Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 614 You are a wolf-hearted bastard

Chapter 614 You are a wolf-hearted bastard
So he smiled softly and looked at Qiu Heng: "Uncle Qiu, let's wait for that old man, there are many things we still need the help of this old man."

As for Mo Han's temper, Qiu Heng learned a little bit through this period of contact.

He knew that Ling Yi must have done something to anger Mo Han, otherwise Mo Han would not be so vengeful.

Hey, it's not easy for him to get involved in these young people's fights. One is his wife's nephew, and the other is his daughter's husband.

After pondering for a while, he nodded quickly without saying anything.

A quarter of an hour later, Ling Yi arrived with a team of people.

An Ming had already explained the cause and effect to Ling Yi on the way here.

So when Ling Yi came, he just glanced at Mo Han, and then at his leg: "You are not really disabled, are you? If so, I advise you not to drag our Chuyang down, our Chuyang You were not worthy of being so outstanding before, but now that your legs are useless, you are even more unworthy."

Ling Yi's words were nothing more than adding salt to Mo Han's wound.

Mo Han tugged at the corners of his lips, but said nothing. He and Chu Yang already had a connection, and he would never push Chu Yang out because of his leg injury, so he didn't care what Ling Yi said.

Ling Yi saw that Mo Han didn't speak, he leaned closer to Mo Han, and reached out to touch Mo Han's forehead: "Why didn't you speak, did you jump into the sea once, not only broke your leg, but also broke your brain?"

Gu Yuan sighed slightly, and quickly rescued Mo Han: "Mr. Ling, don't tease Boss Mo anymore. The most important thing for us now is to discuss how to deal with the fake situation in Liangcheng when we return to Liangcheng." Mo Han, right?"

Ling Yi withdrew his hand, and looked at Mo Han suspiciously again, Mo Han's icy eyes shot towards him immediately.

Ling Yi couldn't help but chuckled softly, and his mood brightened instantly.

Although he has already approved the marriage relationship between Mo Han and Chu Yang in his heart, he still doesn't want Mo Han to be too embarrassing.

As a big cousin, he has to do a good job as a brother to supervise his sister-in-law, and play the role of a big patriarch.

Otherwise, if Mo Han bullies Chuyang in the future, no one will be able to suppress Mo Han.

Ling Yi rolled Gu Yuan's words in his heart again, and then he smiled and said: "There is nothing to discuss, I will immediately send someone to kidnap the fake Mo Han secretly, or let the real Mo Han return directly Liangcheng, expose the true colors of that fake..."

Regarding Ling Yi's statement, Mo Han remained silent. He held the teacup and did not speak from the beginning to the end, but his thoughts were spinning in his mind.

Seeing that Mo Han didn't answer, Ling Yi felt bored, so he glanced around, when he saw Qiu Heng sitting in the corner.

There was a look of hatred in his eyes.

Coldness shot out from him unconsciously, he clenched his fists, and rushed towards Qiu Heng without saying a word.

Mo Han sensed the situation immediately, and he immediately called An Ming to stop Ling Yi.

Qiu Heng asked Mo Han not to intervene, he said that he owed Yumo and the Ling family.

Even if Ling Yi beat him to death, he didn't complain at all.

Ling Yi gritted his teeth and cursed, and slammed Qiu Heng's face with a fist.

"You wolf-hearted bastard, when my aunt gave birth to a child prematurely, the child was stolen just one day after it was born. My aunt searched day and night to find the child. How much suffering she suffered and how much torture she endured , Where were you at that time, ah... who was it at the time, in front of my grandparents, solemnly swore that you would protect my aunt forever, and love her forever. In the end, she suffered for you Suffering, but what about you, you at that time, you who loved her deeply, where are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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