How bad guys are made

Chapter 979 Please accept the apprentice's worship!

Chapter 979 Please accept my apprentice's worship!
Huan Lei Dong is divided into nine layers, and Shun Lei and Ying Lei have four layers each, namely: entry, ascending hall, form and spirit, and great achievement.And all the clones of Shunlei and Yinglei have been cultivated to great success.
The strongest realm is after the realm: Thousand Thunder Illusory Body.

The introduction of "Phantom Thunder" is very detailed, but it doesn't mention how to practice and increase proficiency.

The little murloc stood aside quietly, watching Wendong sitting cross-legged on the beach, his blue watery eyes blinking, full of curiosity.

There is nothing interesting about the cheats of "Phantom Thunder". Although I don't know the tricks, but I have energy points in my body, which is already the biggest shortcut.

He stood up slowly, his eyes were condensed, and then his figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already more than ten meters away, and there was an identical self in the same place.

The little murloc beside him was shocked for a moment, and before Wendong opened his mouth, the phantom body that was standing there stupidly disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Uh..." The corners of Wendong's mouth twitched, isn't this too fast?Moreover, isn't it said that the phantom body has a percentage of the combat power of the main body?This is gone?
Wendong has an energy tank of [-] energy points in his body. He didn't give up and flew out again, but the facts were exactly the same as before.

"No, no, your practice method is wrong." The little murloc said suddenly.

"Huh? How do you know?" Wen Dong also wondered if his cultivation direction was wrong, because it took 600 energy points to cast twice, and "Phantom Thunder"
》The beginner proficiency is still 0/100, when I heard the little murloc say it out loud, I couldn't help asking curiously.

"Ah? How do I know? Yes, how did I know?" Wen Dong asked, the little murloc immediately scratched his head and said to himself foolishly.

When Wen Dong heard this, his hair suddenly turned black. This little girl is also cute and silly.But his face is still a little curious, why did the little murloc just say the direction of his cultivation?

"Although I don't know why I know, I just know that your practice method is wrong." Seeing Wen Dong's weird eyes, the little girl said a tongue twister.

"Then what do you think is wrong?" Although he didn't think that this little girl who was just born didn't even know what steamed buns were, it was impossible for him to help him, but Wendong still casually

I asked a question.

"Of course I know." The little murloc said firmly, as if he didn't see Wendong's strange eyes, he said to himself: "This is "Phantom Thunder", which is a kind of mind-body
The secret book of Dharma, when the practice reaches a great level, the transformation of body shape is like lightning flashes, the speed is extremely terrifying, and it can compete head-on with people with higher abilities than oneself. "

"Ah—?" Hearing the little murloc's small mouth, Wen Dong's eyeballs dropped all over the floor, and he felt his head buzzing.

At this time, Wen Dong opened his mouth in shock, his eyes were protruding, and his expression was extremely weird. His buzzing head was filled with two big greetings. How could she know?
so detailed?Could she really?
"What? Am I wrong?" Seeing Wendong's surprised expression, the little murloc couldn't help but wrinkled his pretty eyebrows, as if recalling.

"That's right, this is "Phantom Thunder." Wen Dong nodded quickly, his expression still extremely weird.

"Ah, the core mentality of Huan Lei Dong is—to transform thunder with the body and control it with the heart."

"Then what? Then what? How to practice?" Wen Dong nodded hurriedly, staring at her with bright eyes, like a big bad wolf seeing a little sheep.

"Then...? And then I don't quite understand. I don't know why you don't understand Shunlei but you can create a phantom body." The little murloc seemed to be recalling something, with a full tone of voice.

"Then where do you think I should learn first?" This time, Wen Dong was sure that the little murloc really understood "Phantom Thunder", although he was very angry, he asked hastily.

"Master, please be respected by your disciples."

"Ah? What is master?" Wen Dong's gesture of bowing suddenly startled the little murloc, and asked with a puzzled expression.

"The master is..." Wen Dong wiped off his cold sweat and told her in detail.

Talked for nearly 10 minutes.

"Oh, I'm your master who preaches and teaches. You have to respect me and listen to what your master says, right?" Although the little murloc is innocent, he is extremely smart.

After the release, I immediately understood.

"Yes, that's it." Wen Dong nodded quickly, with a strange expression on his face. He always felt that such a scene was too weird. Who is the master?

"Okay, okay, great, then I will be your master." Seeing Wendong nodding, the little murloc immediately clapped his little hands excitedly and cheered happily.

"Then master, how do you know about this "Phantom Thunder"?" Seeing the little girl's happy look, Wen Dong's expression became even weirder, but he couldn't help asking.

"I...well, I don't know as a teacher, anyway, I just know." The little murloc also said with a puzzled expression, and then said with an old-fashioned face: "You ask these questions.

What to do, this is the secret of being a teacher. "

"Okay, then where should we learn first?" Seeing the little girl's decent posture, Wen Dong asked hastily, wiping off his cold sweat.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a place, um... I'll take you to a place for my teacher." The little murloc said, and quickly changed his words, with a pair of snow-white hands behind his back, Wen Dong had an ancient expression on his face.
Strange to keep up quickly.

Wendong walked behind the little murloc for more than an hour, and became more and more shocked by the changes in the scenery in front of him. It turns out that there are not only seas and beaches here, but also
There is a vast expanse of land with deep mountains and woods.

"Go, I will take you up as a teacher. This is too slow." The little murloc seemed to be looking for an excellent place to practice this "Phantom Thunder".
Shulin glanced at him and said something, but before Wendong could reply, he made a move with his little hand, and the two of them jumped up.

"You can still take me to fly?" Wen Dong tried his best to control his figure, and asked with a face full of shock.

"Of course, I am the master of this area, and even the slightest movement in it cannot escape my perception, and every drop of water, water element, and wind element can

Works for me. "The little murloc said proudly.

"Okay, okay." Wen Dong swallowed, and nodded enviously.

"Stand still, let's speed up."

In the vast and deep mountains, the lush colors extend to the end of the line of sight, like a boundless green ocean. From a distance, the sea breeze hits, the forest sea shakes slightly, and the waves are full of water.
The huge green wave of hundreds of feet, sweeping from far and near, is astonishingly spectacular.

Above the forest sea, suddenly there was a sound of breaking wind, and immediately two cherry blossoms flew by from a distance.Finally, the flowing blue gauze skirt was closed, and the bodies of the two were suspended in mid-air
In the middle, the little murloc looked at the endless forest below with a pair of eyes, and then his eyes lit up and said: "This is it."

Wen Dong followed her gaze and saw the swamp hidden under the grass through the lush leaves. He couldn't help but look at the little murloc strangely, what did he do in the swamp?
"This is a swamp, which is most suitable for you to practice fantasy and thunder." While talking, the little murloc controlled the figures of the two to slowly descend.

"There seems to be something else in this swamp?" Wendong reminded immediately when he saw the occasional sinking grass in the swamp.

"It's a small black fish that inhabits swamps. When creatures get close to the surface of the swamp, they will launch water arrows. It's just suitable for the secrets of self-cultivation." The little murloc nodded.
The head said, Wen Dong was a little stunned at the side, and four big characters appeared in his mind again-arranged!
This must be arranged by the system, otherwise how could the little murloc just understand this phantom thunder?
The little murloc laughed lightly, flew lightly onto a big tree beside him, and said to Wen Dong, "Try to see if you can walk through this swamp without hindrance.
shuttle. "

Hearing this, Wen Dong hesitated for a moment, and nodded slightly. Now his speed should have reached the limit of human beings, and Gu You walked on water, which is somewhat bragging-forced

ingredients, but stepping in the swamp should be fine, right?
Anyway, there is...uh, the master is here, so he can't fall into the swamp and drown, right? , Thinking of this, Wendong retreated a few steps, and rushed from the edge of the swamp in a few strides.
went in.When the soles of the feet touched the muddy water of the swamp, I suddenly felt a surge of energy and impact erupting from the soles of the feet, and the crisp explosion formed by the extremely fast speed spread across the area.
The swamp resounded.


But Wendong only maintained his momentum for a few seconds, and dark lines of footprints appeared in the black mud under the soles of his feet, and then Wendong's figure did not look like that.

He rushed out like that just now, but because of the appearance of the black mud vortex under his feet, he fell straight down.

The soles of his feet were wrapped in black mud, and Wen Dong's face changed slightly. There was a lot of suction in the black mud, as if he was going to pull his body down to the bottom of the swamp.

System: "Ding: The host has activated the branch skill of "Eighteen Falls of the Clothes"—Wuying."

System: "Ding: The host has activated the branch skill of "Eighteen Falls of the Clothes"—Fiery eyes."

In the process of opening the two major skill branches, Wen Dong only felt his body lighten up, and he stepped on his feet quickly again.

However, when Wen Dong stepped on the soles of his feet quickly, Zhou Ze suddenly rioted around him, and jet-black water arrows shot out from the swamp fiercely.And the target of these water arrows is
It was Wendong who was moving rapidly in the swamp.

The sudden attack surprised Wendong, but fortunately, the little murloc reminded him before, and his footsteps sped up again, but there were too many water arrows.
Intensive, Wen Dong put all his thoughts on preventing his body from falling into the swamp, and he was already unable to do so. Moreover, he had to dodge and dodge these black mud water arrows. In the blink of an eye, his legs

He and the soles of his feet were all covered in black mud, making it difficult to move an inch.

The entire calf has completely fallen into the swamp, and a large area of ​​water arrows hit, Wen Dong was shocked, and he was about to fall into the swamp.

System: "Ding: The host has activated the branch skill of "Qian Kun Liang Yi Sword Art" - Scud, has the ability to teleport once, and the speed of speech is increased by [-]% (maintained for three
seconds. )”

Wen Dong slapped the surface of the swamp with both palms, and suddenly a large amount of black mud was scattered by the strength of his palms, and the body that fell into the swamp with this force was pulled out in an instant, and then he dodged back
Go, but this skill only has the ability to teleport once. After the teleport, just as he was about to take a step forward, a large number of black mud water arrows wrapped his feet again.

"Master, help..." Wendong's miserable howl sounded in the swamp...

(End of this chapter)

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