Chapter 611 My Daughter
Tears slipped down from her eyes uncontrollably, and Chu Yang felt uncomfortable and anxious, as if a big hand was pulling her heart fiercely.

It never occurred to her that her mother loved her more than she imagined.

Choking and crying, slowly overflowing her lips, she couldn't control it, and she didn't want to hold back anymore.

She raised her footsteps and walked step by step towards the graceful and beautiful mother who looked like a girl.

Qiu Heng stood up slowly, watching Chu Yang slowly walk towards Ling Yumo, his eyes turned red again unconsciously.

He lowered his brows and raised his hand to wipe the corners of his eyes, trying to wipe away the wetness there.Not only did Ling Yumo wait for this moment for many years to make his sight clearer, but this moment, isn't this moment what he was looking forward to day and night?
Ling Yumo heard the crying, turned around slowly, and looked at Chuyang.

Those eyes full of bewilderment, the moment she looked at Chu Yang, it was as if she had just woken up from a dream, and her eyes gradually became excited and painful.

With a puff, the scarf in her hand fell to the ground. She had long since ignored the scarf, and her eyes were fixed on Chuyang.

But for a few seconds, she felt as if she had just woken up from a big dream, her body shook slightly, and then she stumbled towards Chuyang.

She hugged Chuyang, her body trembling, and she choked up in a low voice: "My princess, my daughter, are you finally back?"

Chuyang's heart was fluttering, as if he had nowhere to go. The next moment when he heard the voice of my daughter, her tears flooded, and she couldn't restrain her emotions anymore. She hugged Ling Yumo and cried softly.

The mother and daughter hugged each other tightly, crying hoarsely.

It seems that they want to shed all the tears in this life, as if only crying can fill their pain of being separated for so many years.

Half their lives were separated, their fate was wasted, they were played by fate, after many years, they reunited again, this moment is extremely precious, so precious that no one can separate them again.

With trembling palms, Ling Yumo slowly held Chuyang's face, and slowly touched the contours of her facial features with her fingers.

Those eyes, nose and lips are just like her.

No words are allowed, no reminders from anyone are allowed, even though they haven't seen each other for more than 20 years, even though they are like strangers, she can still recognize at a glance that this is her daughter.

This is the daughter she has been missing for more than 20 years and misses every day and night.

Every cold night is her most painful moment, so all kinds of scenes are transformed in front of her eyes, and little princesses of various ages and appearances are transformed into little princesses.

She paralyzed herself with hallucinations that her daughter was always by her side.

Her daughter never left her, and her daughter grew up year by year by her side.

So every day of the year, she keeps preparing clothes and daily necessities for her daughter, and even the room is decorated by her into a dream paradise.

Girls like pink and dreamy and romantic things, so everything she prepares for her daughter is pink. Only pink can make her calm, and only pink can vent her pain and panic for so many years.

Day after day, she looked forward to herself, paralyzed herself, and was even more immersed in the dreams she wove and couldn't extricate herself from.

Everyone told her that such a small baby was stolen, maybe sold to a remote area by human traffickers, and even she might be beaten into a disability and used to make money.

(End of this chapter)

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