Chapter 964 Mother and Daughter Dialogue
"Oh, alright, you know how to bully people early in the morning." Su Yuemeng quickly opened Wendong's mischievous hand, got up, put on her slippers, walked to the closet and said, "It's getting late, it's time to get up and cook , or you will go to work late, what do you want to eat?"

"Well, just do whatever you want." Wen Dong didn't refuse this time, but looked at her blushing face in a funny way and said, "I thought your mother was worried that I would bully you, so it turns out..."

"You still say!" Su Yuemeng snorted angrily, and a small object flew towards Wendong's head with a 'swish'. Wendong reached out and grabbed it, and the tentacles were soft. Yuemeng's bra-chest is still a cartoon version with blue and white porcelain patterns.

"Hmm... I didn't expect you to like this tone." Wen Dong picked the bra on his fingers and twirled it a few times, looking at her with a half-smile and said.

"Yeah..." Su Yuemeng almost fainted. She was just annoyed by being teased by Wendong just now, so she threw the clothes she found over with her hands, but she didn't expect it to be her personal belongings. Guo: "Go out, I want to change clothes."

"I'm an old couple. It's not like I haven't seen it. Not only have I seen it, I've even touched it." Wen Dong looked at her, curled his lips, yelled but didn't refuse, turned and walked out.

"Rogue!" Su Yuemeng glared at him blushing, and quickly closed the door.


Breakfast is very simple, Wendong likes to eat with soup, so Su Yuemeng cooked him a poached egg noodle.

"Don't go to the company today." Wen Dong said while eating.

"What's the matter? Is there something important?" Su Yuemeng was taken aback, and looked at him curiously.

"I'll accompany you home today." Wen Dong said while drinking the noodles with his head down.

"Go home?" Su Yuemeng was taken aback for a moment, then immediately understood, moved in her heart, but said: "Don't listen to my mother's nonsense, the company is opening now and there must be no shortage of people, we will go back when we have time."

"Let Qing Xiao go to support you for a day, what's so busy, it's not like I haven't been there before, just your exclusive secretary has more than ten, plus Qing Xiao, you'll be fine if you don't go for a day." Wen Dong Said angrily.

Qing Xiao is now the nominal vice president of Qingcheng Group.


"Forget about this and that, it's settled like this." Wen Dong interrupted her hesitation.

"Well, okay. But in this case, let's go all morning. We can stay until one o'clock and go to work in the afternoon." Su Yuemeng discussed.

"Well, that's fine too."


After eating, the two drove to Su Yuemeng's house.

But halfway through the trip, he received a call from Qian Feng.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Wen Dong asked with a frown, did something happen in Fuzhou?
"It's okay, Xi Ling wants to transfer money to you, but the amount is too large, you need to go to the bank yourself." Qian Feng said.

"Well, okay, I'll do it now." Wen Dong raised his eyebrows slightly, and immediately became happy. That's 30 billion. Even if he has three hands in his whole life, he can't get so much money.

"What's the matter?" After hanging up the phone, Su Yuemeng sat aside and looked at him strangely.

"Well, something, I'll send you home first, and I'll come back later to tell you the good news." Wen Dong said proudly.

"What good news?" Seeing Wen Dong's happy expression, Su Yuemeng asked with a smile.

"Secret." Wen Dong smiled mysteriously.

"Cut, forget it." Su Yuemeng snorted.

After getting out of the car, Wen Dong sent her to the door of the unit and said: "I won't go up, I'll be back in a while."

Su Yuemeng nodded, knowing that when Wen Dong went up, his mother would definitely pull him to talk, and it was not good to leave in a hurry, so she nodded and suddenly turned to stare at him, blinking her beautiful eyes and said: "What good news is that? ?”

"What? Don't you worry about it?" Wen Dong looked at her funny.

"You..." Su Yuemeng was choked by Wen Dong for a long time and couldn't speak. It would be fine if he didn't mention it, but now he was so itchy that he wanted to know, but Wen Dong never said anything along the way.

"I'll tell you when I get back." Wen Dong said with a proud smile.

"Isn't it going to pick up some sister or wife's wife again?" Su Yuemeng rolled her eyes, staring at him vigilantly and said, her small mouth raised, a little reluctant.

Hearing this, Wen Dong staggered, turned his head and stared at her dumbfounded, and then grinned: "Well... what kind of smell is this, it's so sour..."

"Sour smell? Where is it?" Su Yuemeng was taken aback when she heard it, but she didn't smell it when she wrinkled her little nose. When she noticed Wendong's funny eyes staring at her, she suddenly understood, and said with a coquettish snort: " Get it if you like it, I am not jealous."

"No, it's not this." Wen Dong stopped teasing her and shook his head with a smile.

"Really?" Su Yuemeng looked at him suspiciously, with a somewhat disbelieving expression.

"You still say you're not jealous?" Seeing this, Wen Dong couldn't help reaching out and pinching her cheek, his expression getting more and more amused.

"Go, I'm too lazy to know." Su Yuemeng knocked off his hand angrily and hummed.

"Go up, I'll be back in a while." Wen Dong retracted his hand.

"Yeah, come back soon after finishing the work." Su Yuemeng nodded her head, turned and went upstairs, reached the top of the first floor, turned around, and found that Wendong was still standing at the door of the unit looking at herself, she waved her little hand, Then he turned and went upstairs, feeling a little sweet in his heart.


"Mom, I'm back." Taking out the key to open the door, Su Yuemeng greeted while changing her slippers.

"Aren't you busy with work? Why are you back?" Mother Su came out of the kitchen with a curious face, but even though she said so, her expression was full of joy.She is just such a daughter, and she hasn't seen her for more than two weeks, so she naturally misses her.

"Tch, the old lady at home is complaining, can I not come back?" Su Yuemeng sat down on the sofa with her slippers on, and hummed to her mother.

"You son of a bitch, you won't come back until I call, right? Are you disturbing the two-person world between you and Wendong?" Mother Su cursed angrily, but she sat down beside her daughter with a smile on her face. Beside her, her eyes fell on her daughter without a trace.

In the eyes of her parents, no matter how old her daughter is, she is still a child. She couldn't help but think of Yuemeng when she was young, and sigh in her heart how time flies.It's really a girl who doesn't want to stay in college. Seeing that it's the age to marry, the more I think about it, the more reluctant I am to give up.

Moreover, her daughter has a weak personality since she was a child, and although Wen Dong is very kind and caring to her daughter when they meet, she has a lot of experience after all, and she can tell at a glance that Wen Dong is not the kind of very honest and responsible person, it is inevitable Worrying about her daughter being bullied.

"Mom, what are you looking at?" Su Yuemeng reached out and picked up an apple and peeled it with a knife. When she noticed her mother's strange gaze, she swept it around her body. Feeling hairy, I couldn't help asking.

"Let's see if my daughter has been bullied by that boy Wendong." Mother Su said with a smile.

"You think you are a god, you can see this?" Su Yuemeng's delicate body tightened, pretending to lower her head to peel apples, and snorted angrily.

"Hehe, I can't tell anything else, but Mom can tell whether you have been eaten by him." Mother Su pursed her lips and smiled.

"Oh, Mom, why are you so disrespectful, what are you talking about?" Su Yuemeng's pretty face flushed immediately, and she gave her mother an angry look.

"When you get married, you're going to have a baby. There's nothing wrong with that." Mother Su said bluntly, without feeling embarrassed at all.

After all, the father is still a man, so the mother has continued to preach to her daughter in terms of physiology and sex.For example, after the daughters are ten years old, the mother will tell them about the monthly aunt, and when they talk about boyfriends and get married in the future, they will talk about that.

"Your father said that the young man Wendong is good, and I think he is also good." Mother Su glanced at her daughter again, and said with a smile, the meaning is self-evident, Wendong did not eat her daughter.Although it is common for unmarried people to try love first in this society, if the two have conflicts and break up later, it will be an irreparable harm to the daughter, especially the girl Yuemeng. Worry.

"That's right, he is very kind to me." Naturally, Su Yuemeng couldn't understand the meaning of her mother's words, and nodded with a smile, her face was full of happiness.

"Well, as long as he treats you well." She knew her daughter best, and she was also happy to see her daughter's happiness and sincerity without any airs at all.

"Oh, by the way, Wen Dong sent me here just now, but he answered a phone call halfway and went to work again, but he will be back in a while." Su Yuemeng suddenly remembered and reminded.

"What? Ask mom to cook quickly?" Mother Su's face darkened, and she gave her daughter a glare.

"Of course, my uncle is here, so you have to take good care of me." Su Yuemeng took a bite of an apple and hummed.

"You stinky girl, what's wrong with my uncle? He wants to marry my daughter away, so he should serve me well." Mother Su glared at her daughter angrily: "Why, then do you mean to wait until later? Let me take care of you when you have children?"

"Yes, you have only given birth to me in this life, haven't you served enough?" Su Yuemeng said with a natural grin.

"You child." Mother Su snorted angrily, and then asked curiously, "Has Wendong ever bullied you?"

"No, no? What bullying?" Su Yuemeng pretended to be nonchalant.

"Aren't you young people like this when you fall in love? Although my mother is old, she still understands. Just kiss, hug, and then..."

"Oh, how can it be, how is it possible?" Su Yuemeng interrupted her mother's words angrily.

"Really? You see that your face is as red as a monkey's butt, why don't you say no?" Mother Su looked at her daughter amusedly.

"Oh, mom, why are you getting more and more discolored as you get older, I won't tell you anymore, you should hurry up and get ready to cook!" Su Yuemeng said, blushing and pushing her mother.

"Okay, mom is going to buy vegetables right now. He is the one who will do more than a dozen. He will fill my uncle up and bully my daughter." Mother Su stood up and said with a smile.


"Okay, don't talk, mom won't talk." Seeing that her daughter was extremely ashamed, Su's mother covered her mouth and walked into the kitchen, wondering if she should talk to Wen Dong about this matter when he came... …

She is not old fashioned, and she has nothing to hide or not to do about it.But with his daughter like this, as long as that boy Wen Dong asks, it is estimated that his silly daughter will agree in all likelihood, but if...

Mother Su also felt extremely conflicted in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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