Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1086 Get the little guy's full moon wine for me

Chapter 1086 Get the little guy's full moon wine for me

He staggered back a few steps, and the next moment, someone grabbed his collar tightly, and a heavy fist hit him in the face mercilessly.

He couldn't dodge in time, let alone resist, and received two punches abruptly.

A cold light appeared in his eyes, and he lifted his foot and kicked the man hard.

The man let out a muffled snort, and despite the extreme pain, he still kept moving his hands.

While wrestling with Yun Lingguang, on the other hand he cursed angrily: "You bastard, if it weren't for you, Xia Qing wouldn't be pregnant, she wouldn't be forced to leave Liangcheng, you are not worthy of her at all. You In just a few months, you have hurt her all over, you are a scum, bastard."

Only then did Yun Lingguang look up, and gradually saw the face clearly. With cold eyes, he raised his hand and grasped Xiao Yan's fist.

"Are you here to vent your anger on Xia Qing?"

"Of course, I'm not just venting my anger for her, I also want to kill you bastard." Xiao Yan roared through gritted teeth, desperately trying to get rid of Yun Lingguang's restraint.

However, he is a doctor who holds a scalpel all year round. How can he be Yun Lingguang's opponent who has blood on his hands all the year round, fought bloody battles and killed countless people.

Yun Lingguang frowned slightly, squeezed his fist lightly, and Xiao Yan's fingers creaked.

"Do you think you can?" He slightly raised his eyebrows, and ruthlessly shook off Xiao Yan's wrist.

This throw away was very powerful, directly throwing Xiao Yan more than one meter away.

Xiao Yan's face was livid, his fists were clenched, and he wanted to charge towards Yun Lingguang again.

"Even if I risk my life, I won't let you go..."

Yun Lingguang raised his hand, wiped the bleeding corner of his mouth, and rubbed his slightly red and swollen cheeks from Xiao Yan's beating.

Immediately, he sneered: "Hmph, since you have a deep affection for her, why didn't you strike ahead of time? If you were brave enough and proactive enough, then she wouldn't go on a road of no return. After all, I was wrong , but you can't escape the responsibility. It's your indecision and hesitation that hurt her. "

Xiao Yan's footsteps stopped, and Yun Lingguang's words were like a heavy blow, hitting his heart hard.

The pain in his heart was severe, he let out a low snort, a mouthful of blood spewed out, his body also became shaky, and his eyes were pitch black.

A drop of clear tears spilled out of the corner of his eyes, Xiao Yan choked with sobs and roared: "Yes, I was wrong, I hurt her, it was me..."

If time could be turned back, he would definitely not miss her, and he would definitely make her fall in love with him.

So, will she never meet Yun Lingguang, and won't meet this catastrophe that she can't escape?
Xiao Yan staggered back, his vision blurred.

The worried doctors and nurses hurried over to support Xiao Yan: "Doctor Xiao, you have to take care of your health. For the sake of the reputation of our hospital, you can no longer violently beat this gentleman. If the director finds out, he will You make a big mistake."

"Yes, Dr. Xiao, don't be impulsive anymore. How long has Dr. Xia gone, you have been depressed. We have done everything we can to help you. If you still don't cheer up, if Dr. Xia knows, she will How worried should you be?"

Xiao Yan smiled sadly, looked up at the falling snowflakes, and muttered to himself: "She will never come back again, I'm going to find her..."

After saying this, he passed out completely.

The doctors and nurses hurriedly supported Xiao Yan to leave, and the remaining doctor apologized to Yun Lingguang instead of Xiao Yan.

Yun Lingguang waved his hand, said coldly that he didn't care, left the man behind and strode away from the hospital.

Thinking about the decision at the beginning, it was really terrible. How could he get married to Xia Qing in a moment of obsession.

Moreover, it's so funny to have a baby with her?Oh, it's ridiculous.

Yun Lingguang shook his head, only thinking that he was terminally ill some time ago, but now, he has woken up.

He knew that in this life, he would never give his heart to any woman again.

Therefore, even if he dies alone, he never intends to touch love and marriage again.


Just after the full moon of Chuyang's confinement, Mo Han planned to hold a grand full moon wine.

This proposal was rejected by Chu Yang.

She ate the hot apple, and glanced at Mo Han sideways: "No, I don't agree, I remember, we haven't announced our marriage status yet, for the sake of my future career, I think we still maintain a hidden marriage It's in better shape."

Mo Han's face darkened, as if he was angry, he stuffed the whining little guy in his arms into Chu Yang's arms, walked out of the room without saying a word, and walked to the study.

Chu Yang suddenly collapsed, quickly put the apple on the bedside table, hugged the little guy at a loss, and wailed in a low voice: "Mo Han, you bastard, you suddenly gave me this little guy, how could I hug him? Sit down Since confinement, you never let me hug him, even touch him, such a small ball, how do you hug him?"

"Mo Han, come back, come back to me quickly..."

Chu Yang was in a hurry in the room, making a mess, chattering and shouting.

But Mo Han walked into the study, picked up the phone on the table, and dialed Li Chong's number.

As soon as the phone was connected, he said directly: "I will disclose my marriage with Chuyang. Anyway, there is no one in Liangcheng who doesn't know that we have a child. Everyone knows it well, but it just makes it mysterious." Mi, just thinking about it makes me uncomfortable."

"Is it unreasonable for me, the president of a group, to secretly be a husband in a secret marriage? So, no matter what you do now, immediately put down the affairs in hand, and quickly send a notice announcing my marriage with Chuyang."

"In addition, the full moon wine for the little guy must be grand, the kind that can be celebrated with the whole city, I want everyone to know that Ye Chuyang is my wife, and she gave birth to a child for me. "

"Hmph, I don't believe it. With such a high profile, you can't stop pinching the rotten peach blossoms that keep coming to Chuyang's side. One by one, do you think I, Mo Han, are dead? Some time ago, Yunling Guangming came to the hospital to visit Chuyang brazenly. What he said was even more disgusting, as if my son was just Chuyang's son, and he had nothing to do with me. He also asked Chuyang to take care of himself and the child. Is Mo Han dead?"

"And that Yan Tong, who went too far, repeatedly asked Kemi to bring some milk powder, diapers, baby clothes, cribs, and toiletries. What is he doing? Is he afraid that I, Mo Han, will buy it? I'm sorry, do you have any money without him? It's too annoying, they are not provoking me, but they have not given up on Chuyang at all. "

"What a joke, Chuyang has given birth to a son for me, do they still expect that Chuyang can have anything to do with them? One by one, all the women in the world are dead, why do they have to stare at Chuyang Don't let it go?"

(End of this chapter)

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