Chapter 961
"But young people nowadays, what you say is about feeling, anyway, I don't know what it is like..." Xi Ling smiled and turned to look at her daughter.

"I, I don't know, it's too fast." Seeing everyone looking at him, Xi Feng said with a blushing face, shaking his head.

There is a door!

Wen Dong's eyes lit up, and a girl's words to this extent were enough to show that he had a crush on Ah Xing.As for whether he can catch up with him, it depends on this guy's ability to pick up girls.But he has been hanging around with Ling Yun for a long time, as long as he has a thicker skin, it will not be difficult to catch up with this chick.

Luckily, Ling Yun couldn't hear Wen Dong's voice, otherwise he might have committed suicide, why is it me again! !

Wen Dong stood up suddenly, clapped his hands and said, "Listen everyone, I have something important to announce today."

Hearing this, everyone looked up at Wendong.

"I announce that starting today, Zhou Xing will be appointed as the head of the new Qingji Hall of the Qingcheng Gang. A Xing is a master who came out of there, and he was also the first person to be promoted to be the head of the hall. He will be named Qingji Hall. To commemorate."

"Wow wow..."

Everyone stood up quickly, Li Ba, Qian Feng and a group of excited base masters stood up to congratulate, Ah Xing was full of excitement, he knew that a large part of the reason why the gang leader promoted him to be the hall master was to make himself worthy Xi Fengshuang.

Ah Xing seemed to have never heard of everyone's congratulations, he got up and bowed ninety degrees to Wen Dong, and said with a serious expression: "Master, from now on, my Zhou Xing's life will be yours."

"Don't do this." Wendong was startled, and quickly helped him, seeing that his expression was excited, and his heart was also refreshed. He not only bought people's hearts, but also sold the territory, and then drew an ally. Three birds with one arrow thing.

"Then it's finalized, the public will return to the public, and the private will return to private, 20 billion, this land belongs to your Qingyu Gang." Wendong smiled and said: "Of course, buy one and get two free. One: When the Qingyu Gang moved, we The Qingcheng gang will lead guards, and this time I happened to bring a large number of brothers, which is enough to stand up. Of course, you have to take care of the food."

"Haha, of course, not only food, but also food." Xi Ling couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard Wen Dong's funny words, and said, "Then what about the second bonus?"

"Second? Here, this land also belongs to you, it is considered as Bai Zeng's." Wen Dong lowered his head and stretched out his hand to draw a dozen more streets around the original site, and said with a smile: "It's not Bai Zeng, either. My hall master misses your daughter, of course I, as the sect master, have to express it, and this land should be regarded as a betrothal gift, haha."

Ah Xing stood aside, feeling even more moved, while Xi Feng's blushing face was pretty, and she pursed her mouth so she didn't dare to interrupt.

"Well... Then I really deserve it. That's good, our Qingyu Gang still has some wealth, 30 billion."

A sudden increase of one billion?Wen Dong's eyes lit up immediately.


"Of course, Master Wen is so generous. Although our Qingyu Gang is small, we can't be stingy. The billion is not a waste, it's my daughter's dowry." Xi Ling laughed.

Hearing this, Xi Feng's small face turned red, pinched his father with his little hand, blushed and said angrily, "Dad, I think you are drunk!"

Where did this come from? I haven't agreed to it yet, and my father is also confused, and was bypassed by Wen Gangzhu's dowry...

"Master Xi, you are so open-minded, so I will be disrespectful, and you can't lose a penny." Hearing what Xi Fengshuang said, Wen Dong was afraid that he would go back on his word. This is 30 billion, real gold and silver!
The excitement in Wen Dong's heart, the extra land he just allocated was originally discussed with Qian Feng and sold to him, but just now, when he was talking and spitting, he deliberately under-zoned this land. The idea of ​​winning people's hearts.

As for Xi Ling's character, Qian Feng has often told him along the way that he doesn't want to owe others favors. He belongs to the kind of temper that you respect me a foot and I respect you. reason for praise.But Wendong played some tricks, retreated as an advance, and said Bai Zeng first, and Xi Ling really took out his family money again.

This entry and exit is nothing but a billion dollars, Wen Dong almost sang excitedly - I am not in charge of the family, I am not an official, I wish in my life to make a lot of money, ahaha... …

As for Ah Xing, there were tears in his eyes, and he was about to kneel down to express his gratitude.

Besides Wendong, the only one who really knew how much land he wanted to sell to the Qingyu Gang was Qian Feng.Not only did he earn a billion for nothing, but he also earned favors from both sides, especially that kid A Xing. It is estimated that Wen Dong would not even blink if he asked him to jump into the fire pit.

Xi Feng pursed her mouth, and looked at Wen Dong curiously with her beautiful eyes. The leader of the Qingcheng Gang is a bit too greedy for money, right? Are they short of money?I said something about a family before, but this is really unambiguous when it comes to collecting money.

"Master Xi, you are much older than me, so I will call you Brother Xi from now on. This time we are in an alliance, everyone takes care of each other regardless of each other, and we are all a family. Come, let me toast you." Wen Wen Dong poured a glass of wine for Xi Ling with a smile on his face.

"Okay, what brother Wen said is right." Xi Ling laughed loudly, and quickly picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

This time he thought that the Qingyu Gang had run out of power, but he didn't expect Liu Anhua to be bright. Not only the whole family was rescued by Zhou Xing, but as long as the Qingyu Gang took over the land they bought, it would greatly increase their strength after a makeover. It is true that the price is high, but in Fuzhou, a place where every inch of land is very expensive, these sites cannot be bought even if you have money.

Although these sites are sold to others even if they are not sold to himself, he doesn't care about them, he has already remembered this great favor.

At first, the several hall masters under Xi Ling were a little wary, because this alliance was too dreamy for them, but later they discovered that the fierce drinking of Li Ba and the other hall masters was not fake at all.But on second thought, just as the gang leader said, what else can people covet about the current Qingyu Gang?Not to mention the thousands of gang members brought by Wendong gang leader, the dozens of masters around Ah Xing alone can wipe them out in minutes.

This is the reason why the so-called barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes. They have nothing to lose, so they have no scruples.

After a dinner party, Wen Dong and Xi Ling drank a lot, and the hall masters of the two gangs also flattered and gave in to each other, and they were so drunk that even Ah Xing drank himself while pouring wine for Wen Dong when he was excited. He was in a daze and his face was flushed.

The friendship between women is very easy to build, a cosmetic or a few nice clothes or even a bag can become a good sister because of this topic.It is also not difficult to establish friendship between men, especially at this time the two gangs have established an offensive and defensive alliance and have the same goal.

With a flushed face, Xi Ling pulled Wen Dong's arm and called Brother Wen, and Wen Dong climbed onto his shoulder and called Brother Xi.But the man is drunk, his tongue is tied and he doesn't speak, but he talks too much.But the two who left Xi Fengshuang speechless drank to the end and called their in-laws. Wen Dong and Xi Ling called their in-laws one by one, which is called kindness.

Xi Feng pinched his father's lower back with his red face and small hands, but this outspoken father couldn't feel the pain at all when he was drunk.Although Ah Xing drank a lot, he still remained sober after all, and also looked at the boss helplessly, I am not your son, what is my in-laws...


"Qian Feng, bring over the real estate agreement and the transfer agreement of that land." Although Wen Dong drank a lot, his physique was not so ordinary. Xi Ling had already been drunk, but he was not very drunk Pour, said vaguely in his mouth.

"Yes." Qian Feng had already prepared it, but after a while he brought over with an information bag.

"Hey, brother Xi, come to sign, the land is yours." Wen Dong signed his name in a twisted way, and stretched out his hand to shake Xi Ling who was lying on the table beside him.

But it didn't matter if he shook it, Xi Ling, who was lying on the edge of the table, swayed and got under the table with a 'gudong' sound.

"Wow, Xi Ling, what do you mean? Don't you, don't you want to sign it? What's the matter with you sneaking under the table, um... If you think it's expensive, we can discuss the price..." Wen Dong Eyeballs that were red from drinking gurgled, his body wobbled, and he spoke inarticulately.

Hearing this, Xi Fengshuang, who quickly reached out to lift his father up, was covered with black lines. This Lord of Qingcheng is also a wonderful thing, he has drunk so much that he still hasn't forgotten the money!

But how did she know that Wendong's so much fanfare this time is really for money. The two presidents, Zhang Hanhan and Su Yuemeng, are no longer cash cows, but vampires. Even if she sells her underwear It's not enough for two people to spend.And tonight, Su Yuemeng even nagged herself for a long time along the way, it was money!

"Wen, Master Wen, I'm sorry, my father is drunk." Seeing Wen Dong staring closely at his father as if afraid of escaping, Xi Fengshuang explained apologetically.

" doesn't matter, father and daughter pay back the debt, you come and sign it." Wen Dong said.

"Then..." Xi Fengshuang raised his eyes and glanced at the uncles of the Hall Master. Seeing them nodding, he hesitated for a moment before agreeing. He was afraid that Wendong would say something embarrassing again, so he hurriedly Signed his name.

"Put it up." The document was in duplicate, and each party got one point. Seeing that Xi Fengshuang had signed her beautiful name, Wen Dong smiled triumphantly and gave it to Qian Feng who was behind him. Then he couldn't help but said to Xi Feng : "By the way, little girl, when your father wakes up, don't forget to ask him to send me money."

"Okay, I see." Xi Fengshuang quickly agreed, and couldn't help but look at the young Wen Dong, what a little girl, she is 22 years old, the age difference is only two or three years old, or even less.

After the show ended, Wen Dong staggered down the stairs, and A Xing took care of the rest of the arrangements for Xi Ling and the others. This guy is now having a good career and love. Although Xi Fengshuang hasn't promised himself, he can. Seeing that she already has intentions in her heart, this time it might be considered an engagement, A Xingpidianpidian was busy busying herself happily.

"Give me a cup... um..." Wen Dong tapped his head with a headache: "The Devil's Graveyard."

She noticed when Wen Dong was staggering downstairs, but he didn't dare to come forward to speak, but unexpectedly, Wen Dong went straight to the bar on his side, and asked for the roll call that he prepared for him last time. liquor.

"Wen, Chief Wen?" Knowing that Wen Dong was speaking to herself, Tang Yuan still panicked and looked at him suspiciously.

"What? I don't know you anymore?" Wen Dong grinned, lying on the bar, his eyes naturally fell on her bulging soft flesh.

"I know, of course I know." Tang Yuan nodded foolishly, panicked under Wen Dong's unscrupulous gaze, but smelled the smell of alcohol, drinking more than last time.

"The devil's cemetery is too strong, how about I make you a sober fruit drink?" Tangyuan said hesitantly.

"Well... okay." Originally, when Tangyuan said this, she regretted it in her heart, how could she dare to disobey this man's meaning.Unexpectedly, Wen Dong hesitated and agreed.

"Okay, I'll adjust it for you right away." After the shock, Tangyuan almost cried with joy, and even she was baffled, why she was so happy...

(End of this chapter)

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