Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 1134 1 Pregnant and stupid for 3 years, people also become stupid

Chapter 1134 After being pregnant and stupid for three years, people also become stupid
Early the next morning, before Ke Mi woke up, Nan Lichuan opened his eyes and woke up.

He glanced at the blue sky outside the window, then at the clock on the wall, it was five in the morning.

In the past, he didn't wake up until seven o'clock, but because of the special day today, he woke up very early today.

He set his gaze on Ke Mi's face.

The woman's unpainted face was imprinted in his eyes, he reached out and hugged her into his arms, raised his fingers, and gently stroked the outline of her facial features.

The corners of his slightly pursed lips gradually spread, and then he kissed her on the forehead.

At seven o'clock, Nan Lichuan called Kemi to get up.

Ke Mi rubbed her eyes, and glanced at him angrily: "It's only seven o'clock, why did you call me so early?"

Nan Lichuan stretched out his hand and pinched her nose, he woke up two hours earlier, and couldn't fall asleep because of his excitement, but this woman is so good, she actually slept so peacefully.

He increased his strength slightly punitively: "We are going to get the certificate this morning, have you forgotten?"

Ke Mi's eyes suddenly became clear: "Yes, I got the certificate today, and my memory is getting more and more confused. It's probably because I was pregnant and stupid for three years, and people are also stupid."

Nan Lichuan pursed his lips and smiled, pulling Kemi to get up.

Ke Mi went into the cloakroom, changed into a set of clothes, and then went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth.

Nan Lichuan had already squeezed the toothpaste for her, poured water for her and put it there.

Ke Mi's eyes turned slightly, he glanced at Nan Lichuan, and pursed his lips into a smile.

This man is so careful and caring.

Ke Mi felt that being able to meet Nan Lichuan was probably as lucky as winning the lottery.

After the two packed up, they walked out of the room and went downstairs together.

Mrs. Nan prepared breakfast herself, and made some buns and rice porridge according to Kemi's taste.

Seeing them going downstairs, she greeted them with a smile.

"Come here quickly, eat quickly, and get your certificate quickly."

Nan Lichuan took Kemi by the hand, brought her to the dining table, pulled out the chair for her, and helped her to sit down.

Then, he took a bowl himself and filled a bowl of porridge for Kemi.

Mrs. Nan nodded with great satisfaction, her son finally knew how to take care of others.

The family sat together, and just after breakfast, they heard footsteps coming from the gate.

Sister Zhou walked in from the outside with a smile all over her face, she was very happy: "Ma'am, look who is here?"

Mrs. Nan looked over, and saw two men behind Sister Zhou, one in a suit and leather shoes, and the other in a neat military uniform.

Mrs. Nan's eyes lit up, she quickly stood up and walked over.

She held one in each hand, eyes full of surprise: "Yan Tong, Yan Feng? Why are you here? Didn't one develop in Liangcheng, and the other has been working in the military region? Why are you back in Beicheng at this time?"

When Ke Mi heard Yan Tong's name, her body trembled slightly, her fingers held the spoon, she lowered her head without saying a word, quietly eating buns and drinking rice porridge.

Nan Lichuan glanced at Ke Mi lightly, he slightly pursed his thin lips, and got up to greet his old friend.

Yan Tong looked solemn, glanced at Mrs. Nan, and said in a low voice: "Auntie, I was abroad when my uncle passed away. I had important things to do, so I couldn't make it back in time. Only at this time can I come and have a look. Uncle passed away, Auntie, you have to take care of yourself and don't be too sad."

Yan Feng is Yan Tong's younger brother, he glanced at Ke Mi lightly, then echoed his brother's words and comforted Madam Nan a few words.

Mrs. Nan thought of Father Nan, although she was still a little sad, but she was not as desperate as when she heard the bad news.

Now, she has sustenance and hope in her heart, and she can talk about Father Nan with them calmly.

So, she curled her lips and smiled in relief, her eyes were slightly red, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about me, I'm fine, I've made it through the hardest and most desperate times. In the days to come, nothing compares to that moment It's even worse. Li Chuan's father is gone, but I can't do anything wrong, I have to stay and help Li Chuan take care of the Nan family, and help Li Chuan take care of his wife and children.

Li Chuan's father and I have always hoped that Li Chuan could get married and have children, but his father was unlucky and failed to get his wish until he died.It's all right now, Li Chuan is about to get married, and I have expectations, so I will live well and watch over my children. "

Yan Tong was taken aback for a moment, and then turned his gaze to Nan Lichuan: "Li Chuan is getting married? So soon?"

Mrs. Nan was very happy, she quickly took Ke Mi's hand, and said to Yan Tong: "Come and see, this is Li Chuan's daughter-in-law. Now, she is pregnant with our Li Chuan's child, and there are already two children." It's been more than a month. Li Chuan didn't say anything, it really gave me a big surprise."

Only then did Yan Tong set his gaze on Ke Mi.

Immediately, he frowned slightly.

More than two months?The time was a bit wrong, he remembered very clearly that Li Chuan and Ke Mi had only known each other for only a month.

Nakomi is more than two months pregnant, no matter how you think about this time, it is not correct.

After Yan Tong glanced at Kemi, he looked at Li Chuan again: "Have you made up your mind? Are you really going to marry Kemi?"

Mrs. Nan was slightly surprised, she looked at Yan Tong: "I didn't even tell you her name, do you know Ke Mi?"

Yan Tong looked at Mrs. Nan and smiled: "Auntie, Ke Mi is an employee of my company, and I am her boss."

"Mr. Yan..." At this moment, Ke Mi had no choice but to raise her head and greet Yan Tong.

Yan Tong nodded slightly, and replied: "Well, some time ago you said that you were going to take annual leave. I didn't expect you and Li Chuan to develop so fast. You are planning to get married. You haven't known each other for a long time. You still have to take the flash marriage. Think about it before making a decision.”

Komi: "..."

She was a little at a loss and didn't know how to answer, so she hummed softly.

Mrs. Nan's eyes widened in surprise, a little unbelievable, she was only in shock, and didn't think deeply about the meaning of Yan Tong's words.

"I didn't expect that after wandering around, there is still such a relationship. Yan Tong, this is your fault. There is such a good girl in your company, why didn't you introduce us to Li Chuan earlier, if Li Chuan can meet sooner When they arrived in Kemi, they were already married and had children."

Yan Tong smiled and returned to Mrs. Nan: "I never thought that Li Chuan would like the type of Ke Mi. If I had known earlier, I would definitely be willing to be this month's old."

Ke Mi lowered her head, her fingers tightly clutching the corner of her clothes.

"Haha...Maybe this is fate...Come on, have you and Xiaofeng had breakfast? If not, eat some at Auntie's." Mrs. Nan let go of Kemi, and quickly greeted Yan Tong and Yan Feng .

Yan Feng stood aside, his thin lips curled slightly, and said lightly: "Brother Li Chuan, is it because sister-in-law keeps her head down because she is shy? Why don't you look up and let me see what Brother Li Chuan's daughter-in-law looks like? Sister-in-law is really the first woman that brother is tempted to marry. I am really curious about what sister-in-law looks like."

(End of this chapter)

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