How bad guys are made

Chapter 982 Inhuman Pain

Chapter 982 Inhuman Pain

"Hmph..." Wendong snorted heavily, a trace of blood had already overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and the trace of lightning power sealed in the wind and thunder beads had obviously drilled out, and was attacking him.
The destruction was raging inside his body, and he felt that every bone in his body was pierced with fine holes by thousands of steel needles. Under such pain, his whole body directly collapsed and fell to the ground.

The little murloc on the other side also had a look of surprise at the sudden change of the wind and thunder beads, and then quickly said: "Hurry up and wrap that trace of wind and thunder with fighting spirit, or else

This domineering lightning force is very likely to tear your body into nothingness; at the same time, use your spiritual perception to comprehend this beam of light. "The little murloc said quickly,

Tao healing technique penetrated into Wendong's body from her fingers.

Grass, how to wrap it!

Wendong's whole body was in unbearable pain, and the intense stinging pain made his mental power clearer than ever before, and the more clear he was, the pain in his body was magnified ten times!
System: "Ding: The host activates the branch skill of "Dipping Clothes Eighteen Falls"-Sword Qi Body Protection. Consumes 30 energy points, triggers the energy of the world to protect the body, immune to all damage, and maintains the body.

Hold for 8 seconds. (only used twice a day)”

System: "Ding: The host activates the branch skill of "The Great Teleportation of the Universe" - Power Master. Effect: Transfer 30.00% of the attack received by the host to the world and make it invisible

Skill characteristics: Unlimited times of use.

2: The more you fight, the more courageous you become——Effect: Use [-]% of the host's damage for your own use.

Skill characteristics: Unlimited use times.

With the time of sword qi protecting his body, Wen Dong felt no pain all over his body, and quickly looked inside with his mental power, but saw a strange image floating above the dantian in his body.
, really have no clue.

He kept the little murloc's order in mind.Wen Dong took a deep breath, and quickly concentrated his mind. All the spiritual power burst out of his body, covering his surroundings firmly.

In the siege, even if a sandstone rolls down, it is difficult to escape Wendong's spiritual perception.

But at this time, after turning on Power Master and Yue Zhan Yueyong, the trace of lightning power in his body was actually wrapped by the fighting spirit, resisting the tearing and destruction of the power of thunder and lightning.

Although the fighting spirit in my body is not a match for the power of wind and thunder at all, but fortunately there is a little murloc on the side to give me a healing technique from time to time, although the pain is unbearable, but

Still can support.

Shortly after Wendong forced himself into a state of concentration.As the lightning flashed across the sky at the speed of light, the power of wind and thunder moving and destroying in the body became more and more restless.

The silver lightning is getting stronger and stronger.

"Quickly enter the spiritual power into this beam of light, enlightenment!" The little murloc urged and reminded.

Wen Dong hurriedly followed suit, and when his mental power penetrated into the beam of light, he realized that the gradually clear image in the beam of light was exactly the same as the image in his own body.

In the blink of an eye, there was a difference in the beam of light. The three simple characters of "Phantom Thunder Jue" formed by the power of thunder and lightning in the beam of light shattered into thousands of pieces.
The intertwined and free silver electric snakes look like human figures rushing in various forms. Although the human figures have different postures, they are all wrapped under their feet.

There was a silver lightning like a tiny electric snake, the silver light moved slightly, and the thousands of figures seemed to come alive, the space fluctuated slightly, and one after another energy suddenly broke through the silver light

The bondage of the pillar, as if it has received some kind of attraction, it rushes towards the sky far away.

The illusory figures formed by the power of lightning are terrifyingly fast, as if ignoring the distance in space, these figures rushed out in just the blink of an eye.

Wen Dong's mental power perception range is beyond.

Although Wendong had already entered a state of breath-holding concentration and did not notice it the moment the thousands of energy figures rushed out of the beam of light, but he noticed that it was the same thing, but

Inability to stop is another matter.Fortunately, there were many silhouettes of countless illusory energy, even though the speed was extremely fast, it still lasted for several seconds, Wen Dong tightly controlled his mind,

I feel something in my heart.

But before he could think about it, he let out a painful snort, and the swaying wind and thunder power in his body wanted to rush out like those illusory energy figures.

"go back!"

Just when Wendong was in pain and depression, the familiar voice of the little murloc suddenly rang in his ears. This crisp voice contained extremely powerful spiritual power

, even, where the sound waves reached, the raging wind suddenly stopped.

Before the little murloc finished speaking, he saw a thick emerald green awn, like green juice, forming a light blue protective film on the surface of Wendong's entire body.
Any element in the world becomes thicker.

While the gust of wind stopped, the energy figure that was about to rush into the sky seemed to be forcibly solidified by a special energy. In a short moment, these countless energy figures stagnated in midair
In, various postures are constructed.

"Back!" The little murloc's clear voice resounded again, and the thick water element power that almost completely enveloped the mountain surged back, and as the energy retracted, those energy
The figure also seemed to be pulled by an extremely strong force, and it was thrown back all the way, and finally it was all poured into Wendong's mind.

And as those energy figures retracted into Wen Dong's mind, the beam of light that pierced into the sky and soared into the sky lost its energy support and shattered until it disappeared quickly.

Still shocked in his heart that the little murloc is worthy of being the master of this world, Wen Dong's sober head shook suddenly, and then he felt dizzy.psychedelic vision
Some extremely mysterious figures can be vaguely seen flashing and protruding, but because the head is really swollen and drowsy, I can't remember much at all.

The drowsy state lasted less than a minute.And the image of the figure that appeared in his mind also disappeared, but Wen Dong was shocked to find that the figure floating above his dantian

The Haoguang image is more silvery.

The main ship woke up from the drowsiness, the sky was still thundering and lightning, the rumbling sound continued, and the dark clouds seemed to weigh on the heart, making it hard to breathe.

"Why is the little murloc's mental power so powerful? He can control such a wide range of elemental energy. If he brings her to his own world, the ghost image will definitely not belong to her."
opponent. "The scene just now sounded again in his mind, and Wen Dong was still speechless in shock.

"Don't think about it, the power of wind and thunder has been fully activated along those images, and quickly take it for your own use." The murloc's low voice suddenly sounded in Wen Dong's heart.

As soon as the little murloc's voice fell, Wen Dong's body stiffened suddenly, his face turned purple, and his dark eyes suddenly shrunk countless times.

tiny lightning bolts.

But when Wen Dongzheng didn't know how to direct the fighting spirit in his body to refine the power of wind and thunder, he was surprised to find that those fighting spirits formed a siege on their own

Surrounded by that silver-like energy that was scurrying around and destroying.

Although the battle qi exists in Wendong's body for him to use, Wendong can't control it like an arm and finger at all, so he becomes a thing without an owner, and the battle qi is a kind of energy body of heaven and earth.
, although it is not as overbearing as the power of wind and thunder, but it also has a subconscious mind, instinctively resisting the engulfment and destruction of the power of wind and thunder, and fighting with that power of wind and thunder

The war of attrition between engulfment and anti-engulfment.

"Compared to consumption? I've never been afraid of anyone!" Looking inside, Wen Dong immediately discovered this, and was immediately overjoyed.

System: "Ding: The host consumes 800 hatred points, and the energy value in the body is automatically filled."

System: "Ding: The host has obtained the BUFF blessing of the little murloc, the guardian of the Pacific Ocean, and the energy recovered per second increases by 10% (for [-] minutes.)"

The battle qi that was almost exhausted was completely replenished in an instant, and tyrannical battle qi surged out, flowing like a flood in the meridians,
The fulcrums at the junction of the meridians in the body completely envelop the swaying and destructive silver light.

With the healing and BUFF bonuses that the little murloc gives him from time to time, as well as the two branches of skills that he has opened, although Wendong's injuries are serious, his life will never be in danger.

And with the continuous gushing out of seemingly endless fighting spirit, the power of wind and thunder hidden in the body has not yet produced much destructive power, but it has been surrounded by Wendong, and the internal view

Wendong couldn't help but feel a little lucky when he found that the dantian area where the silver ability was entrenched was exuding more and more horizontal fluctuations.

Although there was an element of mishandling this time, it is undeniable that thanks to the systematic guidance, of course, Wen Dong couldn't help boasting that thanks to his brain
Being flexible, he immediately worshiped the little murloc as his teacher.


At this time, the fighting spirit wrapped in silver abilities was constantly rising and distorting like boiling water, and the energy of both sides was being consumed rapidly at a ratio of about ten to one.
, and kept making strange hissing noises, as if a huge python entrenched in the energy cocoon was constantly struggling to break through.

Under the strange sound emitted by the silver ability, which seemed to be the roar of a giant beast at the top of the food chain, Wen Dong was a little surprised to find that the battle surrounding the former

Qi even faintly trembled, as if a little frightened.It looks like a group of big sheep surrounded a huge ferocious boa constrictor.

Worried about the opponent's counterattack...

That strand of silver energy that seemed to have consciousness also sensed the trembling of the surrounding fighting spirit, and suddenly surged violently.Where the strong silver light passes, those boiling battle spirits

In an instant, it was scattered and destroyed by transpiration.And discovering this situation, the hissing sound in Yinmang also seemed to become more and more intense, as if laughing wildly, and such a humanized sound
Wendong was even more surprised by his reaction.

However, in addition to being surprised, there was also a faint sneer. The energy of this wind and thunder force could not be replenished at all. Under the ebb and flow, he finally won.

Dong gritted his teeth and felt ruthless, Damn, I don't have much else, but I have a lot of money, I will kill you with money!
System: "Ding: The host has received the azure blue blessing from the little murloc, the guardian of the Pacific Ocean. The fighting spirit in the host body has the attribute of ice, and its flexibility and strength have increased by [-]%."

System: "Ding: The host has activated the ghost doctor's branch skill—a booster... the state is full, and the fighting spirit in the body is full."

System: "Ding: The host has activated the ghost doctor's branch skill—mad dog mode... All attributes have increased by [-]%."

(End of this chapter)

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