Chapter 617

"Chuyang, Mo Han specially asked me to prepare these. He said that he not only wants to give your parents a generous gift for their recognition, but also wants to add joy to your happiness and hold a grand wedding with you. In order to prepare For these, Li Chong has traveled all over Beicheng, searched all the skilled craftsmen, day and night, and deliberately made this wedding dress." Qiu Heng was happy in his heart, and his face couldn't help showing joy, holding the red wedding dress , leaned in front of Chu Yang, and showed her the exquisite embroidery and exquisite workmanship.

With a smile on his lips, Li Chong pushed aside the crowd, and even walked up to Chu Yang step by step holding a phoenix crown inlaid with gold, ruby ​​and diamonds.

"This phoenix crown, but I spent a lot of manpower and material resources to live up to Mr. Mo's entrustment, and finally finished it tonight."

This phoenix crown is worth tens of millions, and the most ingenious thing is its exquisite craftsmanship. The hollow flower shape is inlaid with dark red gemstones, and under the gemstones are inlaid with beautiful tassels, especially the design of the eyebrow pendant, which highlights the whole Fengguan's ingenious artistic attainments.

Chu Yang's eyes became hot from watching, and the uncontrollable joy and excitement in her eyes intertwined in her heart.

Never thought that one day she would be able to wear Fengguanxiapei and hold a Chinese-style wedding with Mo Han under the witness of her parents.

Such a grand gift as heavy as a thousand pieces of gold brought her a mixture of sorrow and joy.

Mo Han's eyes were fixed on Chu Yang tenderly, and he stretched out his hand to hold her fingers tightly.

"Go and put it on, I really want to see how stunning you will look when you are wearing Feng Guanxia. The guests waiting outside are already waiting, you have to hurry up."

Chu Yang turned his head and looked at Mo Han, his limbs and bones were throbbing with emotion.

Tonight, she originally thought that she would encounter another bloodbath, and she had even made plans for him to die.

Unexpectedly, he had already been guarding here, just waiting for her to step in, into the many surprises prepared for her.

Although most of them were pleasantly surprised, they were not without anger.

She was angry with Mo Han, he was clearly out of danger, why didn't he let Li Chong inform her, why did he keep her in fear for so many days, why was he able to hold his breath, and stayed in this small village waiting for her to come look for him.

Isn't he worried that these legs will never heal because of the longer delay?

Although there were all kinds of doubts in Chuyang's heart, this time was not the time for her to worry about it.

She bit her lip, suppressed her emotions, nodded to Mo Han, and followed Qiu Heng into the changing room.

Everything in this village is ancient.

So there is no shower or anything, only a large wooden bucket is placed inside a screen, filled with steaming water, and red rose petals are sprinkled in the water.

Everyone put the wedding dress and phoenix crown on the dressing table, and then they all exited the room. Qiu Heng glanced at Chu Yang gently, and said in a low voice: "You take a bath first, and after you take a bath, I will ask the servants to dress you up Never thought that one day I would see my daughter happily married in a phoenix coronet..."

In the last sentence, Chu Yang heard the choking in his voice.

She didn't speak, but looked at Qiu Heng with complicated eyes, and nodded silently.

Qiu Heng chuckled cheerfully, then turned around and stepped out of the threshold to close the door for her.

In the room, Chuyang was the only one left.

She quickly ignored the sour emotions that flashed by, and whispered: "Don't cry, you are the happiest woman in the world now. Smile, you have to laugh, and you have to know how to protect the people you care about." ..."

(End of this chapter)

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