Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1126 I want to give Komi a grand wedding

Chapter 1126 I want to give Komi a grand wedding
Every time he sees Nan Lichuan's forbearance, Ke Mi's heart aches.

She hugged his waist tightly and said sullenly, "I'm sorry..."

"Fool, what's wrong with you?" Nan Lichuan laughed hoarsely, and raised his hand to rub her hair.

Ke Mi's heart was sour, and she sniffed: "Nan Lichuan, why didn't we meet earlier?"

If they had met earlier, she would not have been pregnant, and she would have left him a clean body.

Rather than now, she was pregnant with someone else's child and made him feel wronged.

For a moment, Ke Mi wanted to kill the child.

Nan Lichuan was silent, sometimes he wondered why he and Kemi hadn't been acquainted earlier.

He raised his hand, squeezed her shoulder, and comforted her in a low voice: "Maybe this is fate..."

Ke Mi was slightly stunned, yes, maybe it was fate, after she completely gave up on Yan Tong, he appeared, because he appeared at this time, so he just made up for the point in her heart that finally appeared cracks.

Time is impartial, earlier, she still has an obsession with Yan Tong, later, she no longer needs anyone to shelter her from the wind and rain.

So, perhaps, this is God's arrangement and fulfillment.

The two of them were lying in the room. Mrs. Nan stood at the door of the bedroom, watching her son with affectionate eyes, carefully holding Ke Mi back to the room.

After observing these days, she clearly realized that her son really likes Komi.

Therefore, her tears fell uncontrollably, and she wiped away her tears with joy shining in her eyes.

Then, she cried for a long time with her shoulders trembling, and finally adjusted her mood, she breathed a sigh of relief, and went downstairs to the restaurant.

The servant brought the breakfast immediately, and an aunt about 40 years old walked up to Mrs. Nan with red eyes, and said in a choked voice, "Madam, it's great now, the young master has finally found a woman he likes, and you will hug her soon." grandson."

Mrs. Nan was also happy, and held the man's hand: "Sister Zhou, I'm so glad that I can wait until the day when I have a grandson. I'm still luckier than Nan Lichuan's father, right? At least I have the good fortune to see my grandson, But Li Chuan's father will never have another chance."

Sister Zhou hurriedly comforted: "Madam, don't cry, you can hardly open your eyes with swollen eyes. When the young master sees it later, I think you will be worried again. Now the young master is busy with Mr. Nan's case, and he is also concerned The company needs to spare some time to take care of the young mistress, he is too tired, look at how thin he has lost in the past few days. Don't worry the young master anymore..."

Sister Zhou has been in Nan's family for many years, so her relationship with Mrs. Nan is unusual.

Now, the only person who can be by Mrs. Nan's side and talk to her is this sister Zhou.

Mrs. Nan wiped away her tears and nodded quickly: "Yes, I can't make trouble for Li Chuan anymore. I want to get better, and I want to exercise well so that I can take care of my grandson myself in the future."

Sister Zhou squinted and smiled, and pushed the breakfast to Mrs. Nan.

Mrs. Nan has a good appetite and eats a lot.

After breakfast, Sister Zhou specially reminded Mrs. Nan: "Ma'am, young mistress is a good girl. Our Nan family can't treat her badly. Since her belly is not big, why don't you let young master and her go to get a marriage certificate? As for the wedding , now that Mr. Gu just passed away, it is not suitable to hold it now, maybe we can wait until the child is born, and hold it together with the full moon wine."

After being reminded by Sister Zhou, Mrs. Nan was taken aback for a moment, then raised her hand and patted her forehead: "Oh, look at my brain, how can I ignore such an important thing? Sister Zhou, it's good to have you You are reminding me, otherwise Komi will be wronged."

The two were talking about it here, while Nan Lichuan held Kemi's hand and went downstairs to the restaurant again.

The two of them ate half of their breakfast, and now they come back to continue eating.

Ke Mi was so shy that she didn't have the face to look up, being led by Nan Lichuan all the way, she didn't want to come down at all.

Nan Lichuan was uncharacteristically pulling her down the stairs.

In the living room, Mrs. Nan and Sister Zhou could be heard discussing.

Nan Lichuan's eyes flickered slightly, and then he bent the corners of his lips, looking at Ke Mi who was blushing and shy and did not dare to look up.

He tightened his grip on her fingers, and brought Ke Mi to Mrs. Nan.

"Mom, I'm going to take Komi to get married tomorrow. As for the wedding, I want to hold it in a month. Dad's matter will be settled soon, and everything will be settled within ten days. I want to give Komi a A grand wedding, just me and her wedding, it's better for the little baby not to make trouble for things like weddings."

Mrs. Nan and Sister Zhou looked at each other and smiled.

Mrs. Nan nodded repeatedly, and she was the first to agree. She had no objections. She wished to announce her son's upcoming marriage to the world earlier, so that those who mocked Nan Lichuan as gay would slap him in the face.

Not only is her son getting married, but she is also marrying her son.

"Okay, I have no objection, I'm all up to you. By the way, today I will spare some time to take Komi to buy some clothes. You remember to buy a diamond ring for Komi. The procedure of marriage proposal must be done, and Komi cannot be allowed to go shopping. Wronged."

Ke Mi was completely stunned, dumbfounded.

She stared blankly at Nan Lichuan: "Married...?"

Nan Lichuan touched her stupid look, and couldn't help laughing: "What? Are you stupid? Or are you scared?"

Mrs. Nan was afraid that Ke Mi would not be willing, so she couldn't help but hold Ke Mi's hand, and said softly: "Ke Mi, I know this matter is a bit hasty, and you have been wronged, don't worry, our Nan family will not I've treated you badly. You will have what they should have when they get married, and you will have what they don't have. You don't need to worry about this matter, everything is left to me. "

But Mi's eyes were a little sore, and her nose was also sore. She really didn't expect how long she and Nan Lichuan had known each other, but it's only been less than a month. This man, he actually wants to marry her?

She used to think that even if she wanted to get married, she had to wait until the child was born and the storm of Nan's father's death had passed.

She looked at Mrs. Nan with some anxiety: "Auntie, I...uncle's bones are still fresh, and the funeral has not yet been held. At this time, I'm afraid it's not appropriate for me to marry Li Chuan."

Mrs. Nan pursed her lips and smiled, and waved her hand indifferently: "Our Nan family is not a feudal society. I am more enlightened than ordinary people. Although your uncle is gone, his greatest wish during his lifetime was to see Li Chuan is married and has children, and now that you can get married at this time, he will only be happy if he knows, and will not blame you. Don't worry about this matter, and leave everything to me. Get the certificate tomorrow."


(End of this chapter)

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