Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1089 Ke Mi, You Could Be... Pregnant

Chapter 1089 Ke Mi, You Could Be... Pregnant

"With such a strong backing like you, there is no possibility of losing money in filming and television. Haha... Really, God bless Chuyang, I have to tell Chuyang the good news as soon as possible." Ke Mi's excited eyes flickered Liang, looking forward to the bright future of Chuyang, now Chuyang is already a well-known actress, and if he continues to climb up, within two years, he will definitely become a generation of queens in the entertainment industry.

Being able to become a queen at such a young age is unprecedented.

The more Ke Mi thought about it, the more excited she became, she bent down happily, and regardless of the little guy still sleeping, she lightly kissed the little guy a few times.

Mo Han was at the side, and there was no time to stop him. He stood up and looked at the mark of the little guy's red lips. His face was completely black as carbon.

"Gold Medal Broker, you're still torturing a child at such a young age?"

The corner of Ke Mi's mouth twitched, only then did he remember that there was a panting person standing beside him.

She hurriedly stood up, hecked a few times with a very guilty conscience, turned around quickly, and disappeared from Mo Han's sight in an instant like a flash of lightning.

Mo Han rubbed his forehead speechlessly, this reckless look was really a headache, but this woman was also Chu Yang's friend and manager, what he could do, he had to endure it.

With a gloomy face, he took the little guy out, pointed to the little guy's nose and said: "Remember to stay away from this aunt in the future, she won't let you go for more than a month, look, this spot on your face What an ugly red seal."

As he spoke, he took a wet wipe and wiped the little guy's face.

The little guy was not feeling well, he groaned twice, probably too sleepy, spit out a few bubbles, and fell back into a deep sleep.

Mo Han was worried about Chuyang's side. He was afraid that Chuyang would find out that the secret marriage was over, and he was afraid that this woman would feel uncomfortable, so he called a servant to look after the child here.

He himself entered the villa very nervously.

Unexpectedly, the sound insulation in the bedroom is very good, the door was tightly closed, he climbed on the door panel, put his ear against the door, frowned and listened for a while, but couldn't hear any sound at all.

He gritted his teeth secretly, and made a decision, change the door tomorrow, change it to a non-sound-proof door, put a door that can easily hear the sound.

Unexpectedly, his strange behavior attracted the attention of a servant mopping the floor.

Finally, the servant asked worriedly, "Mr. Mo, what are you doing?"

Mo Han immediately stood up straight, with an indifferent face, stretched out his hand to wipe the door, held up the barely smellable dust on his fingertips and said, "Has this door been wiped? Why do I feel there is still dust?"

The servant's face turned pale, so, Mr. Mo, is he conducting a surprise inspection?

However, Mr. Mo never cared about anything before.

The servant did not dare to be negligent, and immediately replied: "Wipe it, I just wiped it just now..."

Mo Han nodded lightly: "Well, since it's wiped off, it's fine..."

Then, as if nothing had happened, he left the corridor with his hands in his pockets and went to the study.

The servant stood there with a mop in his hand, with a dazed expression on his face.


Chu Yang just woke up, got up and poured a glass of water to drink, before he put down the glass, Ke Mi didn't knock on the door, opened the door hastily, and broke into the bedroom.

Chu Yang was startled, the cup in his hand slipped down, landed on the carpet, and rolled a few times.

Ke Mi scratched her head in embarrassment, and smiled.

Then, she quickly squatted down to pick up the cup, took Chuyang's hand, and told Chuyang everything that happened on the Internet.

After Chu Yang heard this, she was taken aback for a moment. Could it be such a coincidence that she told Mo Han before going to bed that he would not be allowed to dress up the little guy's full moon wine, and even planned to continue her secret marriage.

In the end, it was good. When I woke up, the sky outside changed.

She became a veritable Mrs. Mo, and Mo Han became Ye Chuyang's legitimate husband.

Chu Yang blinked. She wouldn't believe it if Mo Han hadn't contributed to this.

This man is getting more and more stingy. She doesn't know exactly what he is thinking.Hey, forget it, let's make it public, just like what Ke Mi said, it's only good for her, not bad.

What's more, with Chuyang's current family background, there are two big families behind her, the Ling family and the Qiu family, supporting her. She and Mo Han are very well matched.

Although her life experience has not been announced to the public for the time being, people in the circle of the aristocratic family have more or less known some inside information and captured some different information.

Ke Mi hugged Chu Yang happily and giggled, smiling, she felt a sudden dullness in her heart.

Her complexion changed, she quickly let go of Chu Yang, and rushed to the toilet.

She retched a few times in pain, but she couldn't spit out anything. Her face was a little ugly, and she felt terrible.

Chu Yang walked to her side with some worry, patted her on the back, and comforted her.

"Kami, what's wrong with you? Why do you want to vomit all of a sudden?"

Kami shook her head in distress, not wanting to speak.

She doesn't know what's wrong, the situation has not been right for the past two days, she gets sleepy easily, and her appetite is not very good when eating.

Chu Yang helped her out, let her sit on the sofa, then twisted a wet towel and wiped her face.

Chu Yang looked at Ke Mi's face, which was still pale and bloodless.

She frowned and said, "You can't do this, let me take you to the hospital?"

Ke Mi shook his head quickly: "No need, your body still needs to recover, so don't worry about me, I am a living person and can't take care of myself? Don't worry, I have been here for so many years, It should be that I ate unclean things a few days ago, so I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach."

However, a trace of doubt flashed in Chu Yang's eyes.

Her heart lifted slowly, she bit her lip, and asked in a low voice: "Ke Mi, have you had a boyfriend recently? Or, what happened, I don't know if it's something?"

Ke Mi looked at Chu Yang in confusion and asked, "Chu Yang, what do you mean?"

Chuyang looked at her bewildered look, so she could only sigh and said: "The performance you just said is exactly the same as when I was pregnant with the little guy. Ke Mi, you are...pregnant, right?" ?”

Ke Mi was completely stunned, and it took her a long time to recover. She quickly shook her head, denying Chu Yang's guess.

"How could it be? I don't even have a boyfriend. How could I possibly be pregnant? Chuyang, you are really thinking too much. Could it be that I am pregnant with myself? There are other things that I need to deal with, so I'll do it first." Ke Mi said, and slowly got up.

Chu Yang frowned, but Ke Mi's attitude made her a little worried.

She knew that Ke Mi must have concealed something from her.


 [The relationship between Yun Lingguang and Xia Qing has come to an end for the time being. For now, the ending of these two people is not very good.Next is the story of Yantong and Kemi~~~]

(End of this chapter)

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