How bad guys are made

Chapter 968 Lin Xiaoxi, who was taught badly

Chapter 968 Lin Xiaoxi, who was taught badly

At the door of the room, Lin Xiaoxi stood there stupidly.

Wen Dong couldn't laugh or cry when he saw it, if he wasn't worried that Lin Xiaoxi thought she was sick and came back and wouldn't hear her self-pity.

In the beginning, I paid such attention. After all, I didn't have a good time last time. Besides, I and Lin Xiaoxi are as fresh as newlyweds.But I heard her say that I was tired, and I couldn't bully her like this, so I had to leave.But I didn't expect that this shy little woman wanted to seduce herself to sleep after being weird for a long time.

"Ah? You, what did you forget?" Seeing Wendong getting closer, especially when he closed the door with a 'bang', Lin Xiaoxi panicked and asked subconsciously.

"I forgot that there is still a little slut in heat in this room who hasn't been comforted yet." Gently using two fingers to pick up Lin Xiaoxi's snow-white chin, Wen Dong said with a still serious expression.

Lin Xiaoxi, who was already full of panic, blushed with shame when she heard it, and Wen Dong picked up her chin when she wanted to lower her head, so she could only look at Wen Dong in panic, wishing to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Seeing that Lin Xiaoxi was so ashamed that he wanted to hit the wall, Wen Dong couldn't bear to tease him any more, he laughed, picked up Lin Xiaoxi lazily and walked towards the bedroom: "Go, brother, I will comfort you now."

"Wendong, why are you so bad, you actually eavesdropped on me." Lin Xiaoxi blushed, and beat Wendong's chest resolutely.

"Yeah, I'm very bad, but I'm not as bad as you, a little slut, who is so full of thoughts to seduce me into bed, hehe, let's see how I deal with you later..." Wendong laughed lewdly, Worried about how to start the scene with Xiaoxi, a thin-skinned girl, he kicked open the bedroom door, knowing in his heart that this must be the trick taught to Lin Xiaoxi by that woman Cheng Yanan, otherwise Lin Xiaoxi would never be so bold.Grandma, this Cheng Yanan is also the best. Lin Xiaoxi has taught Lin Xiaoxi to use this kind of tricks against him. It seems that Lin Xiaoxi and Cheng Yanan's wife are not without some benefits.

In fact, it's not surprising that Wendong didn't react. If it were any other woman, she would have already reacted from the expression and the strange question. It is because Lin Xiaoxi's image in his mind is too pure.As for the time before, it was just distracted, and I was very careful at that time, for fear of hurting her, she said no, so I didn't dare to make any further progress.So just now I didn't dare to think about it at all, even if I really thought about it, I didn't dare to think that Lin Xiaoxi would be so bold. If it wasn't just for coming back and overhearing her talking to herself, Wendong didn't react now.

"Ah...Wendong, take it easy, you hurt me..." Lin Xiaoxi's coquettish voice came from the room.

"Easy? Hehe, I didn't know who was trying to seduce me just now. Xiaoxi didn't really expect that you look so pure and even have a childish voice in your voice, but your heart is really turbulent..." Wendong hehe laughed.

"No, it's not what you think, I..." Lin Xiaoxi couldn't help being ashamed, watching Wen Dong swiftly throwing his clothes on the ground and jumping up, his body trembled uncontrollably.

"No? Hey, you little slut, how dare you deny it? Let's see how I deal with you. Last time you begged for mercy, I was stupid and obedient. This time I won't listen to what you say..." Wen Dong With a lewd smile on his face, he pressed Lin Xiaoxi under him, and tore off the clothes on his body several times.

"" Lin Xiaoxi opened her mouth but couldn't explain anymore.

After a while, a reverie-like heavy voice came out from the bedroom, occasionally accompanied by Lin Xiaoxi's uncontrollable voice with a child's voice, which was heart-wrenching...
After a few turns of passion, Lin Xiaoxi was sweating profusely lying on the bed motionless, and Wendong let her go contentedly.

"Xiaoxi, your skin is so soft." Wen Dong approached her red earlobe and said.

At this time, Lin Xiaoxi's face was flushed, and she no longer had the strength to anger him, let alone stop him. Is there any part of her body that he has not invaded?

The two rested for another 20 minutes.Wen Dong glanced at the time, it was already past six o'clock in the afternoon, he looked down at Lin Xiaoxi who was lying softly in his arms, patted her fragrant shoulder and said, "Get up?"

"I'll get up after a short rest, I'm hungry." Lin Xiaoxi stretched out her hand to touch her snow-white and flat belly.

"Hungry? I'll feed you..."

"Go, stop making trouble, I don't have the strength to fight with you." Lin Xiaoxi didn't know what this hooligan meant, and he didn't even have the strength to roll his eyes at this moment.She couldn't help thinking to herself, no wonder a big president like Zhang Hanhan would acquiesce that Wendong has other women outside, if only Zhang Hanhan was alone, Wendong would not be satisfied at all.

And after my first experience in human affairs, I have missed this aspect very much these few days, but I never expected that Wendong would exhaust himself to death. This guy is like a robot like Ben, and he doesn't know how to get tired.

"Hey, that's fine. I'll take care of you at night when I have strength after eating." Wen Dong said with a smile. Although he was satisfied this time, looking at Lin Xiaoxi's seductive body in his arms, he couldn't help it again. The evil fire is flourishing.

"No, no, Cheng Yanan will come tonight." Hearing Wen Dong's words, Lin Xiaoxi was startled and said hastily.

"Oh, by the way, where is that woman Cheng Yanan?" Before, she was only thinking about passion, but now she remembered that Cheng Yanan still lived here. It was past six o'clock in the evening, and it stands to reason that she should have left work long ago.

"She went to discuss business. She went out this morning and said she would come back later in the evening." Lin Xiaoxi explained.

Suddenly there was no sound, Lin Xiaoxi raised her beautiful eyes and glanced at Wen Dong, seeing him looking at her with a half-smile, the red tide on her face that had just faded turned red again, it was because she knew Cheng Yanan would not come back that she dared to do this Arguing with Wendong must have been noticed by him at this time.With a blushing face, she burrowed into Wendong's arms, not daring to meet his gaze.

"You woman, how can I feel sorry for you." Wen Dong said with a smile, bowing his head and kissing her forehead heavily.

"Don't pity me, I have no strength in my body now." Lin Xiaoxi said helplessly, what she was talking about was pity, and it was simply tossing.

"Hey, I didn't expect Cheng Yanan's mother-in-law to talk about business? It's no wonder she wouldn't scare people away, and Wu Zhan dared to use her." Wen Dong grinned.

"Don't say that. Yanan's business and public relations skills are still very strong. She is just playing with people she knows well. Outside, she can speak well, and she can drink. I don't have her eloquence. And she is a college student. She studied business management and public relations, and she has worked hard recently, and she is also responsible for the development of fashion style during this period of time, and she is now the head of the public relations department of fashion style, which is amazing." Lin Xiaoxi gave Wendong a white look and praised herself girlfriend said.

"Minister of the Public Relations Department?" Wen Dong was surprised when he heard it. He didn't expect that such a big change would take place not long after he left Fashion Style. Cheng Yanan, that shrew, was actually a minister. Wu Zhan really had the guts to use it. As a newcomer, she immediately thought about it, looked at Lin Xiaoxi suspiciously and said, "Wouldn't she be the one who forced Wu Zhan to appoint him?"

"Okay, it seems to be true." Lin Xiaoxi hesitated and said awkwardly, Wu Zhan was tossed and broken by her some time ago.Yanan also has a hand, and she is in love with Yadan as a sister. Wu Zhan has many handles in her hands, so she has no choice but to do so.But Cheng Yanan is not a person who takes a position and does nothing, she has real materials.

"Cut, I knew it, Wu Zhan, that coward!" Wen Dong pouted.

"It's okay, Yanan is also a hard-working person. She is a good person, but she has a little temper." Lin Xiaoxi explained.

In a hurry?Wen Dong looked at Lin Xiaoxi and couldn't help but rolled his eyes, can that be described as 'a little bit' anxious?
"Anyway, don't quarrel with her, you see that you threw her on the road and ran away that day, she didn't bother you, so she was more modest." Lin Xiaoxi instructed.

"Tch, you haven't seen me if you haven't troubled me." Wen Dong curled his lips, but nodded and said, "As long as she doesn't sneer at me, I won't bother to talk to her."

"Okay, I guess she'll be back soon, you give me the clothes." Lin Xiaoxi said.

"I'll wear it for you." Wen Dong straightened up and took the clothes, looking at her seductive white body, hehe-smiled lewdly.

"I don't need you rascal!" Lin Xiaoxi gave him an angry look, and reached out to grab the clothes.When I was hugged to bed before, this guy took it off several times, took it off and put it on again, just to enjoy the perverted process, she is really not flattering, God knows if this guy gets dressed for herself, she will have to do it again What to do once.


"Don't go, I'll buy what you want to eat." After putting on her clothes, Lin Xiaoxi found that there was not much food left in the kitchen, so she wanted to go down to buy, Wen Dong hurriedly stopped her.

"I'll just eat whatever I want. It's best to buy some pork ribs and stew them, and then stir-fry a few dishes. It's the most trouble-free." Lin Xiaoxi thought for a while.

"Okay, then you wait here, I'll go out and buy."


There is a vegetable supermarket in the community. Wendong went in and bought some casually and hurried back. As soon as he walked to the door of the unit building, he saw a sexy girl lying on the door of the unit building with her sexy little butt pouted to unlock it.

When did such a sexy and connotative woman live here?Wen Dong couldn't help being curious.

Looking at the sexy girl who suddenly appeared in this unit building, especially the buttocks that were raised up as if no one was bending over to press the door lock code, they were round and tight, and the skirt was too short, but there was something sexy in it. Taste, it is the ink skirt that was very popular some time ago. The snow-white skirt is outlined with splashed ink and green bamboo. The flesh-colored stockings tightly wrap the woman's sexy and slender legs. The long boots are really beautiful.

And this woman doesn't know what's going on, she is almost lying on the combination lock of the door, her buttocks are so tall, and her legs are slender and she is wearing high-heeled boots that are nearly ten centimeters, it seems that she can see that girl when she lowers her head slightly. The beautiful scenery under the short skirt...

With sharp eyes, Wendong saw the black sexy panties under the short skirt at a glance...

An inexplicable hotness suddenly rose up from the lower abdomen uncontrollably. The sexy and connotative beauty in front of me is too coquettish and seductive, especially this pose is too impulsive for men, mother Yes, why didn't she meet such a delicate stunner besides Lin Xiaoxi and Li Ningyan in this unit before, Wen Dong was a little strange.

However, the speed with which this woman opened the door is really unflattering. After pressing the combination lock with her light white fingers more than a dozen times, she couldn't enter correctly. Wen Dong wanted to take the initiative to help her enter, but he was a little bit reluctant Beautiful scenery.

When he got closer, he smelled the smell of alcohol on the woman's body. Wen Dong was speechless for a while, no wonder the woman was lying on it as if she had no strength in her body. It turned out that she drank too much wine.

Wen Dong wanted to go up to help, but saw the woman staggeringly opened her handbag, took out her mobile phone and made a call as if no one was there. She pressed the mobile phone to the ear of the loose hair, and after a while, the call was connected.

"Hey, Xiao, Xiaoxi, what's the password for our unit? I, I forgot..." The woman said to the phone vaguely, breathing out alcohol.

Little did he know that Wen Dong behind him staggered when he heard her voice and nearly threw the vegetables in his hand away. He stared dumbfounded at the coquettish and sexy woman lying on the door. Fuck, this woman is actually Cheng Yanan!
Fortunately, I still said that this woman has connotations? ! !
(End of this chapter)

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