How bad guys are made

Chapter 966 Goodbye 2 Brothers

Chapter 966 Goodbye Two Brothers

It's okay for a mother to eavesdrop on her child's conversation, but it's not good to be caught.The embarrassing mother Su also forgot what she wanted to tell Wendong.

Driving the shy and angry little girl Su Yuemeng back to the company, and handing her a bank card with [-] million cash in it on the way, made the little girl very happy.

Just as she sent Su Yuemeng off, she received a call from Yingzi.

"What's the matter? Are you doing well at the base?" Wen Dong answered the phone with a smile.

"Well, very good." Yingzi smiled, and then her tone became serious: "Wendong, I want to discuss something with you."

"Well, let's talk." Wen Dong nodded.

"The contribution system of our base has just started to be implemented, and most people don't accumulate much contribution points, but because Gu Fenghan and Gu Fengshuang set a precedent, I discussed with everyone and implemented a system, which is to practice "Guying Phantom Killing" " and "The Body of the Earth" and those with outstanding talents can give priority to cultivation."

"Well, this system is very good. After all, things are dead, and if they are not used there, they will grow hair." Wen Dong nodded.

"Well, after implementing this system, we have found a lot of good seedlings in our base. We have made this talent very strict, but there are still many who passed the test of me and Gu Fenghan, so I want to ask, you Is there any Mirage Pearl?" Yingzi asked tentatively.

"Yes. I have saved some here. I have forgotten too many things recently. In addition, there are other secrets of the Mirage Orb. I will send it to you immediately." Wen Dong said: "As long as you are talented, you can get it." Let them cultivate and improve their strength without delay. Of course, loyalty must be guaranteed."

"Master, don't worry, I understand this." Yingzi said seriously.

"What do you call me?" Wen Dong frowned, the Japanese ninja dogma was too deep in her bones, and she couldn't change it several times.

"Wendong..." Yingzi smiled sweetly.

"Change another name." Wen Dong said with a smile.


"Well, I'll go back as soon as possible after the work here is over." Wen Dong smiled, thinking of the ghost image, which has been pressing in his heart and can't breathe, and Hongyan's "Legendary Hegemony" task, If he wanted to help her, he had to improve the strength of himself and the masters of the base as soon as possible.

This is also the reason why he beat up Ling Yun last night, mother, given him such a good resource, he would not want to leave?
"Okay, Yingzi is waiting for the master at the base." Yingzi said happily.

"Still called Master?"

"Master has feelings..." Yingzi said with a smile, her tone rippling charmingly.

Wen Dong: "..."

This little bastard, Wendong almost couldn't help but get excited and went to send these mirage beads, and conquer this little slut by the way.

After hanging up the phone, Wen Dong hurriedly drove back to the Qingcheng Nightclub, and ordered Ling Yun to go there himself to escort the Mirage Pearl back.

After the explanation, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon, and Wen Dong was sitting in the box bored, not knowing where to go.


The underground garage of the stylish headquarters.

"Jiang Tao, you have to deduct your salary for personal affairs during working hours." Wen Dong leaned against the car, joking about Jiang Tao who just got out of the car and was staring at him dumbfounded.

"Boss..." Hearing Wen Dong's voice, Jiang Tao confirmed that he was not dreaming. Since the Lanyun incident broke out, he hadn't seen Wen Dong for more than a month.

"Who is this?" Beside the car, a young woman couldn't help frowning slightly when she saw Wen Dong leaning against the car, and asked curiously as she stretched out her hand to pull Jiang Tao.

"This is my boss, the boss I often mention to you, we are the bosses of fashion style." Jiang Tao pulled the woman and said excitedly, then hurried over and said excitedly: "Come on, Cuihua, I will give you Let me introduce, this is Wendong, and this is my girlfriend, Liu Cuihua."

"Wen, Wendong?" Hearing her boyfriend's introduction, Liu Cuihua called out coquettishly, and quickly said, "Mr. Wen, hello."

girlfriend?Wendong was stunned when he heard that, and couldn't help but glance at Jiang Tao in surprise. He heard Xiaoxi say that Wu Jian finally caught up with Shen Yadan after all kinds of hardships, but he didn't expect that Jiang Tao also found a girlfriend. This is a good thing, these two guys no longer have to get together and go to nightclubs every day.

"Hello, my name is Wendong." Wendong nodded with a smile, and couldn't help but look at Liu Cuihua more.

Not to mention, Jiang Tao is quite discerning.Liu Cuihua looks like a rural person just from the name, and she should also be a fashionable employee. She is dressed in a uniform and skirt, and her figure is very beautiful.Although his appearance is not considered beautiful, he can be considered average, but he looks like a kind-hearted person.Similar to Sun Dagang's girlfriend Zhang Xiaoyan.

"Congratulations, Jiang Tao, for finding such a good girlfriend." Wen Dong said with a smile, his tone full of sincerity.Speaking of which, the first time he knew Jiang Tao was as an inmate.

"Thank you, Brother Dong, thanks to Brother Dong for taking care of me." Jiang Tao said with a smile, his face was excited, and his tone was quite sincere. If Brother Wen Dong hadn't helped him, he might still be selling pornographic discs in the streets and alleys. Well, not to mention finding a girlfriend as good as Xiang Cuihua, it's even hard to find a second marriage, he knows his looks and conditions very well.

Of course, because of this, he has also been working sincerely for fashion during this period of time, and after Lin Xiaoxi became popular, his agent has naturally risen. Besides, he is not only a close friend of the current president Wu Zhan, but also with the stock market. The chairman, Wen Dong, has such a relationship. Although he is only Lin Xiaoxi's manager in Fashion Style, no one dares to show him face. The relationship is so tough.

Enterprising men can still win the favor of some girls.So Huangtian paid off, and after more than 20 days, under the guidance of Wu Zhan, he finally embraced Liu Cuihua as a beauty.

Moreover, the family members of both parties knew about this matter and were planning to get engaged.Today Liu Cuihua's mother came, so he asked Wu Zhan for a vacation, and went to the supermarket to buy some bedding, etc. This is the custom in the wife's house.

No, after dinner, Liu Cuihua's mother and second aunt were sent away, and the two came back. Coincidentally, they ran into Wendong who hadn't seen him for many days in the parking lot.

And all of this was given by Wendong, how could he not be grateful and dare not move?
Hearing Jiang Tao's explanation, Wendong realized that there were no miners, but asked for leave. He smiled and said, "I'm engaged, when will I get married?"

"Well, it should be at the end of the year." Jiang Tao said with a smile, then turned his head and glanced at Liu Cuihua who was beside him and said, "If the time is too late, then it will be early next year. Anyway, we have already discussed it, so we are not in such a hurry."

Liu Cuihua smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Hehe, don't be in a hurry, we're living together in a world of two anyway, and getting married is just a formality and another certificate." Wen Dong nodded with a smile.

Hearing this, Liu Cuihua pursed her lips and lowered her head shyly. She was not an innocent girl, so she naturally knew what Wendong meant.

"Brother Wendong, are you here to find your sister-in-law?" Jiang Tao asked with a smile.

"Well, I mainly came to see you. I haven't seen you for a long time. I want to talk to you. I will go to Wu Zhan later." Wen Dong smiled and shook his head.

"Well, that's good, I'll go find you after I send Cuihua off." Jiang Tao said happily.

"Well, okay."


Fashion CEO's office.

Wen Dong is familiar with the road, and under the shocked eyes of all the secretaries, he swaggered away from the president's office and walked in.

"Hey, Wu Mei, you are getting more and more unruly, and you don't even knock when you come in."

But as soon as he walked in, he heard Wu Zhan's cheap laugh, and he sounded very frivolous, Wen Dong frowned slightly, this guy still didn't change his cheap nature after he became the president.

Seeing Wu Zhan looking down at the document without looking up, Wen Dong walked over and pinched the soft flesh under his armpit.

"Damn, Wu Mei, what are you doing... huh? Boss... Boss?" Wu Zhan obviously thought that the person who came was Wu Mei, his senior assistant, but when he saw that she had actually pinched him, he was startled. When he looked up, he saw It turned out that the person who came was Wen Dong who hadn't seen him for more than a month, and he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

"What? I'm gone, my assistant has become your private product? Why don't you just tease me if you have nothing to do?" Wen Dong stared at him with his head down.

"Boss, how could it be? I have a family now, so don't talk nonsense." Wu Zhan was agitated, and quickly denied, and then he put on a mean smile: "Come on, boss, come and sit down." , Why don’t you tell me when you come, I will go down to meet your old man in person, and I will call my sister-in-law and say you are here.”

"No, I'll go find her by myself later." Wen Dong shook his head, sat down at the reception coffee table, looked at him with a half-smile in his eyes and said, "How is it? Is this chair comfortable?"

"Hey, of course." Wu Zhan smiled complacently, and then said bitterly: "It's good, but it's too troublesome. Boss, you also know that I don't have much knowledge, and I was driven to grind by a donkey back then."

"It's a good job, but it's nothing to provoke other women. I heard from Xiaoxi that you caught up with Shen Yadan? That's ok, it's a bit good." Wen Dong praised with a smile, Shen Yadan is also one of the best beauties.

"Hey, it's not thanks to the boss' promotion. If I don't take this seat, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to catch up with an outstanding woman like Yadan." Wu Zhan said with a smile, looking at Wendong's eyes with extreme admiration .

"Hey, Boss, do you know that Jiang Tao's ugly bastard has also found a wife." Wu Zhan gritted his teeth and said mysteriously.

"I know, I met the two of them just now, Liu Cuihua is nice." Wen Dong nodded.

"It's not bad, quite good. Her personality is much more docile than my Yadan's, she's also virtuous, and she's pretty good looking. It's really a waste of such a good girl to follow Jiang Tao." Wu Zhan said with a curled lip.

"That's right, Shen Yadan is still a beauty, wouldn't it be worse to be with you?" Wen Dong said angrily.

"Enen... huh?" Wu Zhangang nodded triumphantly, then suddenly came back to his senses, raised his head and stared at Wendong and said, "Damn, boss, what do you mean, why are you ruining Yadan, what's wrong with me?" ..."

After a while, Jiang Tao also came, and the three of them gathered together at a table to drink tea, and chatted for a while without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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