Chapter 607
After only seeing each other for a few minutes, Chu Yang felt that the village chief seemed to have turned ten years old all of a sudden.

His tall body was slightly bent, and when his cloudy eyes looked at Chuyang, they were stained with a layer of water.

He staggered towards Chuyang step by step, and when he got to Chuyang's side, he couldn't help reaching out and grabbing Chuyang's other hand.

The hand holding Chuyang was so hard, but trembling.

The moment the skin touched, the tears flowing in the bottom of his eyes slipped down without hesitation.

It is said that men don't cry easily, let alone a man about 50 years old, who has gone through years of trials and hardships, what else in this world can make him lose control of his emotions like this.

Chu Yang stepped back slightly, somewhat resisting the abrupt behavior of the village chief.

"Village Chief, calm down..."

The village chief stared at Chu Yang's behavior of avoiding him like a snake and a scorpion, his eyes filled with sadness.

It seems that there are thousands of words to tell her, but where to start.

At such a close distance, he was like a mute, he could only watch her cry, but he didn't have the courage to say a single word to her.

The tears that have been accumulated for decades, just flowed out in one go, and the tears flooded without making a sound.

Chu Yang looked at Mo Han helplessly, and called out in a low voice as if asking for help: "Mo Han..."

Mo Han sighed slightly, patted Chuyang's hand, and encouraged him: "Chuyang, don't panic, the village chief has no malicious intentions. After all, he has been separated for so many years, and he can't control himself..."

When Chuyang heard Mo Han comfort her with words such as separation of flesh and blood, love is hard to control.

Chu Yang only felt a flash in front of her eyes, and a certain awareness slowly rose from the bottom of her heart. She widened her eyes and turned her gaze back to the village chief in disbelief.

"You mean, he...he is..."

The village chief wiped away the tears on his face with his sleeve, seeing Chu Yang's guarded attitude, he didn't dare to do anything to scare her.

He curled his lips into a smile, with a kind light shining in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "Did you scare me? It's all my fault, I'm too excited..."

Chu Yang stared at him blankly, unable to react to the current situation.

She never thought that her father, whom she kept in her heart so much and didn't dare to touch easily, would appear in front of her in such a way.

Her father?The one who created her life but failed to protect her.

Mo Han squeezed Chuyang's palm with some distress, and said softly, "Sit down first and then talk..."

The village head nodded repeatedly, turned around and greeted Gu Yuan to take a seat, and then called his servants to serve tea.

Several people took their seats, and the village chief stared at Chu Yang unblinkingly, unwilling to move away.

During this period, Mo Han held Chuyang's hand tightly. He wanted to give Chuyang some warmth and strength through his own body temperature. He wanted her to know that she was not alone. No matter what, she still had him.

The tea and snacks were put on the table. Although Chu Yang was a little hungry, she didn't have any appetite.

Countless doubts intertwined in her heart, making her restless.

Unable to avoid the village chief's scorching gaze, she could only face it calmly.

The village chief sighed softly, looked at Chuyang full of guilt, and said in a low voice: "Back then, less than a day after your mother gave birth to you, you were taken away by bad guys, and you have never been heard from since. She traveled all over the city by herself. She searched for you everywhere in the streets and alleys, without closing her eyes to eat for several days and nights, looking for you like a madman. In fact, her mental state was not good at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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