Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 613 The Old Man No Woman Wants

Chapter 613 The Old Man No Woman Wants

Qiu Heng sighed, lifted his steps quietly, and walked out of the room slowly, leaving more space for the mother and daughter.

The loneliness in his heart is not absent, and he also really wants to hear Chu Yang call him dad.

However, he understood that all of this was just wishful thinking.

In his whole life, he owed their mother and daughter too much, so much that even if he gave his life, he couldn't repay it.

However, he could no longer escape, and at this point, his daughter was finally found, and he had fulfilled his wish for many years.

Therefore, he no longer had any worries, and finally he could formally walk out of this forest and step into Liangcheng.

Yun Yajiu has occupied the magpie's nest for so many years, and it's time for her to atone for the evil things she did back then.

All the things that belonged to Chuyang, he had to help her get them back with his own hands and hand them over to her, so that he could rest assured.

After leaving the room, Qiu Heng didn't stop walking, walked all the way through the corridor, and returned to the room where Mo Han was again.

Pushing open the door, Qiu Heng saw two men sitting next to each other, whispering to each other.

It seemed that he was planning something, and when he sensed him entering the door, Mo Han gently raised his eyes to look at him, and then glanced behind him as if there was nothing in his eyes.

Qiu Heng knew that he was looking for Chu Yang, so he approached, picked up a steaming cup of tea, held it in his hand, and replied in a low voice: "Yumo is very happy to see Chu Yang, after all, it is mother and daughter, the blood is the same. In the same way, Chuyang was not allowed to say anything, Yumo only took one look at her and recognized Chuyang."

Mo Han slightly pursed his lips and smiled, and said in a low voice, "We all owe Chu Yang too much. I hope that in the years to come, we can work hard to create a carefree future for her."

Qiu Heng's eyes flickered slightly, and his eyes fixed on Mo Han became more and more pleasing to the eye.

He is very satisfied with this son-in-law, not only loves Chuyang deeply, but also he and Yumo are the greatest benefactors in this life.

If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't be able to find Chuyang.

Perhaps it was an arrangement of fate, this reunion was destined to be set up by Mo Han.

"What were you discussing just now?" Qiu Heng asked calmly.

For the future, they are already standing on the same front because of Chuyang. They are the closest family members of Chuyang. The bloody storm.

Mo Han's eyes were deep, and he looked at Gu Yuan, and then Gu Yuan said: "Ling Yi is still waiting for us outside the village, the boss has asked An Ming to pick him up just now, after he comes, let's discuss going back together." After arriving in Liangcheng."

Qiu Heng's heart sank, and upon hearing the name Ling Yi, a small figure involuntarily appeared in his mind.

Those sly eyes flashed in his mind from time to time, and he sighed softly: "It turns out that the Ling family has recognized Chuyang. After more than 20 years, that kid Ling Yi has grown up, right?"

When mentioning Ling Yi, Mo Han couldn't help but think of those times when he and Ling Yi had flirted with each other. Even though Ling Yi is his eldest cousin now, he has to settle some accounts with him.

Immediately, he couldn't help but snorted coldly: "Hmph, it's not just growing up, he's almost becoming an old man who doesn't want women..."

Qiu Heng's face froze, and he glanced at Gu Yuan without knowing why, Gu Yuan shrugged slightly, showing that he didn't know.

Mo Han's thoughts changed, and he thought that this time Ling Yi accompanied Chu Yang to find his whereabouts, and what he did this time somewhat offset the anger accumulated in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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