Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1015 A surge of nausea

Chapter 1015 A surge of nausea

"Okay, I'll call daddy to pick you up right away..." Chu Yang didn't talk nonsense to her, interrupted her directly, and replied coldly.

In the beginning, it was a mistake to let Zizi come to live in Ling's house.

Chu Yang took out her mobile phone and dialed the number. Before the call was connected, her mobile phone was suddenly snatched away.

Chuyang's face turned cold, and he stared at Zizi: "Give me back the phone..."

Diligently clutching the phone in the palm of his hand, he only felt that the temperature of the phone was extremely hot.

Her body trembled, and she took a few steps back slowly.

At this time, Ling Yi came down from the upstairs. Seeing this scene, he frowned, stared at Zizi, and said coldly, "Are you restless again?"

"No... I didn't. I just said a few angry words to Sister Chuyang on the spur of the moment." When Zizi saw Ling Yi, he was so frightened that he couldn't speak.

From the very beginning when she came to Ling's house, she was especially afraid of Ling Yi.

Chu Yang pursed his lips and approached Zizi, taking the phone from her hand.

Biting her lips diligently, her eyes were red and swollen, she looked at Chu Yang pitifully, and begged: "Sister, I was wrong, I shouldn't have talked to you like that just now. I... I was wrong..."

Chu Yang ignored it, lowered his head and dialed the number, and the phone rang twice before being connected.

She told Qiu Heng that Zizi was tired of living in Ling's house, and asked him to pick her up as soon as he had time.

Qiu Heng naturally agreed, and asked a few more questions about Ling Yumo's physical condition.

Chu Yang replied that everything was fine, so he said there was still something to do, and hung up the phone decisively.

Staring at her tearful eyes, Zizi looked at Chuyang with a hint of resentment: "I've admitted to you wrong, and you still want to send me away?"

"Zizi, you never thought of being grateful. If my parents hadn't raised you, I'm afraid you would be dead now. You don't think about being grateful, and you complain all day long that your mother neglected you and doesn't love you anymore."

"You don't even think about it. You have enjoyed the love of my parents for so many years, and how many hardships I have encountered to find them. I am their biological daughter, and I am the person they owe the most. If they treat me well, then It's out of human nature, out of instinct. But when they treat you well, it's more of sympathy."

"But sympathy is not the same as responsibility. They are willing to support you and give you love. You should be grateful and repay them with more love, instead of blaming others all day long. I don't know what it means..."

"At the same time, I am also very clear about your thoughts on Mo Han. To tell you the truth, no matter what happens to me and Mo Han, it is not your turn to intervene. If you really can't stay here, then you Let's go."

"I think mom will respect my decision..."

Chuyang felt that there were some things that she didn't want to say out loud, because she was afraid of embarrassing each other, but unfortunately she wanted to back down and show respect, but this person made progress.

Zizi's cheeks were so ugly, she was not reconciled, but in front of Ling Yi, she couldn't say much, otherwise she was really afraid that this man would send someone to throw her out.

At that time, it was herself who was ashamed.

She curled her lips, looking very aggrieved, choked up a few times, covered her lips, and left the restaurant.

Ling Yi scolded angrily: "What, it's a white-eyed wolf who can't grow up..."

Chu Yang sighed slightly, originally wanting to care about his mother's face, to be more patient and patient, but it's a pity that this woman is too ignorant of flattery, she has to make it so embarrassing before she will give up.

Chu Yang sat down again, took a meat bun, and took a bite.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the smell of meat touched the taste buds, and as soon as the nose smelled the smell, a nausea surged in her throat. She retched and spat out all the buns she had eaten.

Ling Yi raised his eyebrows, and quickly walked to Chu Yang, leaned over and patted her on the back, patting the food out of her mouth.

All the food was vomited out, but the taste in his mouth was still there, and Chu Yang kept retching.

Finally spit out, tears came out.

Ling Yi looked a little worried, and quickly asked someone to bring a glass of water and handed it to Chuyang.

"Drink some water and rinse your mouth..."

Chu Yang took the water and rinsed his mouth.

When the taste in the mouth became lighter, the feeling of nausea and vomiting gradually got better.

Chu Yang slumped on the chair as if collapsed, and the vomiting made her seem to have lost most of her life.

Ling Yi frowned and scolded the servant next to him in a low voice: "Who made this bun? Did the meat stuffing go bad?"

The servant hurriedly stepped forward, inspected it carefully, tore open a few buns, and then shook his head in trepidation: "Master, the meat in this bun is fresh meat just bought this morning, and it doesn't have a trace of strange smell. It's still the same as before. , are all the tastes that Miss Biao likes to eat, this is no different from the previous taste."

Ling Yi took a bun, took two bites, and his expression eased a little.

He looked at Chuyang and asked worriedly: "Chuyang, what do you think? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Chu Yang waved her hands again and again, she pulled the corners of her lips and smiled bitterly, blaming Ling Yi for making too much fuss: "I'm fine, I ate hot pot with Ke Mi last night, maybe it's tainted with spicy food, and my stomach feels a little uncomfortable."

Hearing what she said, Ling Yi didn't think much about it. After all, he is a single dog in his 30s without a girlfriend.

Immediately, he told Chuyang to go to the pharmacy to get some stomach medicine later, so that she would not feel uncomfortable.

Chu Yang responded lightly, took a few spoonfuls of light rice porridge, endured the feeling of nausea, and took a few mouthfuls to fill his stomach.

What happened between the two of them in the restaurant did not attract their attention, but Zizi, who had been secretly standing at the door, had a clear look at it.

She squeezed the hem of the clothes with her palm, and a sly light flashed in her eyes.

For two or three days like this, Chuyang always felt sick when eating breakfast in the morning, and in the end, she could only drink a little porridge to satisfy her hunger.

After a long time, Zizi became a little more suspicious, and without any hesitation, she quietly went to a nearby small pharmacy and bought some medicine.

She put these medicines into the stomach medicine box, she didn't dare to give Chuyang directly, but took the medicine to find Ling Yumo.

Ling Yumo was waiting for the old lady to wash up. When she saw Zizi coming, she greeted her lightly and continued to work.

Zizi was afraid that Chu Yang would go to the set and he would not be able to catch up later.

She hurriedly grabbed Ling Yumo's hand and dragged her out of the room.

Ling Yumo looked at her with displeasure, and scolded her in a low voice: "Zizi, what are you doing? I have to wash your grandma and take her down for breakfast..."

Zizi suppressed the resentment in his heart, and said with a hint of worry in his eyes: "Mom, I just heard that sister Chuyang's stomach is not feeling well. It happened that I bought some stomach medicine a few days ago. I... I'm afraid that she will be overwhelmed." , I dare not give it to her in person. So, I'd better give you the stomach medicine, and you give it to Sister Chuyang?"

(End of this chapter)

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