How bad guys are made

Chapter 983 Absorption Success

Chapter 983 Absorption Success
With the little murloc's boost to stab you and the activation of the two branches of skills, those battle qi surrounded by silver energy were covered with a layer of blue light, and they suddenly moved violently.Immediately, the fighting spirit was slightly distorted, and wisps of blue ice crystals mixed with extremely tough soft water quietly diffused out of it. With the appearance of the fighting spirit with ice-cold and water attributes, the tyrannical lightning driven by the silver energy Because of the power of water conduction, the surrounding azure fighting spirit was dyed with a layer of silver light, and the silver light flickered, and Wen Dong's body trembled violently as if he had been electrified, and his forehead might stand vertically...

At this time, all the energy of the silver electric light was shared and consumed by the ice battle energy, and the energy of the wind and thunder power was also consumed extremely quickly, and soon shrank and languished.The cold ice and soft water fighting spirit seemed to have changed from a sheep to a ferocious hungry wolf at this moment, surrounded by a pack of wolves, pressing forward step by step, and surrounded the latter tightly again.


Facing the surge of cold, soft water and fighting spirit, the silver energy was somewhat unwilling to be bullied by the cowardly, and the instinctive resistance once again erupted into a tyrannical light, just like a hedgehog that was threatened by death erected its spikes, and the silver light flashed brightly. Sheng, those surrounded by cold ice, soft water and fighting air were instantly pierced by electricity into tens of thousands of holes.

However, what the little murloc said was right, Wendong finally understood why she would say that she is the most perfect supporter with water healing and support buff bonuses, because — softness overcomes rigidity.

Although the power of wind and thunder could break the cold ice and soft water, the dense soft water and cold air merged again and surrounded it tightly in almost a second.

Although his life was not in danger, it was Wen Dong who suffered the most. At the moment when thousands of electric lights broke through the soft water fighting spirit, his whole body was smeared with a layer of silver electric current. Dong was like a patient with advanced epilepsy, every cell in his body trembled violently, foaming at the mouth, rolling his eyes, he was about to die...

At this time, all the clothes on his body were blown up and destroyed. The little murloc beside him blinked his beautiful eyes and stared at Wendong's body. no the same?No, I have to ask him later why 'here' is different...

And Wen Dong, who fell into an epileptic state, would know the thoughts in his mind as a cheap and stupid master, otherwise he would not be foaming at the mouth at this time, but would vomit blood directly.

The azure fighting spirit and the silver electric light are intertwined. In just 5 minutes, the silver glare began to fail due to the huge consumption, and the light kept shrinking...

Immediately afterwards, in less than a minute, the silver energy ended in a crushing defeat in the confrontation with the cold ice and soft water battle qi.Wendong didn't need to control it at all, and there was also a subconscious cold fighting spirit that pursued the victory, and finally shrunk Bai Weiquan into a small circle the size of a fist, and in the circle, it was the trace that revealed the original The power of wind and thunder.

At this time, the power of wind and thunder has been forcibly shared and consumed by Roushui's fighting spirit, because without the cover of the silver electric light, the main body clearly appeared under Wen Dong's gaze.

This is an extremely tiny strand of silver lightning, or in other words, a silver lightning whose shape is no different from a small snake the size of a little finger. Without the protection of peripheral energy, this strand of silver lightning is carefully entrenched in his body. However, there is still a trace of light blue wind swirling around the lightning, which is rapidly cutting and destroying the cold ice and soft water fighting air that is approaching, and the silver lightning that bends into a small electric snake, when the snake's mouth opens, there is a faint trace of it. The sound of wind and thunder came out.

"Is this the power of wind and thunder? It's really powerful. Although it's too young to have intelligence, it can act with a subconscious instinct. It's amazing." He stared intently at the man who was still intimidating as if he was surrounded by a large pack of wolves. Wen Dong was a little surprised for the electric snake, it was the first time he had experienced such a thing, and he couldn't help but rejoice again, if it wasn't for the little murloc's help, he might have been burned to ashes long ago.

"Well, after all, this is the power produced by the heaven and the earth, and it cannot be countered by humans at all. Although the fighting spirit is absorbed and quenched from the heaven and the earth, it is still difficult to compete with these heaven and earth energies." The little murloc seems to be able to Hearing Wendong's heartfelt voice, the giggling laughter also sounded in Wendong's heart.

"Didn't you say that there is only a little combat energy? How come there are so many? With my cold ice soft water attribute combat energy to help you suppress it, you think it will not be difficult for him to absorb it, hurry up." The little murloc said again .

"How do you absorb it?" Wen Dong asked quickly, with an embarrassed expression on his face. Even though the energy of the silver lightning has been basically exhausted, he is still in a state of fog and rain. It is all because of the little murloc's help and himself. The fighting spirit in the body defends itself.

"You can't control the fighting spirit in your body? Then how did you stimulate it before?" the little murloc asked strangely.

"I don't know, I just used it through cheats, but I can't control these fighting spirits at all." Wen Dong said with a sad face.

"You are really...strange!" The little murloc gave him a strange look, and then realized that Wen Dong is not an extraordinary warrior at all. Although his mental power is powerful, he cannot perceive and use it accurately at all. The fighting spirit in one's body can only be consumed through combat skills.

"Then I'll guide you." After thinking it over, the little murloc didn't say anything more, but now that the fighting spirit in Wendong's body is completely attached to her cold and soft water, she can help control it: "Calm your mind, Sit on the bluestone, wait for the power of wind and thunder to fully integrate into your fighting spirit, your fighting spirit will have a little thunder and lightning attribute, which is much stronger than ordinary fighting spirit, and you will be promoted to extraordinary! "

Wen Dong was overjoyed, but after hearing her instructions, he tried hard to suppress his fluctuating mood, nodded, and sat on the bluestone to calm down slowly.And the icy soft water battle qi surrounded by the silver lightning energy was pulled and controlled by the little murloc, and immediately rushed forward fiercely, devouring the latter in one bite...


On the top of the mountain, Wen Dong sat cross-legged on the bluestone.Occasionally, a ray of lightning flashed across his body, as if his whole body was the birthplace of electricity. At this time, the lightning in the sky was much less, but the torrential rain was covered by the drowsy sky. There was a crackling downpour, and for a while, the entire mountain range with verdant vegetation was enveloped in this violent storm...

Although it was raining cats and dogs outside, a thick layer of ice had formed within one meter of Wendong's side, and when all the raindrops hit the ice beside him, there was a 'popping' sound There was a crisp sound, but the frozen ice was broken into small holes by the occasional electric light from time to time, and the raindrops filled the holes, condensed into ice again, and the cycle repeated...

Wen Dong's face was tense, his body was still trembling slightly but extremely fast in the ice, his expression was extremely painful, but he couldn't move because of the shackles of the ice, and he was suffering abnormally...

Time passed by in the pain of purgatory. Slowly, Wen Dong's body seemed to adapt to the electric light. The trembling of his body became smaller and lighter, and his tense face and tightly frowned eyebrows also slowed down. Slowly stretch out.

Above the sky, the dark clouds had lightened a lot at some point. After the torrential rain raged for several hours, it gradually dissipated without the little murlocs condensing water vapor. The same momentum as before.

In the dark sky, dark clouds slowly floated, and suddenly a ray of light that was not dazzling penetrated from behind the dark clouds, shooting into the boundless and endless forest.And not long after the appearance of the first ray of light, it was as if a chain reaction had taken place. Wisps of light beams were sprinkled down at a high speed, illuminating the dark clouds full of holes, and the light beams became brighter and brighter as the dark clouds faded. Finally, it was completely torn apart.For a moment, a large swath of dazzling and warm sunlight shone down, covering the forest sea that had been devastated by the bad weather of the day. The rainwater was transpiring under the warm sunlight, and it was muddy with a pleasant smell of soil, and the vegetation was renewed...

Wendong sits on the bluestone like a sculpture, a thick layer of blue ice crystals reflects a particularly bright and beautiful light in the sun, and as the sun shines, a layer of extremely delicate and soft water adheres to the ice layer , that azure blue ice crystal that looks like a thousand-year-old ice heart also slowly melts over time...

With the disappearance of the silver lightning and the complete melting of the ice around him, Wen Dong's eyelashes trembled slightly, and then the trembling became more intense.After a while, it finally opened suddenly, like a wild donkey that had broken free from its restraint.Immediately, a domineering burst shot out from the deep and exhausted black eyes, and it reached a full inch long distance.

Wen Dong slowly raised his head, moved his stiff neck, looked at the bright sun above the sky emitting a warm beam of light, his chest heaved and let out a mouthful of stale air, and with the exhalation of this stale air, Wen Dong's face suddenly appeared There is a touch of rosy luster, under the sun, it is like a piece of jade, exuding a lustrous luster.

The silver lightning intertwined and fired from the eyes only lasted for an instant before dissipating abruptly, and with the disappearance of the silver lightning, the pair of jet-black eyes fell into peace again.

It's just that when he heard the strange voice of his cheap master beside him, he couldn't calm down immediately...

"Huh? Why is it smaller than before?"

"What's getting smaller?" Wen Dong just recovered his clarity, when he heard the strange voice of the little murloc, he couldn't help asking strangely.

"Look, why is it so much smaller than before, apprentice, why don't you look like mine here?" The little murloc pointed with his snow-white hand, and his white and pure face was full of doubts.

"What's different?" Wen Dong was taken aback again, his eyes followed her little hand and looked down, his head was covered with black lines, when did Lao Tzu's clothes disappear?

(End of this chapter)

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