Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1007 You want to drive me crazy

Chapter 1007 You want to drive me crazy
A sly smile flickered in Chu Yang's eyes, she raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Yun Tinghai, and smiled with her lips pursed: "Mr. Yun really wants to see Yun Ya? Well, since you think so, of course I will let you do so." .But, you have to be mentally prepared. When you see her later, don't get excited, and don't be afraid."

"Tsk tsk, I'm really afraid that Mr. Yun will feel disgusted when he sees Yun Ya, and you can't help but regret that you have liked this woman for decades."

Yun Tinghai didn't understand what Chu Yang meant, he stiffened his neck and stared at Chu Yang: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Ha... come here, bring Yunya in..." Chu Yang shouted with excitement shining in his eyes.

As soon as she finished speaking, two bodyguards wearing masks carried a woman on a stretcher who was naked, her hair was dirty and knotted, and she came in with a foul smell.

The woman had bloodstains all over her body, some had scabs and some were new wounds.

Those two legs were already stretched apart.

There was an unbearable stench all over his body.

Ling Yi and Li Chong also walked in wearing masks. Ling Yi took the mask and helped Chuyang put it on himself: "Put on the mask, don't get dizzy, I really didn't expect Yunya to be so miserable, in order to accept She came from Liangcheng, and I paid a lot of money and energy."

Li Chong also took the mask and handed it to Mo Han and Gu Yuan, Mo Han shook his head and didn't pick it up, but Gu Yuan took it and put it on unceremoniously.

Yun Tinghai's eyes were already dumbfounded, he looked at the stretcher in disbelief, the woman he had been thinking of and loved for many years, was already haggard and out of shape.

The current her, how can she still see the elegant, generous, and overbearing famous Shuyuan in the past.

Yun Ting Hai's eyes were red, he pushed Ye Xiaoyang away, and ran towards Yun Ya regardless of other things.

Chu Yang immediately glanced at the two bodyguards, motioning for them to take Ye Xiaoyang down.

The two bodyguards immediately responded respectfully and hurriedly dragged Ye Xiaoyang away.

Ye Xiaoyang finally looked at Mo Han reluctantly, but she found that Mo Han had never looked at her again from the beginning to the end. Her heart ached terribly, and her heart was filled with disappointment, and she was finally disheartened. Cold out of here.

This place didn't belong to her originally, and it was time for her to end the curtain.

Ye Xiaoyang's departure did not attract the attention of others. Mo Han walked up to Chuyang, reached out and secretly held her hand.

At this moment, he just wanted to hold her tightly, feel her body temperature, and share with her the joy of revenge.

Ling Yi saw Mo Han's small movements, his face darkened, and he quickly stepped forward two steps and split Mo Han's hand.

Then he pulled Chu Yang to his side, and glared at Mo Han fiercely.

Mo Han smiled helplessly, and looked at Chu Yang with aggrieved eyes.

Chu Yang turned her head away deliberately not to look at him. She hadn't forgiven him yet, so Ling Yi's appearance and actions were timely rain for her.

When Yun Tinghai approached Yunya, he stopped in his tracks. He got closer, and he could see her appearance clearly. Suddenly, there was nausea in his taste buds. He bent down and squatted down, crawled on the ground, Disregarding the image, he vomited.

"How could this be? Who tortured her into this appearance? Who..."

His heart was panicked and uncomfortable, his eyes were swollen and painful, and tears fell uncontrollably.

While spitting blood and crying, at this moment, he was in extreme pain and despair.

Thinking of him, Yun Tinghai, who has been prosperous for decades, how he ended up in this situation, he is not reconciled or reconciled.

Qiu Yiren had already noticed Yun Ya's arrival, she prostrated herself on the ground in disbelief, staring at Yun Ya's dying and embarrassed appearance in disbelief.

She gritted her teeth and cried bitterly, but couldn't shed a single tear.

"Ye Chuyang, it's you, it's you, right? It's you who tortured my mother into this state, it's you...I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, the femme fatale." Qiuyi struggled Get up and go to kill Chuyang.

Chu Yang sneered, pushed Ling Yi away, came to Qiu Yiren, and said in a cold voice: "You are wrong, I just sent Yun Ya to the slums, I didn't send anyone to torture her intentionally, to torture her into such a state. Appearance. It's really hurting Yunya, it's not me, but Yun Lingguang..."

Qiu Yiren raised her head and laughed, until the tears in her eyes fell down uncontrollably.

Chuyang's words made her think everyone was ridiculous.

"Haha, what nonsense are you talking about? How could it be Ling Guang? It couldn't be him. My mother is his aunt, an elder who watched him grow up. Even if everyone wants to kill my mother, it can't be him. It can't be him."

Chu Yang raised her eyebrows slightly. Although her face was as gentle as a spring breeze, the words she said were like a slap in the face, killing Qiu Yiren's heart in one fell swoop: "Oh, really? But don't you already know that your Who is the biological father? You and Yun Lingguang are half brothers and sisters, why do you think he tortured Yun Ya so much? Huh?"

Qiuyiren's head was rumbling, she shook her head violently, and yelled hysterically in denial: "No, it's impossible, it won't be like this. How could I be uncle's daughter, how could I be the same father as Yunling Guang Half-brothers and sisters, my mother is my uncle's sister, they are brothers and sisters, how could they have an incest relationship? Impossible, you must be lying to me, you must be deliberately disgusting, trying to force me die?"

Chuyang snorted coldly, looking at Qiu Yiren who was still obsessed with it, at this moment, she only felt that she was very pitiful.

Going around and going around for so many years has led to a disgusting incestuous relationship.

As for Qiuyiren, she was the product of this incestuous relationship. Her birth was not allowed by the world, she broke through the bottom line of morality, and violated human taboos.

"Yes or no, it's not something I can fabricate at will. If you don't believe me, then you can ask your good uncle. He is here now. You can ask him, is he your uncle or your biological father? Chu Yang narrowed his eyes, with a cold light in his eyes, and said in a low voice.

Qiu Yiren's spiritual consciousness at this time was already in a state of confusion. After suffering a lot of blows, she could no longer stand any stimulation and persecution.

What Chuyang is doing now is obviously driving her into a desperate situation step by step, killing her mind little by little, and pushing her into hell.

Therefore, Qiu Yiren bit her lips fiercely, stared at Chuyang, and shouted unwillingly: "Ye Chuyang, you will not succeed, you want to drive me crazy, don't even think about it. I won't believe you nonsense, no..."

"Since you don't believe me, then you can ask your uncle, go, and find an answer..." Chu Yang raised his foot, kicked Qiu Yiren hard, raised his eyebrows and smiled.

 [Because of something, I updated 625366309 words today, what?~~q group: [-] [Occasionally there will be a small theater]]

(End of this chapter)

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