Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1014 I'm really not used to you if I want to play the lady's temper

Chapter 1014 I'm really not used to you if I want to play the lady's temper
He took a few steps forward and called out Chuyang's name: "Chuyang..."

Chuyang's back stiffened, her footsteps paused slightly, and then she left here without hesitation as if she hadn't heard his voice.

Mo Han stood at the cold air outlet, the flickering light in his eyes was gradually wiped out, Zai Chuyang's figure completely disappeared from his eyes, and the pain in his heart began to emerge densely.

That burst of cold light blew on him mercilessly, but it was really cold, as if he was left behind by everyone, leaving him alone in the ice and snow.

Li Chong sighed slightly, stood behind Mo Han, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Mo, how should the Qiuyi people be settled?"

Only then did Mo Han regain his concentration, and slowly turned to look at Qiu Yiren.

Qiu Yiren clutched her bleeding forehead, she looked at Mo Han with tears in her eyes, she prostrated herself at his feet, extremely embarrassed.

She choked with sobs and cried, "I never thought that at this point, the person who saved my life would be you..."

The forbearance, pain, and depression in Mo Han's eyes were all reflected in his clenched fists.

He stood there, watching with cold eyes the tears falling from the corners of Qiu Yiren's eyes.

After waiting for Qiu Yiren to cry for a long time, she still couldn't get a response from Mo Han. Her throat hurt a little from crying, and she looked up at him nervously.

Unexpectedly, she completely fell into his cold and icy gaze.

Her body couldn't help shaking, and the sound of sobbing and crying stopped abruptly.

In the dark night sky, a ray of dawn gradually rises not far away, the mist is vast, and everything is so quiet.

"Li Chong, send her to a mental hospital for recuperation..."

Qiu Yiren's mind went blank for a moment, and she reacted immediately, and quickly refused to yell.

"No, Mo Han, why did you send me to that ghostly place? I'm not crazy, I don't need to go there at all, you can't torture me like this, you can't..."

Mo Han frowned, smiled coldly, and walked out.

Qiu Yiren refused to accept such an ending, so she chased after Mo Han while crawling.

Li Chong immediately asked the bodyguards to stop Qiu Yiren and restrain her hands and feet.

Qiu Yiren cried out in pain, and yelled at Mo Han's figure: "Mo Han, you can't treat me like this, come back, come back to me..."

Li Chong hurriedly had Qiu Yiren's mouth sealed, ignored her struggle and resistance, took a thick rope, tied her hands and feet, and threw her into the rear compartment.

This car was carrying Qiuyiren's car, and within a few seconds, it sped away and headed for the airport.


In the early morning of the second day, the news in Kyoto reported that Yun Tinghai was silently killed by a group of mysterious organizations that infiltrated from abroad.

Various conclusions have been drawn, perhaps this is a vendetta.

The leader of this group of mysterious organizations was shot and killed by the police on the spot, and other accomplices were also arrested and imprisoned, awaiting the final judgment of the law.

This secret fight was completely covered up by Yun Lingguang using thunderous means, destroying all clues and doubts, and everything was blamed on Yun Tinghai and the others who offended many people because of their behavior, so those people hired homicide.

This incident caused a sensation in the whole city, and the common people did not know the inside story, but according to Yun Tinghai's usual behavior, no one felt sorry for him when he died, but it made people happy, and everyone praised him. Who is so courageous to help the people get rid of such a big moth, the scourge.

Those public officials who had been bullied and insulted by Yun Tinghai also cursed one after another, saying that Yun Tinghai deserved it.

Some people feel a little pity that Yun Tinghai's death is too cheap.

On the side of the capital, because of Yun Tinghai's death, a huge wave was set off, but the wave looked fierce, but it didn't affect anyone.

When the old man and the old lady of the Yun family learned that Yun Tinghai had died, the two old men couldn't bear the blow, and they were overly sad. The illness that had been hidden in their bodies before was completely aroused.

After a few days, the old man of the Yun family, who was once full of energy, was lying on the bed and could no longer get up.

The old lady of the Yun family exhaled more and panted less.

The power of the Yun family finally fell into the hands of Yun Lingguang.

While taking care of the elders of the Yun family, he started to take over the affairs of the various group companies of the Yun family.

He used thunder to suppress those uncles who were not convinced at first, and the Yun family who were already cousins.

In less than three days, he had all the power in his hands, and he no longer influenced his fate.


After Chu Yang returned to Liangcheng, he quickly joined the crew to film the new drama "Mother Yi Tianxia".

On the first day she joined the group, she saw Mo Han waiting at the door, she ignored him and walked in without saying a word.

Ever since he concealed her and used Ye Xiaoyang to hurt her, she didn't want to turn back and be with Mo Han.

Now, with Mo Han trying his best to protect Qiu Yiren's life, this made Chu Yang even more disheartened.

Between the two of them, there was no longer any need to continue walking.

Being entangled with each other will only make her more tired.

For a few days like this, she chose to avoid seeing him.

However, this man is like a dog's skin plaster, she can't shake it even if she wants to.

Two people are like a mouse catching a cat, he chases and she hides.

He refused to give up, and she also hardened her heart, unwilling to turn back.

The relationship between the two was stalemate with each other lukewarmly.

The next morning, after Chuyang woke up and washed, he went downstairs to the lobby to have breakfast.

No one else was there at that time, only Zizi sat at the dining table, eating breakfast with a sleepy look.

During this period of time, because Chuyang was busy, he didn't pay attention to what Zizi was doing.

So she took the breakfast brought by the servant, looked up and asked diligently: "Zizi, what have you been doing during this time?"

Zizi raised her eyes, glanced at Chuyang, and said nothing.

She bit her lip and lowered her head, holding the spoon in her hand, vigorously stirring the rice porridge.

Due to too much force, some rice grains were poked out of the mouth of the bowl.

Chu Yang frowned, and reminded in a low voice: "Be careful, the rice porridge is a bit hot, be careful not to burn your hands..."

With a "pop", Zizi slammed the spoon onto the table, stood up abruptly, and stared at Chuyang coldly.

"Meddle in your own business, I can do whatever I want, you are not my own sister, why should you bother me?"

A few hot rice grains were thrown onto Chu Yang's arm.

Chu Yang frowned, rubbed the back of his hand, his eyes turned cold, took a wet tissue, and wiped off the rice grains on the back of his hand.

After wiping, she didn't raise her eyes to look at Zizi, but said in a cold voice: "If you want to play young lady's temper, I really can't get used to you. If the Ling family doesn't live well for you, then I'll call Dad and ask him to come Pick you up..."

Zizi's face turned pale, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, and he roared in a low voice: "Yes, this is your home, not mine. The members of the Ling family are all your relatives, what am I here? This one looks at me like a stranger, always guarding me like a thief. I've had enough, I've had enough..."

(End of this chapter)

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