How bad guys are made

Chapter 962 Dawn Harvester - Ghost Shadow

Chapter 962 Dawn Harvester - Ghost Shadow
"Tang Xiaoniu, get me a cup of Devil's Graveyard, I want the strongest."

Tangyuan had just prepared a glass of sober fruit drink for Wendong, when a familiar voice came.She looked up in surprise, her heart trembled, it was Ling Yun.

She has been working as a bartender in Jinbihuanghuang for the past few days, and this Lingyun often comes to ask her for a freshly made cocktail, but because of her previous relationship with Wendong, he is still very polite to herself.But no matter what, Ling Yun couldn't afford to offend him, so he couldn't help but look up at Wen Dong, seeing his expressionless face, he pursed his lips and nodded, "Okay."

"Boss." Seeing that Wen Dong didn't look at him, Ling Yun didn't know where he had offended the boss. Although he was a little angry, he still called out, but his tone was a bit stiff, as if telling him that his mood was not very beautiful.

"Are you calling me?" Wen Dong turned his head and looked at him expressionlessly.

"Boss, I..." Seeing Wen Dong's appearance, Ling Yun was startled, and before he finished speaking, Wen Dongfei kicked him over.


Wen Dong's kick was not small, and Ling Yun flew off the ground in an instant. He only felt that his ribs were about to be kicked off, and he hit the ground all of a sudden.

When Tangyuan heard the abnormal noise, she turned around abruptly, looked at Wendong who suddenly had a fierce look on her face in horror, but saw a figure flashing in front of her, Wendong seemed not drunk at all, and took another stride towards the flying out Ling Yun rushed over.

Tang Yuan covered her mouth in shock and did not dare to make a sound, because the scene that followed was extremely tragic, mainly because Ling Yun's screams were too tragic.

"Bang bang..."


Tangyuan stretched out her hand to cover her small mouth, she seemed to be scared stupid. She knew that this Lingyun was Wendong's capable subordinate, and Lingyun had been bragging about it to herself a lot these days. She felt that maybe Lingyun did something wrong and was taught by Wendong. , but this is not a lesson so simple.Wen Dong is really beating, and even wants to beat Ling Yun to death...

"Oh... oh... Boss, I don't dare anymore, Boss, don't. Don't hit me, if you hit me again, you will be killed..."

It wasn't until Ling Yun begged for mercy that he was beaten, Wen Dong stopped. He didn't say a word from then on, and looked coldly at Ling Yun lying on the ground writhing in pain, then turned and left.

It wasn't until Wendong returned to the bar again that Tangyuan recovered from the shock, her eyes dodged a little, and she didn't dare to look into Wendong's eyes.

"Fruit drink is good."

Hearing Wen Dong's almost heartless voice, Tang Yuan looked up in a daze. The glass of fruit drink on the bar had already run out, and Wen Dong had already turned and left.

Tang Yuan stared blankly at his chilling back, and gradually calmed down from her panic.Perhaps, the several passions that night, especially the tenderness the next morning, made her have a wrong view of Wendong.In fact, he was a cold and ruthless person. Back then, he hacked to death more than a dozen people in front of him without even batting an eye.

But this time, he seemed to be even more cold and ruthless, and he was so cruel to his subordinates, let alone a woman who was only regarded as a solution to physiological problems?Thinking of this, it seems that the sentence 'the fruit drink is good' is so cold and bone-piercing...

She kept watching Wendong pick up a cigarette, and the flickering cigarette butt disappeared from her sight. She gradually withdrew her gaze, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of her mouth to mock herself.

At this moment, there were quite a few people stationed on the first floor of the lobby. Naturally, they were watching the scene of Brother Ling being violently beaten with their own eyes. Of course, none of them dared to fight. Afterwards, I was very embarrassed, and it was indeed time to teach me a lesson.

Seeing the gang leader leave, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and then looked away tacitly.As for the others, they were more straightforward, looking up at the starry sky, muttering to themselves, the stars are so bright today, what a good day... Well, no, the neon lights on the ceiling are so bright...

The masters who walked out of the base were all abused, and so was Ling Yun, but even so, he still felt chest tightness, his ribs seemed to be kicked off, and the pain all over his body was unbearable. He probably wouldn't be able to recover if he didn't lie down for a few days.

But these are nothing to him, even if he is beaten in front of everyone, when he recovers from his injuries and jumps around alive, these little brats still have to respectfully call him Brother Ling, besides, he has a thick skin. When he was at the base, he was often beaten up by the instructor in public.But what made him a little sad was Wendong's attitude towards himself.In this incident in Fuzhou, he thought he had put in more effort than Ah Xing. The boss not only ignored him and made Ah Xing the hall master, but also beat him for no reason, which made him a little disappointed.

No one around dared to step forward, Ling Yun stretched out his hand with difficulty to remove the chair that fell on him, moved his painful body and staggered to stand up.

"Smoking a cigarette?" At this time, Qian Feng walked over, and handed a cigarette to him with a smile on his eyes.

Ling Yun was a little touched at first, but seeing that his smiling eyes were obviously causing trouble, he grabbed a cigarette and swallowed it in his mouth angrily: "Even you, a scumbag, came to see my jokes!" .”

"Hehe..." Qian Feng smiled, but did not answer.

Hearing his mocking laugh, Ling Yun, who was already in a bad mood, suddenly became furious, and said with a cold expression in his eyes, "Are you looking for a beating?"

"It seems that the gang leader hasn't woken you up yet." Qian Feng snorted coldly, reached out and snatched his cigarette, and didn't even bother to wait on him.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Ling Yun wanted to beat him up, but when he heard his words, he asked in a daze.

"Are you really stupid or fake?" Qian Feng glanced at him wonderingly, and said angrily, "The boss wants to train you, can't you see it, otherwise why are you treated better than everyone else? How much? Now you are only looking at the petty profit in front of you. I always thought you were very smart, but I didn’t expect you to be mistaken by your cleverness. Why did the leader give you such good resources? Only let you guard this one A small Fuzhou outer hall? But you are staring at this place eagerly, you are simply short-sighted, the gang leader should beat you to death!" Qian Feng became angrier as he spoke, pointed at him, and almost yelled at him.

"Ah? I, I..." Hearing Qian Feng's merciless reprimand, Ling Yun didn't refute this time, and just froze on the spot.

Originally, he was still very angry when he was beaten up without thinking by the boss, but when he heard Qian Feng's words, he suddenly woke up.

Thinking about it now, what Qian Feng said was not bad at all, the boss even gave him the unique cheats of "Guying Huansha", which only had ten pieces, so he naturally wanted to use himself as his right-hand man, but he only Thinking of the sky high and the emperor far away, greedy for pleasure.And what Qian Feng said was right, he knew the boss's abilities best, especially in the Suiyun Kingdom and his party, they had seen how powerful the boss was.And in my opinion, the boss will be more than enough to control all the dark forces in the Xia Kingdom in the future, so what is this little Fuzhou trend, and I have been regarded by the boss as his right-hand man who can fight for him in all directions from the very beginning.

At this time, when Qian Feng said it, he felt enlightened and suddenly realized.

Damn him, he dared to be angry with the boss.Thinking of this, Ling Yun slapped himself hard, but said excitedly: "I understand, haha, thank you, scum, you finally said something human and managed some human affairs, haha."

Ling Yun was so excited that he snatched the cigarette from Qian Feng's hand and put it on his mouth, and ran out. When he passed the glutinous rice balls, he saw her looking at him in shock.

Ling Yun's bruised nose and swollen face squeezed out an ugly smile, bared his teeth, limped and happily chased after the boss in the direction he left.

Tang Yuan's head has turned into a paste, and he was so happy after being beaten up so badly?This...wouldn't be being beaten stupid?

In a hidden jungle on Suihua Island, the center of Suiyun Kingdom's territory, General Mu Mu.

The four seasons of Broken Cloud Country are like summer, it just rained tonight, and the jungle is moist with the scent of grass and dew.

Beside the gravel on the hillside, a tall and handsome woman stood proudly.She was wearing a black leather jacket, the tights perfectly outlined her soft and vigorous lines, and the exposed white skin became more snowy and lustrous under the starlight, and her long black hair was draped behind her like a waterfall , as beautiful as a midnight ghost.It's just that her whole body exudes a chilling air, and her ten fingers are constantly flicking, and a dagger is swirling between her ten fingers. Against the backdrop of the stars, streaks of cold light shoot out from time to time, which is chilling.

At this time, black shadows moved among the trees, and a tall and burly man rushed to the woman with a few flashes, and said respectfully, "The Harvester."

"Hmm." Ghosting greeted him with a nasal sound, and his whole body was frighteningly cold.

The man looked at the woman curiously, and seeing that she didn't speak, he didn't dare to ask any more questions, and just stood aside and waited honestly.He received a message from above yesterday that he must arrive here before ten o'clock tonight.

What shocked him was that the person who came this time turned out to be the Dawn Harvester.

Reaper has a provenance.There were 28 stars in ancient times, and the Temple of Dawn is composed of 28 guardians. They are the real top masters of the Dark Dawn organization, and each guardian is of extraordinary strength.They are the most loyal guardians at the top of the organization, but they prefer to let others call them reapers!
The visitor stood aside, secretly guessing.But after a while, four more men came, all of them stood aside obediently and did not dare to speak.

And if the four generals of the Suiyun Kingdom were here, they would be shocked to find that the person who came was their adjutant!

"Who is Ling Mu's adjutant?" Seeing everyone coming together, Ghost Shadow asked, his voice was crisp but full of air.

"Returning the Reaper, it's me." The man who arrived first hesitated slightly, and hurriedly stepped forward and said.

"Yu Mu is old, and seems to want to take care of himself." Ghost Ying said leisurely, with a strong sneer in his tone, and asked: "Who is Black Skull's lieutenant?"

"Returning the Reaper, it's me." Another man stood up and said.

Everyone is a farmer, and they have been guarding a general for several years, so they naturally know each other. The two can't help but look at each other, secretly guessing the meaning of what this beautiful reaper said just now. Is Mu old?

"I'm releasing the mission now." Ghosting said coldly.

Hearing this, everyone straightened their expressions and looked up at her.

"The two of you cooperated with the Black Skull to rebel and killed Ling Mu together inside and outside," Ghosting said.

Afterwards, she ignored everyone's shock, and looked at the other three and said, "Which of you is General Bloodaxe's adjutant?"

"Reaper, I am."

"Well, General Blood Ax is on good terms with Black Skull, and you cooperate with Black Skull to make Blood Ax rebel together." Ghost nodded.

Although the adjutant was puzzled, he nodded and said: "Yes."

"The remaining lieutenants of General Poppy Flower and General Zhengqi are you two, right?" Ghost Shadow said looking at the remaining two men.

Seeing the two nodding their heads in agreement, Ghost said, "Prompt these two generals to unite to resist the rebellion of Black Skull and Blood Axe."

The two adjutants nodded and stepped aside.

After the task was finished, the five adjutants had puzzled expressions. Although the task was very clear, the core point was not clear. What is the organization going to do?
"Reaper, what is the core of our mission this time?" General Mu Mu's adjutant asked.

"The core is chaos!" Guiying said coldly: "Your side has been too quiet these past few years. Ling Mu is getting old and has no vigor. It's time to change people."

"They have been sending spies to the four generals all these years because they want to disintegrate the Mu pirate army from the inside out. So the four generals are in civil strife, and the Suiyun government will definitely not let go of this opportunity. And Southeast Asian countries in the previous If you have a bad nose in the suppression of bandits, you will definitely participate in it." Ghosting said.

"The suppression of bandits in Southeast Asia a few years ago had a lot of losses, and it was a shame. They didn't dare to intervene easily?" said an adjutant.

"Yes, this is not something you care about." Guiying was confident, and then thought for a while and said: "It is best not to let the spies sent by the Suiyun Kingdom government to the four generals die in this chaotic war. Let them pass the news to the government, understand?"

"Understood." The five adjutants quickly took orders.

"I heard that some time ago a young extraordinary warrior came from Tianxia Mainland?" Gui Ying was about to disperse the crowd, but suddenly remembered something and asked curiously.

"Yes." General Poppy's adjutant answered quickly.

Ghosting nodded, his eyes were frivolous, and he seemed interested: "Well, describe it to me..."

(End of this chapter)

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