Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1006 I advise you not to get excited now

Chapter 1006 I advise you not to get excited now

Chu Yang stood behind Mo Han, his palms hanging on the hem of his clothes clenched tightly into fists.

Mo Han's eyes were gloomy, like a sharp sword, aimed at that person.

"you wanna die……"

Then he drew his pistol and fired at the man's head.

Mo Han's movements were so fast that the others had no time to react. When they realized what had happened, Mo Han's bullet shot into the man's forehead very precisely.

The leader of the man in black stared wide-eyed, staring at Mo Han in disbelief. The next moment his body thumped, he fell back fiercely, and fell to the ground.

A shot was shot between the eyebrows, and the leader of the man in black was killed by a single shot.

The other men in black suddenly became confused, and pointed their guns at the three of them, Mo Han Chuyang and Gu Yuan.

It's a pity that their movements were too slow. Before they pulled the bolts and fired, everyone's head was already pressed against the cold and hard muzzle of the gun.

Mo Han was distracting the men in black here, and the bodyguards sneaked in quietly, waiting for Mo Han's gunshot, and they moved quickly, restraining the men in black one by one.

In an instant, the situation was reversed. Once the leader of the men in black died, these men in black also became headless flies and Mo Han's captives.

At the moment when the leader of the men in black died, Yun Tinghai immediately grabbed Ye Xiaoyang, put the gun on her forehead, and pulled her back. He watched all the men in black being subdued. Shouting with trembling hand holding the gun.

"Mo Han, you can't kill me, otherwise I will take this woman to the funeral. Even if she is a cover you throw up, you can't just watch her die, can you? Such a young life, do you really have the heart? I advise you, finally let me go and let me go, otherwise I will shoot her right now."

Ye Xiaoyang was crying, bit her lips fiercely, looked at Mo Han and smiled miserably: "Don't let this villain go because of me. If you hadn't saved me, I would have been damned. My mother and brother It is all arranged by you to go abroad, and now they are living abroad very well, I am very content, I am content..."

Chuyang heard Ye Xiaoyang's words were full of resoluteness to die, she frowned, and reprimanded in a low voice: "Ye Xiaoyang, you think you are great and admirable when you die. Did you die for justice? Or did you give up your desire to survive simply because of Mo Han, because you didn't want to embarrass him, because you didn't want to ruin his long-planned plan?"

"You didn't die for justice. You were selfish, especially selfish. You said you were for him, but you didn't think about him. If you died, he would bear an innocent life on his back. This shackle It will suppress him, and the heavy guilt will accompany him for the rest of his life. So far, he will never forget you in his whole life, and will always put you in the bottom of his heart forever. "

"At that time, you really succeeded. You used your death to successfully make him remember you. In terms of deep scheming, who can compare with you, who can be as ruthless as you, and as selfish as you?"

Chuyang's words were full of aggressiveness between the lines.

Gu Yuan frowned, and looked at Chu Yang in confusion.

Mo Han didn't say a word, but looked at Chu Yang with flickering eyes.

Ye Xiaoyang obviously didn't expect Chuyang to say that. She shook her head and hurriedly denied: ", I didn't, I didn't think so. Sister Chuyang, why do you misunderstand me so much? I...I I just don't want to implicate Mr. Mo, I don't want his efforts to go to waste because of me."

"Since you don't have that idea, then from this moment on, you just keep your mouth shut..." Chu Yang saw her aggrieved and pitiful expression impatiently.

For Chuyang, every minute and every second is precious now, and she doesn't want Ye Xiaoyang to give up the idea of ​​life and die on his own initiative.

Therefore, she used those aggressive words to stimulate Ye Xiaoyang, making her swallow all her stupid thoughts back into her stomach.

Yun Tinghai was impatient for a long time, they were moaning, he pointed his gun at Ye Xiaoyang, and shouted at Mo Han.

"Mo Han. I order you to release Yun Yayi immediately, otherwise I will call three numbers and if you don't agree, then I will let Ye Xiaoyang be buried with them." Yun Tinghai's eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and roared .

Mo Leng smiled, and immediately beckoned someone to bring them in.

Qiu Yiren was in rags, her face was bloody, and she was in a terrible state of distress.

She was pushed in staggeringly, and the next moment, she fell to the ground and couldn't even get up.

Chu Yang curled his lips into a smile, approached Qiu Yiren step by step, and stretched out his hand to lift the hood in front of Qiu Yiren's eyes.

Qiu Yiren slowly opened her eyes and saw Ye Chuyang's beautiful and delicate face, and she also saw Ye Chuyang's beautiful eyes reflecting her miserable appearance.

"No... no, that's not me, definitely not me." Qiu Yiren yelled deceivingly as he covered his cheek with trembling palms.

Before An Ming fed Qiu Yiren the medicine, which temporarily made her dumb for a few hours, but now that the medicine had worn off, she was gradually able to speak.

But even if he could talk, so what, the Qiuyi people now have become a person who is neither human nor ghost.

"That's right, the former Qiuyi people are dead, the woman who falls into my eyes now, the woman whose face is completely ruined, she is no longer Qiuyi people." Chu Yang threw the cloth cover on Qiuyi people's body fiercely. Face, she slowly got up.

Looking at Qiu Yiren's appearance, Yun Tinghai was so distressed that it was hard to add, he just felt that his negligence had hurt Yiren.

He scolded Mo Han bitterly: "Mo Han, you are a bastard, how could you hurt her like this? She has loved you for decades, even if you don't love her, how could you ruin her so cruelly? In terms of cruelty, who can compare to you, who can?"

Mo Han didn't raise his eyebrows, and didn't listen to Yun Tinghai's scolding at all. He just warned lightly: "Mr. Yun, I advise you not to get excited now, and move the pistol away first, in case you get emotional and accidentally leave Fire, hurt Ye Xiaoyang, then both you and them will be finished..."

Yun Tinghai's body trembled, and he looked at Mo Han with some apprehension, his eyes flashed with monstrous anger, but he didn't have the guts to kill Ye Xiaoyang.

Not only because of the two women he cared about the most, but mainly because he was afraid of death, terribly afraid.

"Okay, I won't move, I won't shoot, don't hurt them anymore, don't hurt them..." Yun Tinghai moved away a little, but he still wrapped his arms around Ye Xiaoyang's neck. A woman is his shield, he can't lose it easily.

Yun Tinghai seemed to think of something, and glanced at the door again, and looked at Qiu Yiren a few times.

"What about Yunya, where is Yunya, I want to see her, I want to see her..."

(End of this chapter)

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