot of money?"

"Uh..." Xi Ling opened her mouth wide and looked at Wen Dong with a face full of shock. So it was because of this?

"No, gang leader, it's impossible. It's absolutely impossible for me to leave the gang." Ah Xing was surprised, and quickly expressed his stance.

"Yo yo, you're so baffled, did I say you were the hall master whose soul was snatched away?" Wen Dong looked at him with a surprised expression, half a smile but not a smile.

"Ah? I, I..." Ah Xing was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that not only did he not tell himself, but he was also suspected of being affectionate. When he noticed Xi Fengshuang's gaze, his face flushed with shame, and he was speechless Come.

"Damn, so it's you. I've heard calluses in my ears these two days. Everyone in the gang knows that a young man in our gang has a crush on Lao Xi's daughter, and he can't wait to hang on the window of her boudoir every day." look up."

"I, the leader, I was wronged. I didn't peek, Miss Xi, I really didn't peek..." A Xing blushed, waved his hands in denial, and quickly explained to Xi Fengshuang that he was about to cry.

Xi Fengshuang couldn't help but burst out laughing with a 'puchi', this stupid guy, doesn't he know that his leader is making fun of him?so stupid!
Seeing that Wen Dong had already picked things up, Xi Ling didn't pretend, and said loudly: "Zhou Xing saved my daughter twice in distress, and also saved my wife's life this afternoon. I'm not old and dim-sighted. He I can clearly see his intentions, he is a really good boy, and I think he is very suitable for my daughter. But..." Xi Ling changed the subject, and Ah Xing, who was originally excited, suddenly raised his heart.

"But young people nowadays, what you say is about feeling, anyway, I don't know what it is like..." Xi Ling smiled and turned to look at her daughter.

Hearing this, Ah Xing also quickly looked up at her with an expectant expression...

(End of this chapter)

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