How bad guys are made

Chapter 981 Illusory Lightning Art!

Chapter 981 Illusory Lightning Art!

The little murloc didn't seem to notice Wen Dong's frightened look, and said again: "However, although this power of wind and thunder has been sealed and refined, it is also very domineering.

Those with weak minds may find it difficult to control them.Even if one is not careful, there is still the danger of being backlashed. Even if the disciples of the Lei clan have a unique affinity for the element of thunder, they still

There is a possibility of failure, and failure is like losing your soul... But once it succeeds, its battle aura attack power is not even comparable to the thunder attribute battle aura known for its attack power.
Once one absorbs this power of wind and thunder, then practicing this Illusory Thunder Jue will get twice the result with half the effort. "

"Battle Qi? What is Battle Qi?" Wen Dong suddenly heard an unfamiliar term and couldn't help asking.

"What you just used was combat energy, in layman's terms it is combat energy." The little murloc explained.

"Okay." Wen Dong nodded, this is the dantian zhenqi in the novel martial arts, nothing more than a different name.

Wen Dong nodded, and couldn't help frowning and thinking, the little murloc had already made it very clear that it would be dangerous to absorb the power of wind and thunder, and one mistake would lead to death.Dan Wen

Dong has no choice, this is arranged for him by the system!And the ghost shadow has been pressing on his heart, making him breathless. When he met Devil May Cry and Gui Mei, if it wasn't for Mo Lishe

Save my life, I'm afraid I'm already dead and I can't die anymore, but I heard from Lina that this ghost is much more powerful than her brother Devil May Cry.
Once caught by her, there is no doubt that she will die.

Instead of this, it is better to fight.Although the system cheats people, it can't really cheat yourself to death, right?
"Fortunately, Brother Wendong, you should be grateful for being a teacher." The little murloc said with a sudden smile.

"How to say?" Wen Dong was taken aback.

"Because in our world, if you want to use this overbearing stimulating method, you must have a water healer by your side. In this way, the chances of surviving will be great.
big increase.And I, no, but as a teacher, happen to be proficient in healing techniques! "The little murloc snorted, his face was full of complacency.

"Then I'll leave it all to the master." Wen Dong gritted his teeth, with a plan in mind, and quickly flattered him.

"Hee hee, don't worry, disciple." The little murloc became more and more proud. He wanted to reach out to touch Wen Dong's head, but he couldn't reach it.


Seeing the little murloc's kid-like complacent expression, Wen Dong smiled indifferently and said, "Then how should I use this wind and thunder bead?"

"You'll know in a while." The little murloc smiled and said, "I'll call the thunder for you first."

"Calling Thunder?" Wen Dong asked in surprise.

The little murloc nodded, but didn't explain much, but waved her two small white hands, and her whole figure seemed to be lifted high into the sky by an invisible force.
The blue sand sleeve skirt waved again and again, like a goddess scattering flowers.At this time, even Wen Dong, who had not been promoted to extraordinary, was shocked to feel that the water vapor factor around him seemed to be alive
The murloc's pull call ascends into the high-altitude gathering.

Wen Dong raised his head in surprise and saw that the blue sky just now turned slightly dark. The little murloc waved his hands in mid-air, and said to Wen Dong below: "

When the wind blows, wait for the thunder and lightning to flash...then absorb the power of the wind and thunder in the wind and thunder bead, so that you can truly start practicing the Illusory Thunder Jue, and as long as you absorb the power of the thunder and lightning
, you can be promoted to Extraordinary! "

Hearing this, Wendong learned a little about tea art, and had a little understanding of offering sacrifices. He raised his head, cast his eyes on the sky that was already like a dark curtain with no end at this time, and nodded slightly


However, under the deliberate guidance of the little murloc, it didn't last long, the entire sky was covered by dark clouds formed by water vapor factors, and the strong wind gushed out from nowhere, raging
It slammed down, blowing the trees in the mountain forest to rattling noises.

The dark clouds were densely covered, and the low thunder "rumbling" slowly spread from them. Although the dark clouds and thunder mountains were summoned by the little murlocs, they still belonged to the power of nature.

In front of the majesty of nature, the entire mountain range fell into a panic and paradoxical silence.


A flash of lightning shot out from the dark clouds, and the dazzling light illuminated the dark mountains like daytime.

On the top of a mountain, Wen Dong stood firmly on the bluestone, letting the strong wind rage.He was as unmoved as a rock.Lightning falls, and a beautiful picture is printed
On his calm face, there was only a trace of undetectable pain flashing in the depths of his eyes. He remembered that it was this strange space where the little murloc was born, and his fish

The beauty was swept away by the waves and slowly disappeared.

"The fish mermaid..." Wen Dong murmured softly.

"Hey..." The glaring light disappeared the blurry figure in front of Wen Dong's eyes. He slowly recovered, raised his head slightly, and looked at the dark shadow above his head
The cloud layer, however, sensed that something in mid-air had appeared beside him, and was looking at him angrily.

"What's wrong?" Wen Dong asked suspiciously.

"When I remind you later, you should quickly swallow this thunder bead. I've said it all over again. What are you doing in a daze? I'm so mad at you as a teacher!"
the way.

"Oh." Wen Dong nodded quickly, and he was surprised when he walked away just now: "What, what? Swallow it?"

"Of course, but we have to wait for a while, and the time must be just right. Otherwise, the trace of wind and thunder in the wind and thunder bead is likely to be pulled out by the force of thunder and lightning from the outside.
, If it merges into these thunder and lightning, it will be troublesome. I said that you should swallow it quickly when you swallow it. "The little murloc quickly explained.

Wen Dong babbled, before, it was just a sting of his mental strength that made him almost want to die. What if he swallowed it?

He lowered his head slightly, and the wind and thunder bead in his palm really became fluorescent and bright, as if there was a trace of blue wind swirling around the thunder bead, as if it was about to be torn lightning
In the center, the entire silver-white thunderball shot out a faint silver point of light.

"Phantom Lightning Art!"


Thick dark clouds cover the sky and cover the sun, covering the entire sky layer by layer. Occasionally, there are lightning bolts as thick as a bucket of feet long, breaking through the clouds like a giant silver python.

layers, tearing the sky apart, and the glaring glare shrouded the entire mountain range under the majesty of the sky.

The raging wind tore everything, uprooted a small tree not far from Wendong out of thin air, and then fell heavily to the peak.After a long time, there was no sound at all.

It is obvious that it has been torn to nowhere.

Wen Dong had already followed the little murloc's instructions and sat cross-legged on the bluestone, holding the wind and thunder beads tightly in his palms.

The beads, which are no different from pearls, are gradually exuding a faint warmth.Occasionally, when Wendong glanced over, he could still see traces of extremely fine silver electric lights coming from the beads.
Flickering out of the middle, the palm of Jingshou's hand hurt slightly.

Looking up at the sky covered by dark clouds, lightning and thunder, Wen Dong let out a long breath.The hand holding Fengleizhu rested on his thigh, and he could feel lightly

The slight trembling of his maiden voyage, in this kind of weather environment where a terrifying lightning bolt may strike at any time, his state of mind is not as peaceful as it seems on the surface, and the most let

He couldn't help being terrified that he wanted to swallow this bead!
Just like what He Qing said to herself before, she is no longer alone, and he must not have any accidents!

"Xiaoyu, when will it start?" Wen Dong was a little worried, but also a little anxious, holding the silver wind and thunder bead tightly in his palm.

As if his body was about to take off and break out of the bead, it continuously released silver electric light, and his palm was already bloodstained by this thread of electric light that seemed to be lingering.

"It's ok, swallow it quickly, be careful, the power of this wind and thunder is extremely terrifying and overbearing, and one mistake will be life-threatening." Xiaoyu said from the side, while talking,

With a wave of his little hand, a faint milky white brilliance fell on his body, and then it was absorbed into Wen Dong's body in the blink of an eye.

System: "Ding: The host is blessed by the Mermaid..."

"Yeah." Wen Dong only felt that his whole body was very comfortable, and his spirit and body were fuller than ever. Hearing her words, he gritted his teeth and nodded.He knew in his heart that he wanted a short time
Naturally, it cannot be smooth sailing if one obtains power that is difficult for ordinary people to possess. If one wants to be immune to harm, one must have the ability to kill all enemies.

"Swallow the wind and thunder beads quickly. It is too difficult to reduce the power of wind and thunder at this time. Without guidance, the trace of wind and thunder power hidden in the wind and thunder beads will automatically flow out, and when it arrives
You must be able to feel it from time to time, you have to wrap it with the fighting spirit in your body, tame and refine it all the time. "The little murloc urged, and quickly completed all the steps in one breath.
Ministry said it.

But the fighting spirit in my body doesn't listen to me at all. It can only be used when I use skills again. Wendong can't say anything, but he hears the little murloc's anxious voice
Urging, and there was no time to explain, he opened his mouth and swallowed the Fengleizhu.Immediately, my heart became ruthless, and I didn't believe it. I could kill Laozi with just this small bead?
And at the moment Wendong swallowed the wind and thunder beads, the dazzling silver glare door was infected and burst out from the body, and suddenly there was a thick silver electric light energy
The column plunged directly into the thick dark clouds.The bucket-like thick beam of light envelops Wendong's entire body. Even if the powerful beam of light is hundreds of miles away, it can still

See clearly enough.

"Ah—" A heart-piercing howl sounded on the top of the mountain, and in the huge beam of light that pierced Wen Dong's body and shot straight into the clouds, the three quaint big "Phantom Thunder Jue"

The words silver and electric brilliance circulate, which is extremely eye-catching.

"Puff——" Although Wen Dong had been prepared for a long time, he still didn't expect such pain. He seemed to be able to hear the sound of various tissues in his body being forcibly torn apart.
Yin, it is no exaggeration to say that a thousand arrows can pierce the heart!
(End of this chapter)

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