Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 612 From now on, our mother and daughter will never be separated

Chapter 612 From now on, our mother and daughter will never be separated
The worst plan is that maybe she died, and the small body was buried in the soil, and no one would find it for decades.

The world is so big, where can she go to find it, and can she find it?
Now, her daughter finally came back, the shock brought to her by the huge impact, and the uncontrollable pain from her heart made her consciousness wake up all of a sudden.

Her arm tightly held Chuyang's arm, with such a tight force, it seemed that if she relaxed a little, her daughter would disappear again.

She was afraid that all this was another dream, so she raised her other hand and twisted her arm several times.

The pain in her skin made her moan a few times in pain, but the tears did not fall from the pain, but tears from joy.

"My daughter, it's really my daughter who came back. My child, it was your mother's fault that you were stolen back then. My mother didn't protect you well. My mother should look at you without blinking, and don't let the bad guys When I was asleep, I had an opportunity to take you away secretly."

"It's all my mother's fault, it's all my mother's fault, you are so small, you were only born for a day. You didn't even open your eyes wide, you didn't take a good look at your mother, and your mother didn't even see your facial features clearly , you were taken away by the bad guy who killed thousands of knives. Mom has never hated anyone in her life, but mom hates herself and the person who stole you. If you let me know who took you away, even if I have risked my own life, and I will also tear his body to pieces."

Chu Yang burst into tears and laughed, looking at her crying and laughing mother, her whole heart was filled with warmth, she leaned over gently, and took the initiative to hug her tightly again.

Chu Yang has been looking forward to the warmth and smell of his mother for many years.

When she was young, she often wondered why her biological parents didn't want her and why they abandoned her.

Is she not good enough, so they hate her and discard her like garbage?
Now, when the truth is presented in front of her eyes, when she sees her mother who misses her like a madman, she falls into madness because of her.

All the limbs and bones in her body were boiling. It turned out that she was not a child abandoned by her parents. It turned out that her parents loved her very much.

Never thought that one day, she would also have the long-awaited family relationship.

Chu Yang raised his hand and stroked Ling Yumo's back gently, with a gentle and firm tone.

"Mom, don't cry. I'm back. From then on, our mother and daughter will never be separated again. I will make those who gave us pain pay a painful price."

This cry of mother completely broke Ling Yumo, she was so excited that she couldn't speak, and could only cry bitterly.

Standing aside, Qiu Heng saw with his own eyes that his wife woke up like a dream the moment she saw Chu Yang.

He was both excited and happy. Seeing the mother and daughter crying together, he couldn't help but stand aside and shed tears.

In the past, in order to treat Ling Yumo's illness.

He invited the world's most famous psychiatrist, or followed the doctor's instructions, to find a spiritual sustenance for her, and Zizi came back from the orphanage to raise her.

Qiuheng tried various methods, but none of them could make her wake up.

Now, Chu Yang just stood in front of her without saying a word.

Her wife, with just one look, immediately recognized Chuyang as her daughter.

With just such a light glance, her illness miraculously healed, and no medicine was allowed. At this moment, Qiu Heng finally understood that her heart disease needs medicine from the heart, and Chuyang is her heart medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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