How bad guys are made

Chapter 963 Ghost Shadow's Plan

Chapter 963 Ghost Shadow's Plan

The screams of ghosts came from the quiet woods.

"Wen Dong? You said that extraordinary warrior is called Wen Dong?"

At this time, Lang Pingchuan was lifted up by the ghost with one hand, but the petite body of the other party exuded a terrifying aura at this time, and he was so oppressed that he couldn't breathe.

"Yes, it's called Wendong." Lang Pingchuan's whole body was shrouded in the aura of ghosts, and he felt cold sweat, and nodded hoarsely.

Ghost waved him coldly to the ground, Lang Pingchuan raised his head when he saw her rushing up again, her snow-white hands stretched out and grabbed his neck: "Is it him?"

"Yes, yes, that's him." Lang Pingchuan looked at the photo in the Reaper's hand, and nodded quickly after examining it carefully.

"Okay, very good, it's really easy to get through the mud of iron shoes!" Ghosting sneered and put away the photo and stood up.At this time, her whole body was filled with air-conditioning, exuding a compelling bloodthirsty killing intent, and the surrounding adjutants were silent.

Lang Pingchuan was too frightened to speak out. As General Poppy's adjutant, he had naturally met Wen Dong.But I didn't expect this young man to have a grudge against the reaper, so how strong is he?
You must know that people like myself are not even qualified to have a grudge against the reaper, because the reaper can destroy himself with a wave of his hand, and thinking about it this way, that Wendong's ability is actually comparable to that of the reaper.

"Get up." Ghosting was silent for a long time, and suddenly retracted the momentum around him, but his tone was still cold.

"The rest of you can get out. You stay and tell me everything about Lai Wendong in detail, and you can't miss a single detail." Ghosting said coldly.Thinking of his brother's tragic death, when Wendong was mentioned at this time, Guiying could not suppress his rage.

"Yes." The other five adjutants hurriedly left as if they were pardoned.


Two hours later, it was half past twelve o'clock at night.

The military tent in the poppy camp.

General Zhou Shuhua was sitting in the front seat, sipping tea, and glanced at the adjutant sitting opposite, with a trace of worry flashing in his slightly restrained eyes.He was called up by the adjutant in bed, but he was not angry or blamed at all.

As the only general under General Ling Mu who relies on his intelligence to rise to the top, he has a keen sense of smell that ordinary people cannot possess. From the first day when Lang Pingchuan was arranged by General Ling Mu to his side, he realized that this man was not an ordinary person. It is very likely that he is bigger than General Ling Mu, and he may even be the master sent by the big force behind General Ling Mu to monitor him.

And with getting along with each other in the past few years, he became more and more sure of his guess, but he didn't say it out loud.However, this was the first time he saw the serious expression of his adjutant who was usually idle, and he knew that something had happened!
"In a few days, the Black Skull will definitely rebel against General Yan Mu, what should you do?" Lang Pingchuan said leisurely after being silent for a long time.

Hearing this, Zhou Shuhua raised his head abruptly, with a horrified expression on his face.

The four eyes met, and after a long time, Zhou Shuhua slowly recovered from the shock, and said in a calm tone: "General Ling Mu is old, although he has done quite well in these years, he hasn't done any major things."

Hearing his words, Lang Ping's eyes froze suddenly, seeing the light of wisdom shining in his slightly closed eyes, he smiled and said, "You are really smart."

"Smart people are sometimes stupid." Zhou Shuhua smiled bitterly.

Lang Pingchuan stared at him, his general was so smart that he couldn't figure out what he meant by his words.

Zhou Shuhua picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes.From the very beginning, he was General Ling Mu's staff, and he was promoted entirely by the general's appreciation, and Ling Mu was kind to him for knowing him.

But this time Lang Pingchuan said that the Black Skull rebelled, so Ling Mu would definitely die. If he didn't rebel with the Black Skull, maybe without the Black Skull, his adjutant would kill him, and he could rebel with the Black Skull Is it your own benefactor?
"Pingchuan, let's do it." Zhou Shuhua slowly put down the teacup, looking straight at him.

Lang Pingchuan looked at his calm gaze, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.He felt that it was the best choice to organize his own generals to unify the Suiyun Kingdom, because he was too smart, but Zhou Shuhua was a bit too rigid.

Lang Pingchuan's eyes dodged a little, he looked down at the teacup in front of him, and said leisurely: "I don't want to part with it."

Hearing this, Zhou Shuhua trembled and looked at him suspiciously.

Yes, even human beings are human beings, and the reason why they are not beasts is because they have brains, can think, and have feelings.

With General Zhou all these years, he was really kind to himself, and he had the clearest view of General Zhou's ability.

General Zhou is a virtuous and virtuous corporal, good at making friends, and will win people's hearts. It is also part of his strength that he can be appreciated by General Ling Mu and named a general.

The Reaper had already explained something to him. Lang Pingchuan was afraid that his clever general would see something, so he got up and walked out. When he walked to the door of the tent, he said firmly, "I will help you resist the black skull."


In the car.

Just as Wen Dong took out a cigarette, an open flame lit up next to him, Ling Yun's nose was bruised and his face was swollen and flattering: "Boss."

"Yeah." Wen Dong glanced at him, lowered his head slightly and lit the cigarette: "I'll give you the cheat book so don't miss it, you get it the first time, if it's even worse than Sakura..."

Ling Yun looked upright, and quickly expressed his opinion: "Don't worry, boss, I will definitely not embarrass you. I came back with you this time to concentrate on cultivation. Tomorrow I will send Yamancha to work in Qingcheng Group. Sometimes sister-in-law just give her a job."

"Well, you can just tell Yuemeng about this matter, and it's more than enough to arrange someone." Wen Dong nodded.

"Yes, boss."

It was more than one o'clock in the morning when I returned home from Fuzhou, so I didn't go home so late, so I came to Yuemeng to sleep here for a night.

Come to the penthouse suite of Qingcheng Nightclub.

Pushing open the door and looking inside, the bedside lamp was still on, but Yuemeng had already fallen asleep.Wen Dong smiled bitterly, remembering that before leaving, he asked the woman to clean up her crimes, but he didn't expect to be delayed.

He quietly walked over to turn off the light, then turned around and went out to the bathroom to take a shower.

Lifting the quilt, only then did she realize that the girl Yuemeng hadn't changed into her nightgown, but was sleeping in a snow-white bathrobe wrapped around her clothes. The white bathrobe set off the snowy luster of her exposed skin.Presumably, she waited until she was extremely sleepy before falling asleep in a daze.

Wen Dong felt pity in his heart, and slowly reached out to the back of her head to embrace her delicate body in his arms.


"Sorry, I woke you up?" Hearing Su Yuemeng's sleepy voice, Wen Dong whispered.

"No." Su Yuemeng said in a daze, wrapped his small snow-white hands around his wide waist, put his head into Wendong's arms, and fell asleep peacefully with his small face.


In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight shines in, and a ray of morning light shakes slightly through the gaps in the curtains, Su Yuemeng wakes up from her sleep.Blinking her sleepy eyes, she looked at the familiar face of Zhengxiang who was sleeping in front of her, with a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth, she lowered her head and secretly kissed him on the face.

She was about to move her buttocks and straighten up, but a big hand wrapped around her waist. Su Yuemeng turned her head suddenly with a coquettish cry, and saw Wen Dong staring at her funny: "Kiss again."

"No, it's time to get up." Su Yuemeng boldly stretched out her hand to caress his face, giggling as if coaxing a child.

Wen Dong's eyes sank, and he wrapped his arms around her waist but did not let go.

Su Yuemeng had no choice but to pout her mouth and leaned towards her again, but Wen Dong turned over and pressed her under her body, and kissed him actively.

Wen Dong didn't move, just kissed gently, Su Yuemeng didn't struggle after a little flustered in her heart, narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly, and responded slowly.

"Jingle Bell……"

The two were kissing tenderly when Su Yuemeng's cell phone beside the bed rang.

"Give me the phone." Su Yuemeng avoided his kiss, pushed his shoulder with her little hand and said coquettishly.

Wen Dong glanced at her with some reluctance, but reached out sideways to take the ringing mobile phone, glanced at the screen, and was startled--Mom.

"It's your mother's phone number." Wen Dong grinned.

"Oh." Su Yuemeng quickly sat up and took the phone, warningly glanced at Wendong, who was lying beside him with his hands behind his head and said comfortably: "Don't make any noise."

After finishing speaking, she cleared her throat with a light cough, picked it up carefully, and called sweetly: "Mom."

Wendong couldn't help smiling when he saw the cute girl who was sneaking around like a child who did something wrong.

"Mom? You damn girl, you still know you have a mother? Why haven't you called me for so long?" Mother Su's scolding sound came from the phone.

"Oh, am I busy with work?" Su Yuemeng stuck out her tongue and explained awkwardly.

Because Su Yuemeng was sitting, Wendong could see her long and white legs under the loose bathrobe by turning his head slightly. When he looked inside, he found that Yuemeng's skin was so good.

"Busy? Don't you have one day off every Saturday? I made dinner yesterday and waited for you, and I didn't see you until night." Mother Su snorted angrily, then suddenly remembered, and smiled Said: "Oh, yes, my daughter is different now, she has a boyfriend, of course she wants to accompany her boyfriend."

"No, it's really busy with work, and Wendong is also very busy." She looked at Wendong, whose eyeballs were almost hanging on her lap, with a reddish face, and explained.

"He's busy too?" Mother Su hesitated and said, "Then you don't see each other very often?"

"Ah? Yes, yes, but I met you too." Su Yuemeng said falteringly as she was not very good at lying.But as soon as the words were finished, Xiaozui let out a low cry, because the shameless person next to him actually put his hand on his lap.

"What's wrong?" Mother Su asked quickly when she heard her daughter's strange voice.

"Oh, it's okay, I knocked over the cup on the bedside when I was talking to you just now." Su Yuemeng quickly explained, blushing and beating heartbeat, stretched out a small hand to pat Wendong's hand on her lap, but she couldn't break it no matter what not come down.

"Oh, how does Wendong treat you? How far have you developed? Have you held hands yet?" Mother Su asked her daughter.

"Ah, I do, of course I hold hands." Su Yuemeng's head buzzed, holding hands was fine, this rascal was holding her leg...

"And then? Did you go further?" Mother Su asked again.

"What, what's the next step?" Su Yuemeng didn't dare to look into Wendong's eyes, and could only let him grope around, blushing.

"It's just kisses and the like, aren't all of you young people like this?"


"He never kissed you? Impossible, does he have no feelings for you? He didn't ask... Well, bully you?" Su's mother said in a worried tone.She knows her daughter's character best, she is too kind and honest, and she also sees that her daughter really likes Wendong, so as long as Wendong treats her better, she will definitely not refuse if she wants to bully her daughter.

So if he didn't ask, it can only mean that he has no feelings for his daughter, or is there another woman?
"Oh, Mom, how can it be so fast, Wen Dong and I have only been in love for a short time." Su Yuemeng explained with a blushing heartbeat, and suddenly her delicate body trembled, and said quickly: "Mom, I won't tell you now, I'm calling, I'll call you later..." Su Yuemeng hung up the phone hastily as she said that, because Wendong, a rascal, had already stuffed her hands into the bathrobe...

(End of this chapter)

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