Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1127 Son, Your Daughter-in-law Borrowed Your Mother to Hug

Chapter 1127 Son, Your Daughter-in-law Borrowed Your Mother to Hug
"The wedding will be held in a month. I will definitely make this wedding a splendid one. I want to show these aristocratic families in Beicheng. My son Nan Lichuan is married. His father's death will not affect him at all. My Nan family, the pillar of my Nan family, will never fall."

Because of Nan's father's death, it was inevitable that some people would be distracted and even watch the excitement from the sidelines.

And the death of Nan's father is even more strange.
There must be a conspiracy behind this, so the Nan family will not be in chaos at this time.

Nan Lichuan put his arms around Kemi's shoulders and said in a low voice: "It's okay, don't worry, I will take care of everything so that you don't have to worry about the future, and you can concentrate on being Mrs. Nan. During the day, you and my mother will go shopping for clothes. In the evening, I will accompany you to pick out the ring when I have time."

Ke Mi shook her head quickly: "There is no need for the ring, and I don't covet those things outside of me..."

Mrs. Nan said with a smile: "You must buy a ring. How can you not buy a ring when you get married? This is what Li Chuan should buy. Ke Mi, you should be careful everywhere. In this family, from now on, only our mother will depend on each other. You can't see us anymore."

Ke Mi's chest was filled with emotion, and she looked at Mrs. Nan with tears in her eyes: "Uncle...Mother..."

Mrs. Nan suppressed the smile at the corner of her mouth, and corrected: "It's time to call mother. In my life, there is only one son, Li Chuan, who has made me worry a lot since I was a child. If it wasn't because I hurt him when I gave birth to him Body, I really want to have another daughter. Now it’s all right, my daughter-in-law is also a daughter, I finally have a daughter, you have to call mom..."

Ke Mi was a little hesitant. She really didn't know what kind of blessing she had cultivated in her previous life. In this life, she not only met Nan Lichuan, but also had such a good mother-in-law.

Nan Lichuan hugged her shoulders tightly, shaking: "Hurry up and call mom..."

Sister Zhou stood aside, covering her mouth and smiling happily.

Mrs. Nan was even more nervous, staring at Ke Mi.

Ke Mi held back the tears in her eyes, pursed her lips, and looked at Mrs. Nan's kind and gentle face through the blurred eyes of tears. At this moment, she thought of her mother.

For so many years, she has no chance to call out the word "Mom".

Ever since her mother died, she felt that she was an orphan abandoned by the world, without any support, without any warmth, wandering wherever she went, without a home.

Now, she can call her mother again.

"Mom..." As soon as the voice fell, tears from the corners of her eyes flowed down her cheeks.

Mrs. Nan smiled happily, and quickly responded: "Hey, my good daughter, my good daughter-in-law."

Mrs. Nan was very happy, she glanced at Nan Lichuan: "Son, your daughter-in-law borrows your mother's hug..."

Nan Lichuan touched his nose, let go of his hand with some reluctance, and took a step back.

Why does he have the feeling of being rejected by his mother.

In Mrs. Nan's eyes, there was no sign of her son at all. She hugged Ke Mi, feeling extremely rare.

One mouthful of a good daughter, one mouthful of a daughter-in-law.

Nan Lichuan was a little jealous, and called Mom, but Mrs. Nan ignored him.

Then Nan Lichuan called his daughter-in-law again, and Ke Mi shyly crawled on Mrs. Nan's shoulder and grinned.

When Sister Zhou saw this scene, she stood aside and secretly wiped her tears.

This scene is very warm and touching. I really hope that this kind of happiness and warmth can last for a long time.


After breakfast, Nan Lichuan got busy again.

He hugged Kemi and kissed her forehead, then reluctantly got up and looked at his mother.

"Mom, you have to take good care of Kemi. There are a lot of people outside, so you have to take good care of her body."

Mrs. Nan hugged Ke Mi's arm, and said sourly: "Is mother so unreliable? I really forgot my mother after having a daughter-in-law. All these years, my mother has raised you for nothing and loved you for nothing."

Nan Lichuan touched his nose and smiled helplessly.

Then Mrs. Nan drove Nan Lichuan away, asked sister Zhou to call the driver to prepare a car, and carefully escorted Kemi to the high-end luxury shopping mall in Beicheng.

Mrs. Nan held Ke Mi's arm, not daring to leave for a moment.

She went to several shops with good styles and brands, and she chose a lot of clothes for Ke Mi.

Mrs. Nan has a unique vision, and everything she chooses is quite suitable for Ke Mi.

Ke Mi Since that day, when Chuyang hired a hair stylist to cut her hair, she has grown her hair long. She thought, maybe she should change to a different hairstyle.

Now her hairstyle is shoulder length, with slightly curled ends.

With the clothes Mrs. Shangnan chose for her, she really has the feeling of Xiaojiabiyu, a well-behaved and sweet little girl.

Ke Mi never thought that one day, she would be able to transform into this.

In the past, she was careless and didn't have a long pursuit of clothing image, she just dressed as comfortable as possible.

Now, with a different style of dressing herself up, she really almost doesn't know herself anymore.

Mrs. Nan picked out a lot of clothes for her, and each piece of clothes was expensive.

Ke Mi felt that it was a bit wasteful, so she looked at Mrs. Nan and said, "Mom, just buy a few casually. When the stomach grows, you may not be able to wear these clothes. The clothes here are so expensive, buying too much is a waste..."

Mrs. Nan looked at Kemi with some pity. She knew something about Kemi's family background. She grew up hard and didn't develop the habit of admiring vanity and extravagance. She liked it very much, but Kemi was too much. cautious.

"Kami, do you know what kind of existence the Nan family is in Beicheng? After you become Mrs. Nan, you will be the wife of the president of the Nan Group when you go out. Therefore, whether it is your clothes or your appearance, you must match them. It deserves your status. Although our Nan family doesn't have such rules, we can't lower our class and let others look down on us."

"I picked these clothes for you today. It is my mother-in-law's love for you, my heart, you will not refuse, right? Don't worry, I will help you buy some clothes for pregnant women when your belly grows. Our Nan family really doesn't lack this kind of money. You don't have to be careful, for fear of making me unhappy, I treat you as my own daughter, and you also have to treat me as your own mother. "

Mrs. Nan's sincere words made Ke Mi's eyes turn red.

All the grievances, as these words slowly dissipated, she held Mrs. Nan's arm affectionately, pursed her lips and smiled: "Thank you, Mom, then I will be rude."

"Good..." Mrs. Nan bent her lips into a smile, and stroked Ke Mi's hair.

"Auntie, why are you here?" Suddenly, a beautiful female voice came from the door.

Mrs. Nan looked up, and when she saw a slender and very beautiful woman walking towards her with red eyes, Mrs. Nan's expression changed, she took Kemi's hand, frowned slightly, and looked at the woman .

(End of this chapter)

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