Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 608 I Killed Her Life

Chapter 608 I Killed Her Life

When mentioning this past event, Chu Yang only felt the pain in her heart, she looked at the village chief calmly, and asked in a low voice.

"Where were you then?"

This sentence stunned the village chief, and made him feel extremely guilty.

He drooped his head and smiled miserably: "At that time, I was about to succumb to the coercion of my parents and marry another woman with a child..."

At this moment, Chu Yang only felt that her breathing was cold, and she didn't know anything about her father, so when she heard this sentence, she was filled with grief and indignation, which made her mad like mad.

"Marry with a child? That is to say, you betrayed my mother and had a child with someone else while she was pregnant? So you don't care about the lives of our mother and daughter, and prepare your own wedding at home with peace of mind? Even if I was stolen, Even though my mother is going crazy looking for me, you have been enjoying the coming wedding life?"

Mo Han frowned, and hurriedly interrupted Chu Yang: "Chu Yang, don't worry, listen to Uncle Qiu finish..."

"Uncle Qiu? I would like to know, what is his relationship with Qiu's family in Liangcheng, Mrs. Qiu Yunya, and Qiu Yiren?" Chu Yang smiled instead of anger, turned to look at Mo Han, his eyes lowered coldly roared.

Mo Han clenched her hand tightly and remained silent. No matter how he answered, it seemed that no matter what he answered, it would be wrong.

There are some things that he hid from her before.

Only then did the village chief get up slowly tremblingly. He took a deep breath and looked at the cold and angry Chuyang.

After a long silence, he supported his knees and slowly knelt towards Chuyang.

"Chuyang, yes, I am Qiu Heng who has been missing from the Qiu family for many years. Yunya is the bride who married my son, and Yiren is my daughter."

"What happened back then was my fault. It was my indecision, my cowardice, my lack of strength, and my soft heart that led to the tragedy of your mother and daughter being separated for more than 20 years. It was my fault. , It's all my fault, I don't ask for your forgiveness, I just ask, can you not blame your mother. These years, she has lived too hard, she lives like a walking dead, she is always thinking of you……"

Qiu Heng's kneeling really shocked the other three people.

Mo Han's leg was hurt and he couldn't move, Chu Yang stood up in shock, unable to speak a word.

Gu Yuan immediately stepped forward, supported the village chief, trying to pull him up.

"Uncle Qiu, why are you bothering, you will only scare Chuyang..."

Qiu Heng knelt on the cold floor, refusing to get up, he kept shaking his head, his heart aching like a knife.

For so many years, it was as if a knife had been stabbed in his heart, as long as he shook his body slightly, there would be excruciating pain there.

This knife cannot be pulled out, let alone touched.

He could only let the wound fester day by day, and endure the painful torture day by day.

"It was I who killed her all her life. I provoked her, but I failed to protect her. I let her be murdered by a traitor, and made her what she is today. Chuyang, I don't ask for your forgiveness, I just want you to forgive her." I beg you to be filial to her and take good care of her in the future. As for those who hurt you in the past, I will definitely not let you go..." Qiu Heng pushed away Gu Yuan's support, straightened his back, and looked at Chu Yuan firmly. Yang, solemnly promised.

Chuyang smiled coldly. At this moment, she only felt extremely ironic.

It turned out that she and Qiuyiren were half-sisters, no wonder Yunya and the others wanted to poach her heart in exchange for Qiuyiren. It turned out that she and Qiuyiren were close in blood, so after changing the heart, the heart rate was greatly reduced. rejection rate.

(End of this chapter)

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