Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 609 I will take you to see her

Chapter 609 I will take you to see her
The exchange of her and Qiu Yiren's life may really make Qiu Yiren live until he dies.

This world is really wonderful. The grievances and hatreds of more than 20 years ago can spread to her today.

Even though her identity has been buried for so many years, even though no one knows that she is Qiu Heng's daughter, fate still arranges a bad relationship between her and Qiu Yiren.

They fell in love with the same man, had the same father, and even her heart was suitable for the Qiuyi people.

Oh, it's ironic.

"Then do you know that for her daughter, Yunya has always planned to take my heart and give it to Qiu Yiren? Mr. Qiu, let me ask you, if one day Qiu Yiren really dies , only my heart can save her, will you kill me and save her?" Chu Yang regained his grief and anger, raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked with a sneer.

Qiu Heng's face was pale, and he stared blankly at Chu Yang: "You mean, they want to take your heart and give it to Yi Ren? Yun Ya, that femme fatale woman, how could she think of such inhumane and inhuman way? "

"Chuyang, you are my daughter, you are the child of my most beloved woman, how could I be willing to hurt you to save Yunya's daughter? For so many years, I have been hiding in this dark place , in order to find you one day and be able to see you with my own eyes. With you taking care of your mother, I can rest assured. Don't worry, even if I risk my life, I will die with Yunya and wipe out this scourge. Our people are dragged into hell together..."

Chu Yang trembled, and looked at Qiu Heng in surprise.

Qiu Heng met Shang Chuyang's gaze and smiled miserably: "I owe you too much in this life to your mother and daughter. If there is an afterlife, I will definitely leave everything behind on the first day I meet your mother and take her away from the bustling city. Live in seclusion in the mountains, and never ask about worldly affairs."

After saying this, he took a step forward, regardless of whether Chuyang agreed or not, he hugged Chuyang.

"Let me give you a hug, my daughter. I haven't seen you since you were born, let alone shoulder the responsibilities and responsibilities of a father. It's my fault, I failed your mother..."

Chuyang only felt cold all over her body, so cold that she lost consciousness, and she didn't know how to react to Qiu Heng like this.

But for a moment, he let go of Chuyang, then squinted his eyes, and looked at her: "You must really want to know where your mother is and how she is now, don't you? Come with me now, and I'll take you to see her ..."

Speaking of her mother, Chu Yang's hard and cold heart softened a little.

She looked back at Mo Han helplessly. Mo Han sat quietly on the chair, looked at her with a smile on his face and said, "Go, your mother has been waiting for you for so many years. will wake up completely."

There was something in Mo Han's words, which made Chu Yang frown.

Feeling apprehensive, she followed Qiu Heng through countless corridors and rooms, and finally stopped at the door of a room.

The moment she opened the door, she thought she was dazzled, all the furnishings in the room were mainly pink, the door curtains were pink, the table, sofa, coffee table, curtains, wardrobe, and even the double bed were all pink pink.

She couldn't help but stood at the door in a daze for a long time without moving.

Qiu Heng stepped into the room first. On the sofa, he found a woman in her 40s who was knitting a pink scarf with her head bowed.

(End of this chapter)

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