How bad guys are made

Chapter 978 Rare Sword Soul!

Chapter 978 Rare Sword Soul!
System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for being promoted to level 4 alchemy."

"Damn, finally..." Wen Dong glanced at the package full of more than 100 pills of various types, and finally brushed up his proficiency.

At this time, the medicine dust value was less than [-] points.

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for refining a soul-entering pill, which increases proficiency by 1 points and consumes 4 points of medicine dust."

"Huh? Isn't it 640 points? How did it become [-] points?" Wen Dong was stunned and asked curiously.

System: "The host is a level 4 alchemist and is already a senior pharmacist. The consumption of refining each pill is reduced by one-fifth."

"So good?" Hearing the system's explanation, Wen Dong's eyes suddenly lit up, so wouldn't it mean that refining five elixirs can save the value of one medicine dust?
Wen Dong immediately beamed with joy, and looked at the remaining drug dust value of about 60 points. If calculated in this way, it should be able to refine about [-] soul-entering pills.

Comprehension ability is what is most needed to advance to Chaofan, and this is exactly what the Soul-entering Pill increases.

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for refining a soul-entering pill, which increases proficiency by 1 points and consumes 4 points of medicine dust."

Seeing another soul-entering pill spit out from the toad cauldron, Wen Dong quickly put it away happily. After working for half the night, he finally used up all the antipathy, and the four
Level 5 medicine refining proficiency has only increased by one-tenth. It can be seen that it is too early to upgrade to level 40. Forty thousand points of medicine dust value increase by one-tenth, that is, refining medicine with [-] medicine dust points
Only the amount can be left.Wen Dong swallowed and could only give up.

System: "Ding: The host takes a soul-entering pill, and the mental power will increase permanently by 2 points."

It's only two o'clock?
Wen Dong twitched his lips, then thought about it, wouldn't this thing be the same as Xiaotian Dao Pill?The more you eat, the less effective you are?
Fortunately, Wendong is rich and powerful now, thinking of this, he quickly took out another one and threw it into his mouth.

System: "Ding: The host takes a soul-entering pill, and the mental power will increase permanently by 2 points."

Or increase by 2 points?This is good!It is indeed a top-notch medicine.

So, next, Wendong threw the soul-entering pills into his mouth one by one like eating beans, and with the increase of mental power, when Wendong had eaten about ten pills, it was already obvious

He felt the difference. He didn't feel much comprehension ability, but his perception ability had increased significantly, whether it was smell, vision, feeling, etc., became more and more acute.

System: "Ding: The host takes a soul-entering pill, and the mental power will increase permanently by 2 points."


System: "Ding: Please note that the host's mental power is already saturated, and the effect of the host's taking the soul-invigorating pill will no longer increase."

"Oh? It's only twenty. It means that my spiritual power has been... well, consummated? Is it the highest level?"
Fen said.

System: "That's not the case. The host has the highest spiritual power before Transcendence."

Okay, got it.It can only be used when it is promoted to Extraordinary.

Wendong has read some novels more or less, and this extraordinary state is easy to understand.The most popular analogy is like the human body is a container, whether it is strength, speed or spirit

There is a limit to divine power, but to be promoted to extraordinary is to expand this limit, that is, to expand the container of the human body so that more water can be accommodated.

Wen Dong closed his eyes for a while, and when he opened his eyes again, a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. He noticed that Ling Yun was lying on the door and eavesdropping.

Wen Dong walked to the door and pulled the door of the training room open. Ling Yun, who was eavesdropping, staggered and reproduced Wen Dong.Looking up, I found

Wen Dong stared at him calmly, Ling Yun grinned awkwardly: "Boss."

"I'm fine, and you don't need to stay here." Wen Dong said.

Ling Yun glanced at him in surprise. You must know that you are focused on the way of assassins and killers. In addition, you have made great progress in "Guying Phantom Killing" during this period, even if the boss
No matter how powerful it is, it is difficult to find it if you deliberately conceal your breath, and there is a secret room door behind it.

He looked at Wendong in amazement, and suddenly his face became a little weird. He felt that the boss seemed to be a little different, but he couldn't tell what was different, but
One obvious point is that the boss's eyes are deeper and clearer, and his aura is more concentrated and persistent!
"Boss, have you made progress?" Ling Yun couldn't help asking.

"Oh? Feel it?" Wen Dong put his hands behind his back, looking like everyone, but he was ecstatic in his heart, and it really worked.

"Well, it feels a little different, but I can't tell." Ling Yun stretched out his hand and rubbed his head, still looking at him suspiciously.

"Well, I have learned something these few days." Wen Dong nodded and said: "I will tell you about my understanding after I come out of retreat. If there is nothing else, you can also

It is not easy to find a secret room to calm down and comprehend the "Gu Ying Phantom Killing". "

"Yes, what the boss said is that I also think that this "Gu Ying Phantom Killing" is like a treasure house, and it becomes more profound when I know more about it." Ling Yun nodded quickly, and heard the boss unexpectedly

However, if he wanted to explain it to himself, he was even more grateful to Qian Feng. If it weren't for him, he might still be blaming his boss, and he would only make progress if he followed him!

"Practice more, keep practicing hard, and you will definitely benefit a lot. I will still need your help when the time comes." Wen Dong said.

"It's the boss, I'm going to practice now." Ling Yun was shocked and said hastily.

After sending this guy away in a few words, Wen Dong went back to the secret room and thought about it, then called Qian Feng.

"Hello, leader?" Qian Feng answered the phone with a somewhat puzzled tone, wondering what the leader would order.

"Although the situation in Fuzhou has stabilized, there are still many things to do. Don't be idle these few days, and give me a little more time." Wen Dong said, believing that he can
I understand.

"Don't worry, leader, the Dark Night Gang and the Hong Gang are still a little dishonest. I was thinking about giving them a warning and a lesson." Qian Feng said hastily.

"Okay, don't worry about doing it, just do it, call me if it doesn't work, but don't make it too obvious." Wen Dong snorted coldly, and then instructed again.

"I understand." The implementation of the plan for the Dark Night Gang and the Hong Gang is only a preliminary plan. He was hesitant, but now that he heard the boss say that, he felt relieved

After hanging up the phone, Wen Dong bared his teeth in a contented smile, and it wasn't money that made Qian Feng fuss, but disgust.If the soul pill is really useful, then it can be spread to the base

Now, although there are nearly [-] of them left, they have not yet been fused with the fourth-level phantom pill.Therefore, a lot of drug dust value is needed to produce a batch.

After slowly calming down, Wen Dong saw the soul of the sword quietly placed in the package. Wen Dong saw the soul of the sword and held it in his palm for a careful look.

The shape of the sword soul is like a ball of cotton, the whole body is milky white, and there is a trace of blue light at the core, blue, which means that it represents the rare sword soul, and now my spiritual power
Consummation, you can even feel a fierce sword intent in this seemingly soft mass of sword soul.

This is the first time I have obtained this kind of thing, and the sword soul can actually increase the ability to comprehend the sword intent, which shows its rarity.

"How to use this thing, did you eat it directly?" Wen Dong asked.

System: "It can be taken directly."

System: "Ding: Please note that the host already has the sword soul of chaos.
Enlightenment. "

"I can't use it?" Wen Dong asked in surprise.

System: "The soul of the sword can increase the level of the sword of chaos, but the effect is minimal. The level of the rare soul of the sword is too low, so it is not recommended for the host to take it."


Wen Dong pursed his lips, and reluctantly put the sword soul into the package.Although this thing cannot be used by oneself, its value can be imagined, and it can be given to Gu Fenghan or Bailihan.
Use it, but after thinking about it, I feel a little bit reluctant.By the way, use it for Li Ningyan.

Thinking of this, Wen Dong suddenly made a plan. Now that the masters of the base have their own help, their strength has already surpassed the instructor Li Ningyan, especially Gu Feng.

Brother Han and Gu Fengshuang.So before, I had already stuffed one of the mirage beads from "Lone Shadow Fantasy Killing", "Jian Xin" and "Qian Kun Liang Yi Sword Art" to her.

She is now at home with her parents, and she can take it out to practice when she is bored, and she doesn't know how it is doing.


System: "Ding: The host uses the transmission shaft to enter the Pacific Ocean fishing island."

The blue sea and sky are blue, and the sea breeze mixed with refreshing and moist breath penetrates into the nostrils. The sea is romantic and curling, which is refreshing.

"Brother Wendong..." Yumeri is the master of this space, and she felt it when Wendong arrived.Wen Dong looked up, and saw a butterfly in a green blue gauze dress.
The butterfly-like girl ran over happily.

"Brother Wendong, you haven't been here for a long time." The little murloc blinked his watery eyes, and his delicate face was full of excited smiles.

"There are too many things to do recently, so why don't you hurry up to see you little girl when you are free today." Wen Dong said with a smile, while talking, he couldn't help reaching out and touching the little murloc.

Naogua, maybe there are too many fond memories of this place, and this little murloc is a substitute for the mermaid, so Wendong has a unique feeling for her.

"Then this time, you won't leave after a few hours." The little murloc looked at him eagerly, expectantly.Obviously, she wanted Wen Dong to spend more time with her.

"No, I'm going to stay for at least a few days and nights, and then don't get bored and just drive me out." Wen Dong said happily.

"How could it be? I wouldn't drive my brother away. I'm not stupid." The little murloc's eyes lit up immediately, and he said excitedly.

"Well, I came here this time to..." Xiao Yuren had a simple mind, and Wen Dong didn't beat around the bush, so he directly explained the reason for his visit.

"Okay, of course, but can I watch while you practice, I'm so bored myself." The little murloc said expectantly.

"Of course you can, but then you just don't want to be frightened by brother's power." Wen Dong said proudly.

"Hee hee, yes, yes." Hearing Wen Dong's promise, the little murloc clapped his hands excitedly and said cheerfully.

(End of this chapter)

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