Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 606 Chapter 611-612

Chapter 606 Chapter 611-612

"Ahem..." Until a shallow cough sounded outside the door, Chuyang's consciousness was completely pulled back.

So she coughed a few times to cover up, and suddenly thought of the strange behavior of the village chief and what A Luan had said before. An Ming hidden in the dark?"

Mo Han was not surprised, she could guess that his eyes were shining brightly, he pinched her chin, and looked at her: "You're so smart...reward."

"Mo Han, is this reward for you or me?"

"Of course it's for me?" He raised his eyebrows and whispered back.

Chuyang Qi knot: "Obviously I got the answer right, why should I reward you?"

"You guessed A Luan's identity correctly, which means that she is extremely intelligent, and this extremely intelligent woman is my wife, Mo Han. Tell me, does this prove that I have good vision and discerning eyes. Is this Shouldn't I be rewarded?" Mo Han replied arrogantly.

Chuyang was dumb, she was speechless.

This man is as cunning as a fox, she is no match.

Sensing her silence, Mo Han thought she was angry.

"Okay, don't be angry..."

These words successfully made Chu Yang's face blush again.

I never knew that this man could kill people when he talked about love.

She heard too many sweet words, and she was afraid that one of her would be bored to death.

Mo Han held her fair and slender fingers and squeezed them lightly.

"If Anming hadn't led people to the bottom of the cliff in time, Li Chong and I would have been doomed. After Anming rescued us, he was afraid that Yun Lingguang would set up an ambush outside and catch them all. So he brought us here This village in the deepest part of the forest is also fate, but I never thought that there is nowhere to find it when you break through the iron shoes, and it will take no effort to get here. In the end, this disaster is inevitable for me. Good fortune."

"I'm here, and I met a person who looks somewhat similar to you..."

The wonder in this world is not a surprise arranged by God.

Sadness comes first, but luck follows misfortune.

When Chu Yang heard this moment, a trace of excitement surged up in her heart. She looked up at Mo Han, suppressed the heat in her eyes, and asked in disbelief.

"Do you mean that person is Miss Zizi's mother?"

Mo Han knew the excitement and expectation in her heart, and he couldn't bear to lie to her about anything, so he nodded in acquiescence.

"That's right, Miss Zizi's mother is also your mother, Ling Yumo, the eldest lady of the Ling family..."

Chu Yang covered his lips in disbelief, tears slipping down uncontrollably.

Mo Han sighed slightly, stretched out his hand gently, wiped the tears from her cheeks, and said with some distress: "Don't cry, they are all well, they love you very much, they never thought of abandoning you, everything It's all a trick of fate."

Chuyang lowered her head, her shoulders trembled silently, she quickly got up from Mo Han's arms, and helped him sit back on the chair.

"Mo Han, I want to see her, where is she?"

"Don't worry, you still need to know the identity of another person before meeting her." Mo Han held her hand, telling her to be calm.

Chu Yang didn't understand the meaning of Mo Han's words, and looked at him with some doubts.

Mo Han's eyes did not meet Chu Yang's, but looked at the door, and said in a low voice, "Uncle Qiu, you can come in now..."

Uncle Qiu?Chu Yang frowned, full of doubts in her heart, she glanced at Mo Han, but followed his gaze and glanced at the door.

At that time, the door of the room was gently opened, and the village head and Gu Yuan, who had a somewhat ugly face, walked in.

Chu Yang ignored Gu Yuan's expression and just stared at the village head, full of doubts and puzzles intertwined in her chest, making her urgently want to know the answer.

(End of this chapter)

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