Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1013 You still have to protect the Qiuyi people

Chapter 1013 You still have to protect the Qiuyi people

"Because of you, he died without a whole body, and his soul could not find peace. One life is for one life. You took his heart in order to survive. Now I will take his heart back. You should also be punished for what you committed." Atonement for sins..." Gu Yuan's eyes were red with anger, and while gritting his teeth, he held up the dagger and wanted to stab Qiu Yiren into his heart.

Mo Han suddenly stopped Gu Yuan's hand, he frowned and said in a low voice, "You can't kill her..."

Gu Yuan's expression froze, he looked at Mo Han angrily, and asked in a cold voice: "Why not? They are vicious, disregarding human life, why can't I get back my elder brother's things?"

"Gu Yuan, you can't come back from death. I understand your pain, but now is not the time. Anyway, Qiu Yiren can't die. We can't kill her..." Mo Han took a sharp breath, and said in a firm tone.

Now, even Chu Yang was puzzled.

She looked at Mo Han and asked suspiciously, "Why Mo Han? Why can't we kill her?"

Mo Han turned his head and looked at Chu Yang, his eyes seemed to have a thousand words to say, but he suppressed the turbulent mood, and just said: "I will explain to you later, in short, we can't kill her .”

Mo Han snatched the dagger from Gu Yuan's hand, Gu Yuan couldn't understand why Mo Han wanted to stop him.

He stared at Mo Han with red eyes: "Boss, what if I must kill her?"

Mo Han's face darkened, and a trace of determination shot out from the bottom of his eyes: "Then I will definitely stop it to the end."

Gu Yuan suddenly raised his head and laughed. After laughing, he wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes fiercely, and stared at Mo Han with his frosty eyes.

"Boss, you can't stop me. I will definitely kill her. Even if I can't kill her today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, I will take out her heart one day. You must take good care of her and bring her with you in the end. 24-hour personal care, otherwise I will definitely kill her once I find the opportunity."

After Gu Yuan finished speaking, his eyes were as cold as frost, and the eyes looking at Mo Han were different from usual.

He pursed his thin lips and asked again: "Boss, do you really want to take good care of her regardless of our years of brotherhood?"

Mo Han's face was pained, helplessness and desolation leaped from the bottom of his eyes, he clenched his fists.

"Gu Yuan, don't be so excited, okay? I..." Mo Han stepped forward, wanting to explain to Gu Yuan, but found that he didn't know how to explain.

Gu Yuan sneered, interrupted his words, and took a few steps back: "Boss, Mo Han, if Qiuyi people don't die, I won't forgive you for a day. The person who was killed and had his heart taken is not your elder brother, so You don't care, and you can't empathize. But Gu Chen, he is my brother, he has the same blood as me, and he has always loved me growing up."

"I can't look at his heart. It's taken over by this woman. I can't bear it. This woman lives for another second. She really died, and the resentment in my heart will disappear."

"So, you'd better keep an eye on her, or I'll kill her at any time..." After Gu Yuan finished speaking, a murderous look shot out from the bottom of his eyes, and he went straight to Qiu Yiren's face.

Qiu Yiren was not afraid of Gu Yuan's provocation at all, she smiled provocatively into his murderous eyes.

Gu Yuan sneered, threw the dagger in his hand, and didn't want to stay here for a second longer. There are Qiuyi people here, and the air seems disgusting.

From this moment on, the relationship between him and Mo Han was never the same as before.

Chu Yang stared worriedly at Gu Yuanyuan's back, she squeezed her palms, and looked at Qiu Yiren's smug smile.

There was a fire in her heart.

Qiu Yiren pursed her lips and smiled, she looked at Chuyang provocatively, and smiled triumphantly: "Have you seen Ye Chuyang, even though I have committed a heinous crime, you still cannot kill me. You want to use my mother, Yun Tinghai They killed each other and drove me crazy. It's a pity that I, Qiuyi, have been ill for so many years, and I have already cultivated an incomparably strong heart."

"How could I easily go to death because of them? How could I completely give up this healthy heart I finally got because of disfigurement? Just wait, the day you die, I can't even die... "

"I've never seen such a brazen, unrestrained woman, it's just damn..."

Ling Yi was so angry that he raised his hand and threw a porcelain teacup, which hit Qiu Yiren hard in the face.

A cut was made on his forehead, and the blood flowed uncontrollably.

Qiu Yiren cried out in pain, she covered her bleeding forehead, glared at Ling Yi, and gnashed her teeth, roaring: "You are crazy, just hit a woman casually, are you a man?"

Ling Yi snorted coldly, took a few steps forward, and grabbed Qiu Yiren's hair.

Qiuyi screamed in pain, but refused to admit defeat, and cursed: "Dead man, stinky man, I curse you to die, and your Ling family will suffer retribution."

Chu Yang's eyes turned cold, he took a step forward, slapped Qiu Yiren hard on the cheek a few times.

Qiu Yiren's cheeks were battered from the beating, blood was dripping from the corner of her mouth, she was trembling with anger, she stared at Chu Yang, unable to say a word.

Chu Yang sneered, and laughed mockingly: "Who do you think you are now? What capital do you have to show off? Let me tell you, even if Mo Han won't let us kill you, do you really think you can escape? You Just wait, if Gu Yuan wants to kill you, I will definitely kill you too, so many people want to take your life away, so you can ask for blessings, right?"

"Cousin, let's go..." After Chu Yang finished speaking, he glanced at Ling Yi, who also had anger in his eyes, without even looking at Mo Han.

Ling Yi let go of Qiu Yiren's hair, and put his hands on the bodyguard beside him in disgust.

"It's disgusting. After touching this, I don't know how many days I will have to deal with it. I really regret touching this pile of shit on the spur of the moment."

Qiu Yi was so angry that her eyes went black for a while, she pointed at Ling Yi with trembling fingers, but couldn't say a word.

Ling Yi ignored Qiu Yiren, but turned to look at Mo Han.

Ling Yi shook the non-existent dust on his body, looked at Mo Han with a sarcasm, and smiled coldly: "I didn't expect that at this time, you still have to protect Qiu Yiren? Mo Han, good, you are so kind." ..."

Mo Han's face was ugly, but the unspeakable pain was intertwined in his heart, making him breathless.

He just looked at Chuyang with a pale face, but Chuyang didn't even look at him, and walked out of the warehouse first.

Ling Yi pays attention to the next sentence that you can do it yourself, and then takes Chu Yang out of here.

Mo Han stood where he was, staring blankly at the figure gradually leaving him.

(End of this chapter)

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