Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1090 Just a Little Broker

Chapter 1090 Just a Little Broker
Ke Mi hurriedly interrupted Chu Yang, she took out the dark red flannel box from her bag, and stuffed it into Chu Yang's hand.

"This is the full moon gift Yan Tong gave you. It's not convenient for him to come, so I sent it for you. I'm fine. Don't worry. I'll go to the hospital for a checkup later. I might really have eaten something unclean. So the stomach is irritated. I take some medicine and it will be fine."

"You take a good rest at home, rest for a while, and your body recovers completely, so you can come back to filming, right? I see you, you are about to be suffocated at home all day."

Chu Yang took the brocade boxes and nodded helplessly.

Ke Mi chuckled, read a few more words carefully, and then even said that he didn't have time to buy her a gift, so he gave Chu Yang a big red envelope as the little guy's full moon gift.

Then, Ke Mi smiled and left the villa happily as before.

The moment she got into the car, the smile on the corners of her mouth immediately disappeared, and the circles of her eyes turned red uncontrollably.

Counting the days, her period was indeed delayed for several days.

Therefore, the possibility of pregnancy should be very high.

Ke Mi suppressed the uneasiness in her heart, she immediately adjusted her state, started the car, and drove towards the hospital.

Went to the hospital, got registered and checked.

In less than an hour, the examination results came out. The doctor adjusted his glasses, glanced at Kemi, squinted his eyes and smiled and said, "Congratulations, you are a mother, and the child is only forty days old. But the child is very young." You should pay attention to your health, add more nutrition, and try to maintain a happy mood."

The doctor's words, like a bolt from the blue, completely exploded in Ke Mi's mind.

She stared blankly at the doctor, and asked in a trembling voice, "I'm pregnant?"

The doctor only thought that she was excited. After all, in the doctor's eyes, it was a feeling. Ke Mi was 27 years old and should have a boyfriend, and judging by the exquisite clothes she wore, she should also be a rich man.

"Yes, you are pregnant, so hurry up and take the examination report and tell your boyfriend to go and give him a surprise. Maybe you can get married with a son. Haha..." The doctor smiled and said jokingly.

Ke Mi's face was pale and pale, and she could feel the blood in her whole body gradually becoming cold.

She froze in place for a long time before she smiled bitterly and said, "I don't have a boyfriend...Doctor, make an appointment for me to have an abortion for me?"

Surprise flashed in the doctor's eyes, he really didn't expect the result of the matter to be like this.

But he has also experienced many such situations, so he persuaded Kemi to think twice, but Kemi shook his head with a firm attitude.

The doctor had no choice but to make an appointment for Ke Mi, and the operation time was set for next Tuesday.

Ke Mi thanked her, stood up slowly, and drifted out of the consulting room in a daze, passing through the crowded corridor, her vision was blurry, and she returned to the car with that sliver of reason.

She took a deep breath, raised her hand and patted her cheek a few times.

The palm moved down unconsciously, touching his flat stomach.

She was drunk that night and slept with Yan Tong. She was also in a daze that night, so she woke up early in the morning. When faced with such a situation, she was at a loss and ran away.

But she didn't expect that he didn't remember Yan Tong at all.

She understood that Yan Tong would not like her at all, that night was just an accident, and this child could not be had.

Involuntarily, she felt a slight pain in her heart, the pain felt like a needle prick, she was extremely uncomfortable.

She leaned down on the steering wheel, forcing back the tears that were about to overflow her eyes.

Some things are wrong in the first place.

Just then, a call came in from her cell phone.

She quickly cleaned up her depressed mood, cleared her hoarse voice, and answered the phone.


"Where are you, Kemi? You have a newcomer named Qin Yiyi. She has an accident with the production team. Come quickly and take a look." Vik's anxious voice rang on the other end of the phone.

Ke Mi responded quickly, hung up the phone, and then drove to the crew.

When she arrived at the set, she had just stepped in when she heard Qin Yiyi crying softly, as well as the surrounding crowd whispering.

Among them, two beautiful unknown actresses were discussing loudly and eccentrically.

"Young and restless, she looks like a vixen, and she looks so cute and pitiful. Isn't she just trying to seduce men, and rushing towards her one after another?"

"Yes, I heard that this Cheng Ying is a newcomer, and she has never acted in any film and television dramas before. It is the first time for her to participate in the film we are filming now. Unexpectedly, she will get a female actress for the first time. No. [-], you say, she has not been unspoken, who will believe it?"

"Tsk tsk, no wonder people don't like Producer Liu. Just now, Producer Liu accidentally touched her a few times. In the end, she picked up a glass and smashed Producer Liu's head. Now, in front of us again Acting pitifully, it's really disgusting to look at..."

"Producer Liu, thank you for taking good care of her, but now unexpectedly, she will bite you back. This is really a white-eyed wolf who can't grow up. According to me, you should immediately call the police and sue her for intentional injury. .”

While talking, the two actresses kindly suggested to Producer Liu.

Producer Liu clutched the back of his bleeding head, staring resentfully at Qin Yiyi who fell to the ground, choking and crying.

"Hmph, I can't spare her this time..."

Qin Yiyi's cheeks were pale, she sobbed and defended: "Producer Liu, I know I'm just a newcomer, but the big tree I rely on is Fengying, if you try to mistreat me again, Sister Mi won't let you go your."

When Producer Liu heard Kemi's name, his eyes flashed, and then he pursed his lips and smiled coldly: "Kemi? Although she has become popular with big stars like Yan Tong and Ye Chuyang, is she just a substitute for the wind? It’s just a part-time job for Fengying, and it’s just a small agent. Our boss pays for the film and television, it’s for Fengying’s face, so I’m willing to cooperate with you.”

"If you don't want to drink a toast, then I just need to tell our boss when I go back. Believe it or not, I will immediately ask our boss to withdraw the capital. This TV series will be postponed indefinitely."

"I think you can't bear this price, so Kemi can't bear it even more. Huh, what kind of thing is Kemi, you still use her to suppress me? What a joke..."

Qin Yiyi's eyes were red with anger, she gritted her teeth and glared at Producer Liu, angrily said: "You are nothing, you are not allowed to insult Sister Kemi."

A hint of amusement flashed in the eyes of Producer Liu: "'s this time, you can't protect yourself, and you still want to protect Kemi? Well, it's quite loyal, not bad."

(End of this chapter)

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