Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 605 You Are Not Me, Why Make The Decision For Me

Chapter 605 You Are Not Me, Why Make The Decision For Me
Chu Yang felt uncomfortable, and blamed himself a little, and was even annoyed that he didn't care about his body.

Immediately she clenched her fists, lightly hammered his chest, and said slightly annoyed: "You are here, where else can I go, I just couldn't get angry, and I deliberately used words to provoke you. Whenever you encounter something, you are eager to push me away. It was the same last time, and it will be the same this time. When can you change this self-righteous virtue, and when can you ask me what I think? You are not me, why should you replace me? I make a decision..."

Mo Han's throat was also choked, and he tried his best to suppress the soreness in his eyes, but the joy in his heart was like a tide that was about to drown him.

He held her tightly in his arms, not allowing her to retreat any further.

"It's my fault. I'm too self-righteous. I don't care about your feelings and push you out time and time again. But pushing you away is digging my heart. How can I let you go?" Why did you leave me? I'm just, I'm just afraid that if one day I can't protect you again..."

In the previous life, it was because he failed to protect her well, thus allowing the bad guys to sneak in and cruelly take her life.

As long as he thought of the pain and suffering she suffered in the last life, he couldn't restrain the anger in his heart, and couldn't help wanting to kill someone.

In his previous life, he killed too many people to avenge her.In this life, even if he sacrificed his life, he would definitely do his best to prevent her from being harmed in the slightest.

Chu Yang sniffed, and rubbed his little face against his chest.

It wasn't until she wiped away the tears and left a stain on his clothes that she raised a pair of slightly red and swollen eyes and stared at him angrily: "As long as we trust each other and fight side by side, no one or anything can hurt you again." us."

Perhaps her eyes were too bright and bright, Mo Han was slightly flustered, the emotions in his heart were like erupting magma, out of control, all overflowing his chest.

How long had he waited for this day, how long had he been looking forward to, but he could not feel the torment and pain in his heart.

Now, can he and her really get through all the hardships, and share weal and woe with one heart and one mind from now on?

The red candle was gently blown by the breeze coming in from the window, the slender flame flickered gently, and the faint light reflected on their faces.

At this moment, it seems that the world is silent, as if they only have each other, and they can no longer see other people and things.

His eyes were filled with her, and her pupils were also filled with his figure.

When the four eyes met, his eyes were soft and tender, and her eyes were shining brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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