Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1062 Let me give you a good hug

Chapter 1062 Let me give you a good hug

The manager rushed to Yun Lingguang's side in a hurry, with a flattering and courteous look.

Xia Qing stood quietly on the spot, staring blankly at the man surrounded by everyone.

She felt that he was like a bright moon in the sky, while she was just a dust that couldn't be more humble.

The self in the morning, the self who was stubborn and refused to admit defeat, was very stupid, and it made her feel particularly embarrassed.

Where did she get the confidence to think that she could afford such expensive clothes?

The positioning of this mall is a high-end brand.

Before, she had heard more or less that a piece of clothing here costs at least one hundred thousand.

For such an expensive dress, even the money she has saved for several years is not enough to buy one.

Where can she afford it?How much is this self-esteem and dignity worth?

Heh... It's ridiculous, it's really ridiculous.

Yes, what he said is right, her self-esteem is long gone, why should she care about one or two clothes?

Now that she agreed to marry him, she was fully prepared.

After entering the mall, under the recommendation of several shopping guides, I chose a few youthful and beautiful dresses for her.

This is the style she usually likes, a little fresh and a little cute.

However, after trying them on, he was not satisfied, so he shook his head coldly and told her to keep changing them.

In the end, when the atmosphere around him was about to freeze, he personally selected several clothes, all of which were elegant and goddess-like.

Xia Qing felt that she couldn't handle this style of clothes, and felt that they didn't suit her.

But the man's attitude made her dare not disobey.

She entered the dressing room with a slim, long light beige dress, and she hadn't looked in the mirror yet after changing.

The man's tall figure hugged her tightly.

She trembled, and her ponytail was raised by his slender fingers, and her black hair was scattered on her shoulders, making her skin as white as jade.

Her jaw was pinched by his fingers, and she slightly raised her head to look at him.

The light above his head was lightly cast down, shining on his face, and the outline of his facial features was imprinted in the bottom of her eyes.

His cool fingers gently touched her eyes, the bridge of her nose, and her lips.

She clearly saw that the light in his eyes changed from cold to hot.

The ice and snow that hadn't melted for thousands of years melted all of a sudden, and the warmth of the spring breeze rushed towards her.

"It would be great if it was her..." He muttered to himself.

Xia Qing was taken aback for a moment, her heart trembled slightly, and a trace of doubt flashed across her eyes.

Who was the she he was talking about?

She was also very puzzled sometimes, and he looked at her with eyes that were sometimes indifferent and sometimes gentle.

She knew that the indifference was right for her, but who was right for that tenderness?

With a little bitterness in her heart, she pursed her lips and smiled secretly.

What qualifications does she have to ask the person in his heart?
Ever since she had a relationship with him, she knew that this man had hidden someone in his heart.


Just as the sky was getting dark, Xia Qing woke up with her eyes wide open.

That night, she slept extremely restlessly.

Because, she had a dream. In the dream, there was a woman who couldn't see clearly, standing opposite her, smiling at her all the time.

She couldn't see the man's appearance clearly, but she couldn't take a step closer.

There seemed to be a barrier between them.

In the end, the woman suddenly disappeared, and she woke up from her dream. After waking up, she couldn't fall asleep.

She stood up slowly, poured a glass of water and drank it.

Tonight, she and Yunling Guang slept in separate beds.

In fact, she knew that the place where she slept was just a guest room. As his wife, she was not qualified to live in the same bedroom with him, which was ridiculous.

Perhaps, he was really just dealing with the elders, that's why he married her.

He doesn't love her, and she doesn't expect him to treat her well.

At seven o'clock, the servant knocked on the door and asked her to go downstairs to have dinner, after which she could go to the airport.

Xia Qing agreed, changed into the clothes and shoes she bought last night, and went downstairs.

Yun Lingguang was not seen in the dining room, she sat at the dining table alone and ate.

Just after eating, Yun Lingguang went downstairs, and the servant driver prepared some things and loaded them into the car.

Yun Ling just drank a cup of coffee and looked at Xia Qing. His eyes froze for a moment, and he looked at Xia Qing in a daze.

The beautiful and enchanting woman with long hair shawl made him feel as if he had been in another world.

At this moment, he felt his heart beating uncontrollably. He put down the coffee cup, licked his thin lips, and shouted in a low voice: "Who are you?"

Xia Qing looked at him inexplicably, and blinked puzzledly: "Mr. Yun, what's wrong with you? Of course I am Xia Qing..."

The bewilderment in Yunling's eyes faded in an instant, he turned his gaze away, and curled his lips into a mocking smile.

"That's right, you are Xia Qing, how could you be her? Let's go, it's time for us to set off..."

Xia Qing became more and more puzzled, and she touched her cheek.

"Mr. Yun, did you see me and think of someone?"

Yun Lingguang turned around, did not answer her, but urged her to go.

"Let's go..."

His footsteps walked towards the door in a slightly messy manner.

Xia Qing felt that the current Yun Lingguang was a little abnormal. She stood up and looked down at the dress on her body.

This set of clothes was chosen by him himself, so there shouldn't be any problem.

She felt a little uneasy in her heart, picked up her handbag, followed his footsteps, left the villa and got into the car.

Yun Lingguang and Xia Qing were sitting in the back compartment. As soon as she sat firmly, the man's big palm tightly grasped her hand.

Her body froze, she turned her head suddenly, and looked at him in surprise.

The man met her gaze and smiled.

Xia Qing was quite frightened by this smile.

Knowing this man for so long, she has never seen him smile like this.

Some handsome, handsome heart-pounding.

The car started, and in the quiet space, at first, he only held her hand, and then the man's big palm slowly touched her waist, bringing her whole body into his arms.

Xia Qing was a little restless, such an ambiguous behavior made her heart pound, and her cheeks and neck turned red even more.

She just felt that her body was hot and hot, and she was a little out of control.

She pushed his chest, trying to escape from her suffocating embrace.

Unexpectedly, his fingers touched her face slowly, and said in a low voice: "Don't move, don't talk, let me give you a good hug, okay?"

Xia Qing didn't dare to move anymore, she froze and crawled into his arms.

Let his cool fingers fall from her eyes, to the bridge of her nose, to her lips, and finally pinch her chin with his fingers.

He gently lifted her cheek, lowered his head slowly, and kissed her lips.

Xia Qing's eyes widened in shock, she grabbed his clothes with her fingers, and let his lips and tongue attack the city in her mouth, retreating steadily.

His breath flowed in her mouth.

Her breathing can only sink with him.

(End of this chapter)

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