Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1087 Is Hidden Marriage Better?

Chapter 1087 Is Hidden Marriage Better?
"Chuyang is even more extreme. She actually wants to continue her secret marriage? I've been secretly married for so long, and I'm aggrieved enough. In the end, my child and I will continue to live without a name or distinction. This matter must not be compromised. "

"Li Chong, do it right away, don't delay. If there are many nights and dreams, and what happened, I only ask you... Remember, don't make it so obvious. It is our group who made the marriage public, but the paparazzi I picked up the photos of me and Chu Yang entering the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate a few years ago. You remember, when sending those photos back then to the paparazzi, you have to do it without anyone noticing."

"Once this matter is exposed, you immediately ask the company's public relations to issue a statement explaining what Chuyang and I have experienced over the years. The more touching the writing, the better. Don't let Chuyang's reputation be damaged."

"I've had enough of the days of hidden marriages. Don't let those single dogs have extravagant hopes and covet Chuyang."

Mo Han spit out a lot of words quickly in a tone like pouring beans.

Li Chong was on the other end of the phone, completely dumbfounded.

Mo Han, has he been aggrieved for a long time and suddenly vented out, or is he completely pissed off by Chu Yang?
He had never heard Mo Han say so many words, never.

He even suspected that he had auditory hallucinations in his ears, as if the person who said those words just now was not Mo Han.

He was stunned for several seconds, and just about to open his mouth to answer, unexpectedly, the other end of the phone hung up.

"It should be because I got angry with Chu Yang, and I didn't dare to vent it on her, so I used me as a punching bag." Li Chong took a breath, touched his nose, and took two mouthfuls of the already cold instant noodles.

Is his assistant easy?From time to time, he had to endure dog food from the sky, and finally had time to eat, but he was still treated as a trash can by President Mo.

These days, it's hard to be a special assistant, his life is hard, and he's single so far, so he doesn't have time to fall in love. Hey... Li Chong resigned himself to his fate bitterly, shaking his head and sighing again and again.

After being distracted for a few minutes, he remembered the urgent task that President Mo had issued, and he trembled.

Immediately, he quickly pushed away the instant noodles, and immediately issued the president's order to the group's public relations department.

This cannot be delayed, otherwise President Mo will never let him go.


Li Chong was working overtime bitterly over there, while Mo Han had already returned to his bedroom as if nothing had happened.

When Chu Yang saw him, it was as if she had seen a savior. Her eyes lit up, and she hurriedly asked him for help: "Mo Han, hurry up and take him away. Didn't you hear him cry? It must be because I hugged him in the wrong position, he is uncomfortable Right? Or is he hungry or peeing?"

Mo Han leaned against the door frame, and glanced down at the crooked little guy in Chuyang's arms who was throwing a tantrum because he was uncomfortable.

He didn't feel distressed, and raised his eyebrows in a calm manner: "Is it better to have a hidden marriage?"

Chu Yang was taken aback, looked at Mo Han suspiciously, and asked, "What do you think?"

"I think it's fine, wife, I'll listen to you..." Mo Han suddenly pursed his lips into a bright smile, then he walked over, took the little guy, and sat on the side of the bed.

He held the little guy in one hand, pinched Chuyang's jaw with the other, and pressed his thin lips close to hers, placing a light kiss on her lips.

Chu Yang was stunned for a moment, his kiss was extremely hot, and his scorching eyes were like fire, slowly burning his heart.

Her cheeks were slightly red, and this man actually took the initiative to tease her?Isn't it horrible?
It was close to giving birth before, and it has been about three months since the full moon, and they haven't made out.

She felt that Mo Han couldn't hold back any longer, and Chu Yang was inexplicably terrified by his anger.

At this time, seeing his flattering and obedient attitude again, she felt even more frightened.

She quickly said that she was sleepy and wanted to sleep, and asked him to take the little guy out for a walk, and she would lie down for a while.

Mo Han had a good temper and didn't object. He watched her put on the quilt, close her eyes and fall asleep. He hugged the little guy with slightly curved lips and left the bedroom.

He thought that when Chu Yang woke up, the dust of their marriage should have settled and the whole city would know about it.

At that time, she can't blame him, after all, he didn't take the initiative to announce it, and he was forced to help you because of pressure.

Mo Han was in a good mood, and skillfully hugged the little guy to bask in the sun in the courtyard. He quietly waited for the news to come out. As long as he thought of oh, in the future, he would be Chu Yang's husband, he couldn't help the corners of his lips. flying.

The servants who were busy pruning flowers and cleaning the courtyard saw Mr. Mo's gentle smile, and they felt like they had seen a ghost.

It is really embarrassing that the former vigorous and high-ranking CEO has now been reduced to a family cook who takes care of the children.

There is no shortage of chefs and nannies in the family, but Mr. Mo, no matter whether it is taking care of the young master changing diapers and making milk powder, as long as he is free, he will never do anything to others.

Even, Mrs. Mo's three meals a day are all handled by Mr. Mo.

While these servants sighed, they also directly praised that Mr. Mo is really a good man, and Mrs. Mo's life is really good, to be able to marry this man who is so handsome, powerful and powerful.

All the women in Liangcheng didn't know how much they envied Ye Chuyang.

Mo Han didn't know, those servants thought carefully, he put the little guy in the cradle, covered his little face, and put him in the sun to bask in the sun.

The doctor said that it is easy for the child to absorb calcium nutrients when exposed to the sun, so he took an hour or two every day to put him in the sun.

The child was asleep, and so was the wife. For a moment, Mo Han really felt that there was nothing else to do. He lay on the recliner, bathed in the sun, and looked up at the blue sky.

Such a beautiful day, he was very satisfied.

About an hour later, his mobile phone received a text message from Li Chong, and then various media magazines, as if they had been negotiated, issued similar announcements, exposing the marriage between Chu Yang and Mo Han.

All of a sudden, it can be said to stir up a thousand waves.

All of a sudden, Liangcheng completely exploded.

The sunflowers on the Internet are quite obedient, and they all started to wish Chuyang, hoping that she will have a happy marriage, improve her health, and come back to filming soon.

Mo Han also ordered Li Chong to spend money to buy some sailors, but if he made any bad remarks against Chu Yang, he would directly kill those keyboard warriors.

Let's work together with Sunflowers to create an atmosphere that blesses Chuyang, and minimize cyber violence so that Chuyang won't feel bad when he sees it.

This time, it was all over the place, all were voices of blessings to Chu Yang, and they all praised Chu Yang and President Mo as a pair of talented men and women, and they were a perfect match.

Of course, many of them made one or two bitter comments out of envy, mostly because they were jealous of Chu Yang's good fortune and were unwilling to be reconciled to her good luck in marrying Mo Han.

(End of this chapter)

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