Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 618 Her Own Wedding

Chapter 618 Her Own Wedding
In her previous life, she had a lot of misfortune for more than 20 years, and she had no relatives to accompany her. At the moment of her final death, she was plotted by others again, and she died in vain with hatred for Mo Han.

That life was extremely miserable and made her experience the most painful pain in the world.

Now, God gave her another chance to come back to the next life. She not only found her relatives, but also dreamed back to her previous life, knowing the secrets she didn't know in the previous life.

Since then, the knot between her and Mo Han has been completely resolved. For her now, it can be said that her family and love are all in her own hands.

Today's happiness is hard-won, and she will never let this hard-won warmth dissipate like a flash in the pan.

She wants to hold this happiness firmly in her own hands, and she will no longer allow those villains to succeed and hurt the relatives and friends she cares about.


Take a bath, make up, put on the fiery red wedding dress, and put on the phoenix crown.

At this moment, Chu Yang stared at the person in the mirror in a daze.

The slender fingers gently stroked the delicate facial features, and the shock and disbelief could not be concealed in the bottom of the eyes.

Never thought that one day, she would be able to wear a red wedding dress and a yellow phoenix crown to hold a wedding ceremony with her beloved.

The women who dressed her around looked at her beautiful face and admired her in low voices. They said that they had never seen such a beautiful bride in their life.

Chu Yang's cheeks turned slightly red, he lowered his head and pursed his lips into a smile, and clasped his hands hidden in his sleeves, which made him a little nervous.

The women said a lot of compliments, Chu Yang acted like a little girl, just bowed his head in silence, pursed his lips and smiled silly.

Even though she was used to the scene, facing this moment, her own wedding, she still couldn't hide her nervousness.

The auspicious time has come, Qiu Heng called Chu Yang a few times outside.

Those chattering women stopped for a while, then took the red hijab, covered Chu Yang, and helped her walk out of the room step by step.

The hijab is made of tulle fabric, so Chuyang can vaguely recognize the appearance of the people around him.

When she was supported and stood in front of Mo Han, she saw Mo Han sitting on a wooden wheelchair, stretching out his hands to Chu Yang.

Chu Yang's heart beat faster, and her palms were already wet. She pursed her lips, and nervously reached out to put her hand into his big palm.

There was a chuckle, and Gu Yuan walked up to Chuyang, curling his lips and congratulating him with a light smile.

Chu Yang whispered a thank you, Gu Yuan tried his best to control his lost emotions, stepped forward and hugged Chu Yang.

He hugged Chuyang tightly, and then said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Chuyang, I only hope that you can be happy, forever happy, I wish you and the boss..."

After a hug, only a few seconds later, Gu Yuan didn't even have time to wait for Chu Yang's answer, he let go of Chu Yang first, turned and left.

Chu Yang's heart was a little sour, and his eyes watched Gu Yuan's figure gradually disappear through the hazy gauze.

She only hopes that one day in the future, Gu Yuan can find his own happiness. She believes that somewhere in this world, there must be a girl waiting for him, and God will definitely arrange a beautiful marriage for him. Gu Yuan.

Ling Yi squinted and walked over with a smile, took out a green jade bracelet from his pocket, and put it on Chuyang's wrist.

"This gift has been prepared a long time ago, but I haven't been able to find a suitable opportunity to give it to me. This is great. I finally gave it tonight. Although I don't agree with you and Mo Han being together, your father is very happy." Agreed, my cousin has no right to take care of it, besides, if it wasn't for Mo Han who tried his best to protect you last time, you might also be in danger."

(End of this chapter)

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