Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1061 You Are Not Xia Qing, You Are Just Mrs. Yun

Chapter 1061 You Are Not Xia Qing, You Are Just Mrs. Yun
She was so hungry that she didn't want to move. She pulled a chair, climbed on it, and fell asleep.

In a daze, suddenly her cell phone rang.

She woke up suddenly, and quickly took out her mobile phone to answer it.


"It's twelve o'clock now, where are you? Why haven't you come back?" The man's cold voice came from the other end of the phone, without any warmth.

The bone-chilling voice made Xia Qing's consciousness suddenly wake up.

She quickly replied: "Oh, I'm so tired, I overslept all of a sudden..."

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and then the man asked again, "Did you buy the clothes?"

Xia Qing's scalp was numb and her face was slightly pale. Then she bit her lip and replied in a low voice, "I had a six-hour operation in the afternoon. I..."

With a sound of "Pa...", the man immediately hung up the phone.

Xia Qing was taken aback for a moment, panic welled up in her heart.

She clenched the phone with her fingertips, and her fingers turned white.

She bit her lip, feeling a little uneasy. He shouldn't be angry, right?

The thought of his icy cold face made her feel numb.

She didn't care about being in a daze any longer, and immediately got up, maybe because she got up violently, her eyes turned black, she staggered a few times, and quickly stretched out her hand to support the wall.

A strong sense of hunger swept over her. She rubbed her belly. She was so hungry that she was dizzy.

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

She saw Xiao Yan in a white coat, walking in with a bowl of instant noodles.

He put the instant noodles in front of her and said in a low voice, "Eat a little, let's fill your stomach first."

Xia Qing was taken aback for a moment, a warm current flowed through her heart.

Her eyes turned red, she lowered her head slightly, looked at the instant noodles in front of her, and said with a choked voice: "Brother Xiao, why haven't you been off work?"

"I'm on duty tonight. Just now I saw you were too tired and fell asleep, so I didn't call you. It's getting late now, hurry up and eat something, and go home quickly." Xiao Yan paused for a while, somewhat puzzled Looking at Xia Qing: "You didn't go back so late, and he didn't call to ask, and didn't come to pick you up?"

Xia Qing's heart choked slightly. In order not to worry him, she quickly replied, "He called me just now and said he would pick me up in a while..."

Xiao Yan suppressed the tingling pain in his heart, and hummed softly.

Xia Qing picked up the instant noodles without saying a word, and the warmth flowed from her palm to the bottom of her heart little by little.

Holding the instant noodles in her hands, she didn't dare to look at him. She let the tears drip into the instant noodles amidst the mist.

The care that belongs to Senior Brother Xiao, the warmth he gave her, maybe tonight is the last time, right?
In the past, whenever she came home late or was on duty, he would silently stand by her side.

When she is hungry, he will deliver a bowl of hot rice in time; when she is thirsty, he will deliver a cup of hot tea.

I didn't think it before, but now the image of him caring for her in the past is more and more clear and vivid in her mind.

She sobbed softly, not daring to let it be noticed, and kept eating instant noodles with her head down.

Xiao Yan looked at her with gentle eyes, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes, and then he poured a glass of water for her and put it by her hand.

"Eat first, I still have things to do, I'm going to do it..."

Xia Qing didn't look up at him, but nodded vigorously with her head down.

Xiao Yan left, and the whole room became empty again.

A choked sound escaped the corners of her lips uncontrollably. She lowered her head and cried for a while, then she took a tissue and wiped away the tears on her face.

After calming down, she threw the instant noodles into the trash can, picked up the glass of warm water, and took a few sips.

She knows very well what kind of path she has chosen.


She left the hospital without saying hello to Xiao Yan.

It was almost early morning, and there were no buses running.

Taxis are not easy to stop.

She stood at the corner of the hospital, wrapped in a coat, waiting for the empty car passing by.

Suddenly, a cold wind suddenly picked up, and a flash of lightning appeared in the sky, followed by the sound of thunder resounding through the sky.

Bean-sized raindrops slammed down hard.

Xia Qing couldn't dodge in time, and was drowned instantly.

Just at this moment, a car with double flashing lights slowly stopped in front of her.

The car window was lowered a little, through the rain curtain, Xia Qing saw Yun Lingguang's extremely indifferent face.

He was sitting in the car, standing in the rain with a blank expression on his face, and she was extremely embarrassed.

Xia Qing was stunned for a moment, looking at him in bewilderment.

He frowned slightly, and scolded in a cold voice: "How long are you going to stand in that rain? This is the first time I've seen such a stupid woman..."

Xia Qing curled her lips a little aggrieved, she trembled, and opened the rear window door.

Yun Lingguang's icy voice came again, this time with a hint of sarcasm: "I have laid a layer of moisture-proof seats for the co-pilot, can you not harm the seats in the rear compartment of me?"

Xia Qing felt a pain in her heart, she withdrew her hand, closed the rear compartment door, and with trembling hands and feet, opened the co-pilot, and climbed into the car carefully.

Before she could stabilize herself, Yun Lingguang started the car and drove away at an extremely fast speed.

Xia Qing didn't even have time to fasten her seat belt, she grabbed the handle of the car and screamed.

At this moment, she only felt that she was on the verge of life and death.

She felt as though she had offended him.

Because, the aura emanating from his body is so cold, so cold that there is no trace of warmth.

After 10 minutes, the car finally stopped.

The rain outside the window is gradually getting lighter.

Xia Qing stroked her chest with lingering fear, panting heavily.

He didn't dare to say another word, for fear of adding fuel to the fire and making the man even more unhappy.

Yun Lingguang looked at her cowardly and cowardly appearance, and felt even more irritable in his heart.

He said coldly, "Get out of the car, and I'll pick out clothes for you..."

Xia Qing was taken aback, then turned to look outside, and saw a brightly lit shopping mall, a manager in a suit standing at the door with a few shopping guides, smiling politely and brightly.

"It's already early in the morning, is anyone still open at this hour?" Xia Qing murmured.

Yun Lingguang sneered, and looked at her like she was looking at a fool.

"In this world, there is nothing that money can't buy... Get out of the car, don't waste any more time."

After getting out of the car, she stood beside him with some anxiety and asked in a low voice.

"The clothes here are very expensive..."

"I'm afraid you can't even afford a belt for the clothes here. So, self-esteem or something, you should know from the day you got the certificate with me that it shouldn't have..."

"I'm not buying clothes for you, but for Mrs. Yun, so Xia Qing, you have to remember, you are not Xia Qing, you are just Mrs. Yun..." A trace of sarcasm flashed across Yunling's eyes, and then he walked into the room first. inside the mall.

(End of this chapter)

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