Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 610 I Knit Another Scarf For My Daughter

Chapter 610 I Knit Another Scarf For My Daughter

Qiu Heng's brows and eyes were warm, with a smile on his lips, he slowly squatted in front of the woman, his eyes were full of tenderness.

He took her hand in his big hand and asked in a low voice.

"Yumo, what are you doing?"

Although this woman is about 40 years old, the years have not left traces on her face, her skin is still fair and translucent, her eyebrows are picturesque, and her facial features are exquisite.

Compared with the haggard Qiu Heng, she looks more than ten years younger than Qiu Heng.

At the same time, her eyebrows and eyes sat peacefully in a field of pink, and the delicate color set off her even more softly.

The outline of the facial features, if you look closely, is really somewhat similar to Chu Yang.

Hearing the voice, the woman raised her head slowly and glanced at Qiu Heng. Her dark and bright eyes were filled with joy. She grabbed Qiu Heng's hand and whispered softly, "Look, I wove another one for my daughter. Scarves, she is ten years old today, and the scarves she knitted before were too short. The weather is getting colder, so I have to knit them quickly, otherwise, what if my little Gege catches a cold? "

Hearing this, Chu Yang's heart trembled suddenly, the palms hanging down at the hem were clenched unconsciously, the sharp nails were embedded in the palms, and the palms were wet.

She stood at the door in a daze, looking at Ling Yumo in disbelief, her body began to tremble involuntarily.

Qiu Heng took it for granted. He smiled again, picked up the pink scarf she wove, and said with praise: "Yumo, the scarf you wove is so beautiful. If Gege sees it, she must like it very much. But, our Ge Ge is not ten years old, she is already in her 20s, and she is already a big girl."

Ling Yumo was suddenly upset, she grabbed the scarf from Qiu Heng's hand, held it in her arms, and gave Qiu Heng a look.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Gege was still doing her primary school homework yesterday. She couldn't do it when she had problems, and I helped her do it together. But in just one day, how could she become a big girl in her 20s? Really, you often bluff me with words, saying that she is gone for a while, and that she has gone to school for a while. Especially when you go to bed at night, you actually say that she is going to college and staying at the school. "

"You have arranged so many reasons to lie to me all day long, and I don't believe your nonsense anymore. Well, if you have nothing else to do, don't bother me. I don't want to see you now."

While protecting the scarf, Ling Yumo pushed Qiu Heng.

"Hurry up, don't delay my time, I have to knit a scarf for Gege quickly, don't you see that it's snowing outside? If there is no scarf to keep out the cold, she will catch a cold." He looked in the direction of the window behind him.

In the dark night, thin raindrops drifted gently, and those thin raindrops were blown by the breeze, and the rainwater fell into the window and stained the pink curtains.

Ling Yumo frowned, and hurriedly got up and walked to the window. While closing the window, she muttered in a low voice: "This snow will fall as soon as it is said. I have to be careful to protect the curtains, otherwise it will be stained by the snow, and my Gege will fall again." I'm not going to be happy."

Chu Yang looked at the scene in front of her, Ling Yumo's actions and words, her heart was burning hot and aching.

Missing girls?So, her mother, the day she was stolen by the bad guys, was already crazy?

For more than 20 years, she has been immersed in fantasy day and night, imagining that her daughter will grow up by her side, and she will accompany her daughter's growth every year.

(End of this chapter)

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