How bad guys are made

Chapter 984 Strange Space

Chapter 984 Strange Space
When did my clothes disappear?

"That's right, it's right here. Why isn't it the same as mine? Look at mine..." The little murloc didn't look like a teacher at all, and asked shamelessly, while talking, he raised his blue gauze skirt to reveal Two slender white legs...

But before she opened it completely, the sharp-eyed she suddenly noticed the difference again, her pair of watery and beautiful eyes stared closely at Wen Dong, and her small mouth shouted: "Wow, it's getting bigger, it's getting bigger again ...How can it become bigger, it's so fun..."

Hearing her surprise and doubtful voice, Wen Dong was immediately impotent and fell headlong on the bluestone...


Clear blue sky, cloudless.Two figures floated across the sky, one was exquisite and petite, dressed in a blue gauze flowing like a little fairy, the other was naked, covered only by a few big leaves around his waist, he looked like a caveman who had not yet fully evolved.

"Disciple, do you want to owe me a beating? What did you say when you were apprenticed to your teacher? There is one thing you don't know about being a teacher. Why do you say that you can be big or small, but you can't be a teacher?"

"Because of thermal expansion and cold contraction, don't you understand thermal expansion and cold contraction? How many times have you said it?" Thinking of his precious lump that was almost frozen off, Wen Dong couldn't help shivering, and at this time he heard Xiaoyu There was an irritable roar in the sky at the question of such a rogue.

Originally, he thought that the little murloc was pure in nature, knew nothing, was curious about everything, and looked cute and silly, but now, this kind of curiosity almost drove Wendong crazy.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't want to tease this cute and innocent little girl. It's because he let the mermaid have a child before. Although the mermaid disappeared, the little murloc appeared. He guessed that the little girl might be his daughter.

Although I worshiped her as a teacher before, Youdao said it well. Hearing the Tao has a priority, and there is a specialization in art. There is nothing shameful in worshiping a daughter as a teacher.But if his daughter keeps asking these questions, Wendong will have the urge to go crazy.

"Since they are different, there must be different uses..."

"No, it's not of any special use." Wen Dong said in mourning.

"Oh, you just said it was because of thermal expansion and cold contraction? Then why can't mine increase?"

"It's possible." The corners of Wen Dong's mouth twitched, and finally he couldn't help shouting: "You female hooligan!"


In this strange space, there is no alternation of day and night. Wendong, who returned to the beach, was so entangled by her that he was speechless. He wanted to pat his ass and slip away quickly, but he thought that he must have many problems in the future and needed the help of this rogue and stupid master, so he could only be patient. Tell her about it.

This scene seemed to be quite similar to the time when we were together with the Mermaid before, but when it was changed to other topics, Wen Dong felt emotional, and his mood improved a lot from his irritability.

On the beach, a pretty girl was sitting cross-legged, her snow-white hands lifted her skirt from time to time for a few glances, and then opened her breasts to study for a while. something figured out.

Wen Dong sat cross-legged at a distance, not squinting, he really didn't dare!
I don't know how long he sat there, but he saw his sculptural body trembling slightly, and didn't see any other movements. Wen Dong's body sitting cross-legged stood up like a spring, twisted his slightly stiff body, and suddenly thought of splitting between his bones. The crunching sound made the corners of his raised mouth slightly widen.

The palm was stretched out suddenly, Wen Dong twitched his fingers lightly, and suddenly a trace of electric current hissed, and an extremely small silver spot of light emerged from the fingers with a slight hissing sound.

With his eyes fixed on the power of thunder and lightning flowing endlessly between his fingers, Wen Dong almost raised his head to the sky and let out a loud cry—Master Extraordinary!
Yes, after the evaluation of the rogue master, after absorbing this power of lightning, he not only advanced to the extraordinary, but also directly surpassed the extraordinary warrior, and was directly promoted to the extraordinary master!Only one step away from the extraordinary king!
And listening to the rogue master's narration, there are about two reasons.First: The power of wind and thunder is domineering, but as long as it is absorbed, there will be incomparable benefits. Thunder and lightning temper the battle aura, so that the battle aura in the body is not only attached to the power of thunder and lightning, but also the battle aura is more solid after tempering, reaching Second: She didn't make it very clear, but Wen Dong knew that it was because of his expanded energy tank, and in the system this thing is called an energy tank, but in Xiaoyu's population it is called Battle cyclone, that is, combat power, an extraordinary warrior has the power of one battle, and each level has ten levels, reaching the super master means having the power of ten battles!The energy tank and the combat power have different names, it is the thing that stores the combat energy.

And Wendong's promotion to Chaofan will expand the battle cyclone independently, allowing his body to accommodate and use the battle energy, and he already had a battle cyclone before he was promoted to Chaofan, and after a lot of tossing with the expansion energy card It has reached 800 energy value, which is the power of eight battles; the power of wind and thunder tempers the fighting spirit and increases the power of three battles, so Wendong is now completely at the level of an extraordinary master in every aspect.

What made Wendong most ecstatic was that this permanent expansion energy slot card could continue to be purchased, but when he heard the conditions for reaching the extraordinary king, his enthusiasm suddenly cooled down.As the saying goes, a hundred battles make one a god, and this hundred battles is just a synonym. A hundred battles is not a hundred battles, but hundreds or even tens of hundreds of battles.In layman's terms, it takes countless battles to become a god.

But in the world of Xiu-Lien Zhan-Dou, one hundred battles can only become king!Extraordinary king, the power of a hundred battles!Of course, it doesn't mean that you can be promoted to an extraordinary king after accumulating a hundred combat power.I heard from the little murloc that combat power is only a foundation, and that to be promoted to an extraordinary king, having the power of a hundred battles is only the foundation, and the most important thing is an opportunity, which is comprehension!
And the only good news is that the little murloc praised the power of thunder and lightning enviously. Wendong's fighting spirit is integrated with this thing, and the power of lightning can help him refine his fighting spirit and make his fighting spirit more solid. It will be of great benefit to be promoted to the super king in the future.

"Master, can I practice the Illusory Thunder Jue now?" Wen Dong asked.

"It's ok, oh, yes, you should feel it first." The little murloc nodded, and then suddenly remembered, with a slender finger, Wen Dong saw a transparent ball of light smash into his mind.

System: "Ding: The administrator of the Pacific Ocean bestows a water illusion to the host."

Water illusion?

Wen Dong was taken aback when he heard it, but the water film light ball entered his mind without any hindrance.

Wen Dong only felt a "boom" in his head, as if something had exploded, and the numerous energy silver lights in the huge beam of light when he absorbed the power of wind and thunder appeared again in front of his psychedelic eyes. Searching, it seems like you want to burst your head.

"This is the situation I recorded at that time with the method of water phase illusion. This is the key to the magic thunder formula. You have to watch more and feel more. Now that you have the power of wind and thunder, you can practice this magic thunder formula at this time. It's almost a matter of course, as long as you practice hard, become proficient, and have enough talent, you will be able to enter the realm of great success sooner or later." Just as Wen Dong was shocked, the voice of the little murloc came from his ear.

"Recorded? Can you keep comprehending it?" Wen Dong couldn't help jumping out of ecstasy. When absorbing it before, the little murloc reminded himself to calm down and comprehend every change of the energy silver light. But at that time My mind was pounding with unbearable pain, and I didn't remember much at all.

So, Wen Dong quickly sat cross-legged on the ground again and looked at the mirror image in his mind over and over again, while the little murloc gave him a bored look, then turned around with a small mouth, opened his chest with his small hands and took a few glances, Start to study things that you can't figure out again.

The romantic volume of the sea, mixed with the fresh air blowing from the forest and sea in the distance, makes people feel refreshed. Surrounded by the beautiful atmosphere of nature, the slightly fluctuating mood gradually calms down.

With peace of mind, although Wen Dong closed his eyes, it was not dark, but as if he had entered the magnified Milky Way galaxy, a silvery area, and the silver energy mirrors that shuttled back and forth were like meteors passing by in the Milky Way, one by one came alive The images of the book quickly emerged, and each chapter was firmly remembered by Wen Dong, and there was no longer the feeling of being forgotten in a trance like last time.

But when the three big characters of Huan Lei Jue suddenly dissipated, Wen Dong could see clearly that the thousands of silver energies were vaguely solidified into ten big characters - transforming the wind and thunder with the body, and resisting it with the heart.

Wen Dong's gaze was fixed on the ten silver characters in front of him. After a long time, Wen Dong seemed to realize something. With his heart moving at will, the wind and thunder power that had been refined and absorbed penetrated out of his body. In the end, wisps of silver electric snakes were formed to flow around the surface of his body, and the electric light flowed endlessly. In the end, it seemed to be pulled and surged downward automatically, and finally formed wisps of circulating electric light to wrap around Wendong's legs.

Wen Dong came back to his senses, looked down at the wind, thunder and lightning emerging from his legs, leaned his body forward slightly, and raised it slightly with a weird arc, and finally imitated the same posture as the previous picture .

This seems to be a strange posture for a moment, Wen Dong's feet fell gently, and as the corner fell, he suddenly felt a sense of dizziness in his head, the silver space suddenly shattered, and his eyes looked around again At that time, he was a little shocked to find that he was already in mid-air above the sea, and his light step before had jumped directly from the beach to the sky...

Lowering his head slightly, looking at the blue waves below, Wen Dong's face was full of courage, and he turned his head tremblingly, but saw that the little murloc was 100 meters away from him, and at this moment , the silver light flashing on his legs seemed to be lacking in energy, he trembled a few times and finally converged to the soles of his feet, and the effort suddenly dissipated in the blink of an eye, and his body was also at this time, like a kite with a broken string, Falling straight into the bottomless sea...

"Ah...Master, help..."

On the clear sea surface, a miserable howl suddenly sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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