Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1133 I have to get up early tomorrow and get the marriage certificate early

Chapter 1133 I have to get up early tomorrow and get the marriage certificate early

Nan Lichuan hadn't answered yet, but she didn't know that Sister Zhou rushed upstairs after hearing the words.

She quickly ran to Mrs. Nan's side, approached Mrs. Nan's ear, and whispered to her: "Ma'am, the young mistress is tired, you have to talk to the young master later, you can't let him be so unrestrained. I haven't had a girlfriend for so many years. Isn't it the time when the demand is the strongest?

The two of them couldn't let go of each other at home, so they probably went to the hotel today while choosing the ring. "

Although it was a whisper, the whisper was not small, and it reached Kemi and Nan Lichuan's ears clearly.

Ke Mi was so shy that she really wanted to find a place to drill. She gritted her teeth and squeezed Nan Lichuan's flesh. She would settle accounts with him later. Why did she say anything to Sister Zhou? She was tired and her legs were weak and she couldn't walk , isn't this purely misleading others?

Nan Lichuan was unmoved at all, as if he didn't hear what Sister Zhou said to Mrs. Nan at all.

He hugged Komi, and the old god stood there, motionless.

Mrs. Nan's complexion was not very good-looking, she frowned and glanced at Nan Lichuan: "Hurry up and take your wife back, you will come out to me later..."

Nan Lichuan shuddered, never expecting that his mother got angry.

Sister Zhou also glanced at Nan Lichuan with some dissatisfaction, and shook her head slightly: "It's really hard for the young lady, I will tell you later to buy some supplements for the young lady to nourish her body."

Sister Zhou went downstairs to do other things.

Mrs. Nan stared at Nan Lichuan: "Hurry up, Zha Nan..."

Nan Lichuan was taken aback, why did he become a scumbag?Is this what a mother said to her son?

"What are you looking at, put Kemi on the bed quickly, let her have a good rest, and I will settle the score for you later." Mrs. Nan looked at Nan Lichuan disgustedly and angrily.

Nan Lichuan really didn't understand Mrs. Nan's strange brain circuit, so he carried Kemi back to the room and closed the bedroom door.

As soon as Ke Mi lay on the bed, she covered her stomach and laughed softly.

"Hehe... a scumbag? Mom is quite cute, and she would describe her son like that. Mr. Scumbag Nan, let's see if you are bad or not? You deliberately misunderstood Sister Zhou, isn't it just to tease me? That's all right, let's move Are you shooting yourself in the foot with a rock?"

Nan Lichuan was also helpless, what could he do with a mother who cheated her son so much.

He caught Komi, just about to punish her for laughing at him.

As a result, the door was knocked, and the mother's angry voice came from outside.

"Zha Nan, get out of here quickly..."

Ke Mi pushed Nan Lichuan away, hid in the side of the bed, raised a bright face, and smiled brightly.

"Zha Nan, hurry up and take care."

Nan Lichuan's heart moved slightly, his thin lips curled up slightly, and Ke Mi Mingyan's smile was fixed on him, and his mood also improved.

He bent his lips and said in a low voice: "Wait for me to come back and see how I can deal with you laughing at me..."

Ke Mi covered her lips and raised her eyebrows slightly: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

Then, amid Mrs. Nan's second roar, Nan Lichuan reluctantly opened the door and went out.

In the study, Mrs. Nan was full of anger, crossed her arms and said with disgust: "Tell me about you, your daughter-in-law is only pregnant with two people, and you can't hold back your hunger and thirst. How have you tortured her? From today on, you Separate from Komi and never sleep with her again."

Nan Lichuan: "Mom, did you misunderstand somewhere?"

Mrs. Nan: "I misunderstood? I can see clearly with my eyes. Her eyes are so red and swollen. Don't think I'm stupid. I can't see what you have done. I'm not talking about you. You are quite old. , I finally found a daughter-in-law, you can't hold back all this and vent it on her regardless."

Nan Lichuan raised his eyebrows slightly: "What the hell does that mean, let me hold back my anger all these years and vent it on other women?"

Mrs. Nan was taken aback, and immediately angrily reprimanded in a low voice: "Scumbag, you are really a scumbag, how can I have a son like you? If you dare to find another woman, I won't break your legs."

Nan Lichuan was completely helpless, and spread his hands: "Mom, this doesn't work, that doesn't work, what do you want from me? I just took her to a movie, and she was moved to tears by the storyline. I didn't What did you do wrong. I didn't torture her, let alone vent my anger, Mom, what are you thinking about all day long in your mind. "

Mrs. Nan: "..."

Nan Lichuan continued: "Mom, I didn't expect that you have a daughter-in-law, and you don't have the status of a son like me in your heart. Hey, I feel so uncomfortable, like a needle prick."

"Get lost..." Mrs. Nan became furious and kicked him.

Nan Lichuan smiled and dodged.

Mrs. Nan laughed out of anger, and wanted to understand what was going on. The fun of the young couple made her play a role in friendship by mistake.

Mrs. Nan thinks, why is her son a bit black-bellied now?

She glanced at Nan Lichuan. Are you sure this shameless man is her son?

However, this is the first time she has seen Nan Lichuan like this in so many years.

Some are childish, some are nasty, but there are always joys, sorrows and joys.

Mrs. Nan's heart was completely relieved.

She waved her hand: "Get out, get out, I'm too lazy to talk to you anymore."

Nan Lichuan touched his nose, so he was really rejected by his own mother.

These days, is it true that a daughter-in-law is more popular than a son?

Before leaving the house, Madam Nan suddenly said, "I have to get up early tomorrow, and get my marriage certificate early."

Nan Lichuan bent his lips and smiled, ran back to Mrs. Nan as if to flatter her, and hugged Mrs. Nan.

"Mom, I'm finally getting married, are you happy?"

Mrs. Nan sniffed and patted Nan Lichuan's shoulder, her voice choked with sobs: "Happy, happy, it's a pity that your father won't see this day."

Nan Lichuan suddenly felt sad again, his eyes dimmed, and he said sorry softly.

Mrs. Nan: "Silly boy, it's not your fault. Don't think too much. Your wife is still waiting for you in the room. You should go back and be with her. Mom is fine. I'm just waiting to hold my grandson."

Nan Lichuan went back to the room and hugged Ke Mi without saying a word.

He rested his head on Komi's shoulder and remained silent.

Ke Mi didn't ask what was wrong with him, she just quietly stayed by his side, giving him extra space.

In the end, Nan Lichuan hugged Kemi tightly, and said in a low voice, "Kemi, promise me that you will never leave me."

Ke Mi's heart tightened, and she pursed her lips. For some reason, the previous dream suddenly flashed in her mind.

In the dream, Yan Tong came to her and learned that she was pregnant with his child and wanted to marry her.

Ke Mi hurriedly put away the picture that came to mind, and nodded in response: "Don't worry, I will never leave you."

(End of this chapter)

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