Chapter 980

At this time, a green vine shot out from the sky, wrapped around his waist precisely, and lifted him out of the swamp he fell into.

Wen Dong's body was suspended in mid-air more than ten meters away from the swamp, and he stopped just now. He looked at the swamp water slightly, but saw many snake-like objects in the light.

Swimming continuously, one of the black snakes poked its ferocious head out of the swamp, and a foul-smelling black mud water arrow burst out...

"Hee hee, how's it going?" Seeing Wen Dong's brother was covered in black mud from the waist down, the little murloc stepped on the branch with his little feet, his little hands hooked on the ivy, and his eyes were full of pride.


"Zhanyi Eighteen Falls is not suitable for this kind of terrain..." Wen Dong smiled wryly and shook his head. In this terrain, the attributes such as offensive and defensive dodge added by Zhanyi Eighteen Falls are almost eliminated.
Not only did the restriction not achieve the corresponding effect, but because of the extreme softness of the footing, it trapped myself in it.

"Zhanyi Eighteen Falls? Oh, I also know, no wonder. However, although Zhanyi Eighteen Falls is also a very clever body technique, it doesn't focus on the speed of movement, but

It is the ability to concentrate on twirling and moving in a small area. "The little murloc intentionally showed that he knew a lot, nodded his head faintly and said with a smile: "But this phantom thunder is still

It's different, if you successfully practice the Phantom Thunderbolt's Instant Thunder, then this swamp is almost like walking on the ground for you, and if you practice it to the point of proficiency, you can even shine

By virtue of body skills, it is possible to fly and stay in the air for short distances. "

Wen Dong was fascinated by it, but couldn't help asking curiously again: "Little murloc, who are you? Why did you know this from birth?"

"I don't know." The little murloc was also a little distressed, frowned and said: "I was born with many abilities and carried some memories, but these memories
The memory is not the memory of the murloc sister, but some knowledge. "

The little murloc paused and said: "For example, this Huan Lei Dong, I knew it belonged to the cheats created by our clan. It is Huan Lei Clan, a very small group, and I am

Belonging to the aquatic fish family, we are collectively referred to as Ziwei people. "

"Ziwei Xingren?" Wen Dong was taken aback when he heard it, the name seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard it.

"Well, don't look at the fact that the Huan Lei tribe is rare, but every member of the tribe is a natural warrior, and they are very friendly to Leili, just like us murlocs are to water. And Huan Lei

The movement was created by the Huan Lei Dong who thought he was a very talented expert. This master once used Huan Lei Dong to escape the joint interception and killing of three strong men of the same level, and even used the help of Huan Lei Dong to escape.
The mystery of this body technique caused a master to counterattack and seriously injured, which shows how powerful it is. "

"However, you haven't cultivated to an extraordinary warrior yet. Only when you become an extraordinary warrior can you stimulate the real effect of this phantom thunder. If you advance to an extraordinary warrior, you will learn to

Knowing this thing, even if you encounter the obstruction of the extraordinary king, you can retreat completely. "

Isn't that ghost image the extraordinary king?Hearing this, Wen Dong's heart became hotter. If he really succeeds in cultivating this phantom thunder, then in the future even
When encountering a ghost, even if you can't beat it, you can escape.

"What's the problem?" Wen Dong couldn't help asking when he saw the little girl frowned again.

"I was thinking, why are you not even an extraordinary warrior?" The little murloc looked at him suspiciously and said.

"Ah? Why do you say that?" Wen Dong was taken aback.

"Because extraordinary warriors are the lowest level of warriors, our clansmen are born as extraordinary warriors." The little murloc said with a puzzled expression.

The corner of Wendong's mouth twitched, feeling a little ashamed. Could it be that they, Ziwei people, were favored by heaven?Born as an extraordinary warrior, is this still human?
"Then you are obviously not an extraordinary warrior, why can you use the energy that only an extraordinary warrior can use?" The little murloc looked at him curiously again.

"Is this?" Hearing this, Wen Dong's heart moved, and he immediately understood that the energy she was talking about should be the energy value he exchanged with his disgust.

"Yes, it's this kind of energy, why can you use it?" the little murloc asked curiously.

"I don't know, anyway, I have it, but not much, and it disappears after a few times." Wen Dong felt that it was too troublesome to explain, so he said casually.

"This way..." The little murloc fell into deep thought again, as if searching his memory again. Wen Dong saw her thinking, so he waited patiently, and at this time he was sure.
, the little murloc is really a very special existence.

"By the way, I thought of a method." After more than ten minutes, the little murloc suddenly brightened up.

"What method?" Wen Dong asked suspiciously.

"The core of the Huan Lei Jue is to transform your body into thunder and guard it with your heart. Although your mental strength is not low, you are not an extraordinary warrior, so you can't even do the most basic method of transforming your body into thunder."
Finish. "The little murloc nodded.

"Then?" Wen Dong asked, and then his heart moved. Could it be that she has the ability to advance herself to an extraordinary warrior?

"Then if you want to practice this Illusory Thunder Jue, you must first be promoted to an extraordinary warrior."

"Extraordinary warriors comprehend some profound meaning of the world. To put it bluntly, they have a strong affinity for a certain element. There are nine elements in the world, and the most common ones are gold, wood, water, and fire.
, earth, darkness and light, wind element and thunder element are rare elements, which is why the thunder clan is rare.And we Ziwei people are not 100% extraordinary from birth.
Warrior, but there is a way to awaken elemental affinity, which element do you have more affinity for? "After the fish-merma finished speaking, she looked at him and asked.

"Which element has an affinity?" Wen Dong said, "Water?"

The little murloc's problem really made him one head and two big, and he was an ordinary person. How could he know these things? He felt that he was very friendly with women.vulgar
Well said, women are made of water, so the answer is - water?

Hearing this, the little murloc nodded and slowly closed his eyes. After a long time, he slowly opened them and said, "You don't have much affinity for water elements."

"Then which element do I have the greatest affinity with?" Wen Dong asked quickly.

"You don't have much affinity with any element."

Wen Dong: "..."

Wen Dong lowered his head and smiled wryly. He was not a material for martial arts training at all, and he had no talent or interest in this kind of thing, but now all of his abilities come from the system.

"Then there is no other way?" Wen Dong said helplessly with a wry smile.

"There is another way, but it's too dangerous." The little murloc thought for a while.

"What way?" Wen Dong asked quickly.

"It's stimulating stimulation. Generally speaking, it is to use domineering elemental energy to forcibly stimulate the elemental affinity in your blood. In the case of water, it will sink you to the bottom of the water for about a thousand meters
, There is a trace of free water force at the bottom of the kilometer, and you may be able to absorb a trace of water force by forceful oppression. In this way, your affinity for water will be much higher, and you can have
Chances will help you break through the back and achieve extraordinary things... Forget about fire, I hate fire the most; as for wind... Well, there is a canyon vent about 3000 meters away from here...

If it is thunder, I can summon thick clouds to make thunder and lightning, but thunder and lightning are too domineering, you need... In short, this kind of forcefully stimulated blood power has a very specific affinity,
Afterwards, cultivating a certain element will also get twice the result with half the effort, but once it fails, it will destroy both body and spirit, and the survival rate will not survive. "

After listening to the little murloc's narration, Wen Dong felt his scalp tingling, and he could still accept the pain and suffering, but the annihilation of body and spirit was too frightening, and he was most afraid of death.

And I heard from the little murloc that he still lacks the conditions to use this kind of forced stimulation, so the chance of success is not even one out of ten.

"Then there's no way to practice." Wen Dong said bitterly.

"It's not possible now, you can only realize it slowly, maybe you may be promoted to extraordinary." The little murloc was also a little distressed.

Wen Dong nodded, that was the only way to go, but when he thought that he was apprenticed to a teacher and retreated, he was a little unwilling to reconcile the grains after tossing for a long time.

"By the way, what is this thing?" Wen Dong suddenly remembered a wind and thunder bead that the system gave him when he bought the Huan Lei Jue, and quickly took it out and asked.

"This is...?" The little murloc reached out to take it, looked at it carefully for a moment, and suddenly asked pleasantly, "Is this the Wind and Thunder Orb?"

"Yes, it's the wind and thunder bead? What's the function of this thing?" Wen Dong asked immediately when he heard his name called out.

"The power of wind and thunder, there is a ray of wind and thunder power in this wind and thunder bead." The little murloc cheered.

"The power of wind and thunder?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, and then he was shocked: "You mean that as long as you absorb the power of wind and thunder, you can be promoted to extraordinary?"

"It can be said this way, because as long as you can absorb this power of wind and thunder, you will definitely be promoted to extraordinary.

"Although Huan Lei Dong is not a real top-level skill in our big group, it is also a secret movement technique that makes countless people covetous, and this wind and thunder bead is the treasure of the thunder group.

First, the manufacture of each thunder bead requires a great deal of effort, because each thunder bead contains a trace of wind and thunder power, and the only way to absorb this wind and thunder power is to absorb it.

Only by doing it for yourself can you really learn this strange "Illusory Thunder Jue", so I said that if you want to practice this Illusory Thunder, you must be promoted to Transcendence. "Speaking of the knowledge in the mind
Well, what the little murloc said was clear and logical, very serious.

"The power of wind and thunder, um..." In the end, Wendong murmured softly, and Wen Dong smiled wryly, looking at the thunder beads in the hands of the little murloc, he couldn't help saying with lingering fear: "No wonder before

I tried to get into it with my mental strength, but I was torn to pieces. It turned out that there was a trace of domineering wind and thunder in it. "

"Well, the power of wind and thunder is the most important reason why the Thunder Clan has endured in many large groups. It is said that only when the sky is covered with dark clouds and the thunder is flashing, you can sit on the
On the top of the mountain, it is possible to absorb a trace of wind and thunder power floating in the void by luck.That's why I said, if you are unlucky, even if you are struck to death by lightning, you may not be able to touch this one.
The power of wind and thunder is also the reason why there is no one out of ten. "The little murloc stuck out his tongue and said cutely.

"Okay." Wen Dong swallowed without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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