How bad guys are made

Chapter 967 The Inexplicable Lin Xiaoxi

Chapter 967 The Inexplicable Lin Xiaoxi
After saying goodbye to the two, Wen Dong came to the recording studio.Lin Xiaoxi was recording songs in it. Hearing that he hadn't come out for an hour, Wen Dong couldn't help but smile bitterly. He didn't expect that he was also a workaholic, and he was the most idle in the world.

Quietly opened the recording studio, and the melodious singing of Lin Xiaoxi's childlike voice sounded inside...

Just start right, what are you afraid of;
Hear me tell you, in fact, everyone is the apple bitten by God;
Because there is a gap, you can experience more, and you can understand happiness only when you shed tears;

Whatever my life arranges, I will accept everything and have nothing to fear;
No matter how crazy the heartbeat is, the corners of the mouth will also rise. The more frustrated you become, the more persistent you will be. Never dodge, how can you let your dreams fall in reality.

Bravely stride forward, facing the sun, you can find the direction;
Who says you can't fly without wings, measure it with footsteps, how big the world is, how vast the sky is, let me do a live broadcast...

The melodious song slowly dissipated with a few ending notes, and Wen Dong came back to his senses.

"Tuner, how is this time?" After singing, Lin Xiaoxi asked a middle-aged man beside him.

"Very good, great, very perfect." The middle-aged man seemed to be intoxicated by the singing, and he couldn't find any words of praise to describe it.

"That's good." Lin Xiaoxi pursed her lips and smiled, looking very happy, and then noticed a figure shaking under the light, looked up, and suddenly said in surprise: "Wendong? You, when did you come?"

"I've come since you started singing, Lin Dashen, please sign the little one, I'm your loyal fan." Wen Dong walked over quickly, looked at her eagerly and said.

"Fuck you." Seeing his out-of-shape appearance, Lin Xiaoxi glared at him angrily.

"Hello, Mr. Wen." The tuner naturally knew the former president, and hurriedly got up to say hello.

"Well, I've already asked you guys to leave. It's getting late. You can leave work after you finish your work." Wen Dong bared his teeth and smiled, pulling Lin Xiaoxi, who hadn't recovered yet, out of the room while the tuner was stunned. out of the recording studio.

It's getting late?How long have you been working?

Tianlan District.

"You guy, why haven't you changed at all. Why are you so domineering? The tuner is my master. I haven't said hello to him yet. He bullies me every time." Back home, Lin Xiaoxi leaned on the sofa and couldn't help Pouted his mouth and said helplessly.

Fortunately, there is nothing to do today, and she has already finished recording the song to be recorded in an hour.

"Ah?" Wen Dong was inexplicable, looking at the little woman Lin Xiaoxi leaning aside, he thought that I was very domineering, but I have always behaved in front of you, it seems that I have never done it before or now, right?
"Why, don't you admit it? Yanan often tells me that you are a machismo, let me be stronger in front of you in the future, otherwise I will find it myself if I am bullied by you." Lin Xiaoxi pouted. , held a towel in her small hand and gently wiped her black hair. It rained while on the road, and when she entered the unit just now, her head was drenched with rain.

"Damn, Cheng Yanan's mother-in-law disliked me from the very beginning. She thought I was a pervert who wanted to plot against you. She hated me so much. Do you believe what she said?" Wen Dong sweated profusely. Beat that woman, don't think that she is talking nonsense behind her back because she is beautiful and domineering, and dare to instigate Lin Xiaoxi to be stronger with her.

"Fuck you, what is that mother-in-law? If Yanan hears this, she must be desperate with you again, oh, by the way..." Lin Xiaoxi suddenly looked at Wendong with strange eyes when she said this: "Wendong, are you with me? Yanan didn't tell me anything, last time she was drunk and mumbled, you and Yanan have already..."

She knows Wendong's behavior very well, and she knows her good sister Cheng Yanan very well. She has long felt that there is something wrong between Yanan and Wendong, and she feels that there must be something unclear between him and her good sister. .However, Yanan didn't say anything, and every time Yanan asked Yanan, the topic turned to herself and Wendong, so she wanted to ask Wendong for the answer.

"You have a bump on your head, how is this possible? Which eye of yours can see it? I don't quite get along with that woman, Cheng Yanan. Even if I think about it, she won't agree. Besides, unless I'm out of my mind and guessing Her." Wen Dong was a little dumbfounded, but smiled wryly in his heart, Lin Xiaoxi really saw something.

"Actually, since I announced that I'm your girlfriend, I don't care about these things, let alone how you and Yanan are doing. Also, in fact, Yanan has been very hard in the past two years. No matter what happens to you, Wendong, You have to promise me not to bully her, okay?" Lin Xiaoxi stared at Wen Dong closely with beautiful eyes and asked.

Cheng Yanan had a hard time these two years?Why didn't I see it at all?That shrew is cold and arrogant, and she has a high-spirited temperament like an old hen fighting all day long. No matter how you look at it, it's a very nourishing life, and I heard it when I talked to Wu Zhan before, but Cheng Yanan forced him to pay more bonuses every month Woolen cloth.

Wu Zhan once chased her. Although he has Yadan now and his status has risen, he still fears Cheng Yanan, a tigress. Besides, he wants to bully her. The key is do he have the ability?And the Che-Zhen last time was completely an oolong, it's good that the arrogant woman doesn't bother herself.

But looking at Lin Xiaoxi's earnest expression with a request, Wendong still felt that it was best to get along well, otherwise Lin Xiaoxi would not be easy to do in the middle, nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will never bully her Yes." Thinking of Lin Xiaoxi's words just now, he asked curiously: "You said Cheng Yanan's mother-in-law has had a hard time in the past two years? What's going on?"

Lin Xiaoxi smiled wryly and said: "Actually, Cheng Yanan studied property management at university, and is not a model at all. It's not because of the man. She had a good boyfriend at the beginning, but later this man dumped her for the sake of being in the top position." Later, things went wrong for Cheng Yanan and she was resigned from the company, but her mother was seriously ill again, and then somehow, the boyfriend who dumped her lent her money."

Speaking of this, Lin Xiaoxi's expression turned cold: "At first, I thought that man felt ashamed of Cheng Yanan, but I didn't expect him to let Cheng Yanan be his mistress for several months. I only found out after the fact. Yes, it seems that the man's new girlfriend found out about this, and ridiculed Cheng Yanan and asked the man to kick Cheng Yanan out... This is why Cheng Yanan insisted on finding a rich boyfriend all day long. , she must make that man regret it, don't look at her hot temper, heartless all day long, but she... Forget it, I won't tell you, lest Yanan find out and quarrel with me again, but she Tell me not to tell others." Lin Xiaoxi shook her head and smiled wryly.

If you don't say it, don't say it, Wendong only cares about Lin Xiaoxi, and has no idea about Cheng Yanan at all, and he has no interest in knowing her relationship history, so he can only keep a respectful distance.Suddenly he saw Lin Xiaoxi staring at him with watery eyes, his face was flushed, and he wondered in his heart: "Xiaoxi, what's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No, it's nothing..." Lin Xiaoxi hurriedly turned her head away in panic, not daring to meet Wen Dong's eyes, and wanted to act like a guilty conscience.

This made Wendong even more puzzled, why is this woman blushing, and the eyes just now were rippling.Damn, to be honest, they almost made them, couldn't help but press Lin Xiaoxi on the sofa and ravage her well, those eyes were too damn seductive to commit a crime.

"Well, this, it's raining, it's very suitable for sleeping and resting, and I'm a little tired too..." Lin Xiaoxi glanced at Wendong shyly again, and reminded her in a low voice, her face was even more red, and she summoned up her courage before saying Once I say this, I can't say it again.

"Hehe, yes, it's getting late, so I'll go first." Wen Dong looked at the time, and it was less than four o'clock in the afternoon, but because of the cloudy sky, the sky was already getting dark, but he thought Lin Xiaoxi still had something to do, He got up and prepared to leave.

"You, you want to go?" Lin Xiaoxi opened her eyes wide, and she didn't care about being shy anymore, she couldn't look at him dead.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Wen Dong looked at the weird Lin Xiaoxi wonderingly, and said to himself, didn't you mean to let me go?Said he was going to rest.

"Oh no, it's nothing, I just think...Wen Dong, you forgot something." Lin Xiaoxi reminded very vaguely, it was Yanan's good sister who taught herself such a shameful trick, what men like best The woman who seduces him, makes himself sure to seduce Wendong next time he sees him, making it difficult for him to extricate himself, so that he can increase his status in his heart when he asks again.And he also said that a rogue like Wendong would be able to react as long as he gave him a little information, but the things in front of him were not like that at all, and Wendong didn't seem to understand at all.

"I don't have anything to do. It's just that I haven't seen Wu Zhan and the others for a long time. It just happened to pass by. It's raining again, so I'll take you home by the way." Wen Dong smiled indifferently, feeling that Lin Xiaoxi was very strange today, shaking Shaking his head, he walked to the door and prepared to leave.

"Wendong..." Seeing Wendong walk to the door, Lin Xiaoxi called out again subconsciously.

"Huh? What else is there?" Wen Dong turned his head.

"Oh, it's nothing, it's raining now, you should drive carefully." Lin Xiaoxi said in a panic.

"Don't worry, I'm still waiting to marry you as my wife. Nothing will happen to me until I marry you." Wen Dong grinned triumphantly, opened the door and walked out.

Looking at the slowly closing door, Lin Xiaoxi stared at it for 3 minutes before realizing that Wendong had really left, and relieved in spite of disappointment.It's all because of Yanan, who insisted on teaching him such a shameful trick, but now it's better, he failed to seduce Wendong, but drove him away with a few words.

"Lin Xiaoxi, you are really stupid. You just want to seduce him into bed. You can't do such a simple thing well." Wen Dong closed his eyes and complained to himself vigorously, then shook his head vigorously and prepared to go back to the bedroom. But as soon as he turned around, he froze there, looking at the door that was clearly closed but opened without wind, like a wooden sculpture, and in front of the door was Wen Dong who was standing and returning, and said in a voiceless voice: "Wen Dong ?”

"Well, I just suddenly remembered that I really forgot a very important thing." Wen Dongqiang suppressed a smile, and walked towards Lin Xiaoxi with a serious face.

(End of this chapter)

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